291 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[] 投稿日:2007/03/17(土) 00:09:07 ID:Ab+b3+0M [1/2]
Your life is a failure. Would you like to quit?
-> Yes
Quitting life... remaining time: several tens of years
In the meantime, please find someone you like, something you like doing, something you like, and live your life to the fullest
295 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[] 投稿日:2007/03/17(土) 01:32:53 ID:JykEsU4q
I cried
297 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[] 投稿日:2007/03/17(土) 04:32:27 ID:AEcrSN+1
What do you want from me!!!
410 :名無しさん@恐縮です:2008/12/29(月) 01:49:13 ID:/6K4zFLS0 6歳の
My daughter wrote what she wanted in a letter a few days ago, and placed it by the window, so I, with my husband, quickly peeked inside, taking care not to rip the Hello Kitty seal, and inside she'd written:
"Dear Santa, please give my dad medicine to fix his cancer! Please."
My husband and I looked at each other and forced a laugh, but I slowly grew more and more sad and ended up depressed (lol)
Last night, after my daughter went to sleep, my husband placed a PuriCure doll (which she loves) and "medicine that heals cancer," a regular packet of powdered medicine.
The next morning, our daughter woke up and was happy about the doll, but was more happy about the medicine, and even screamed in happiness.
She immediately ran to my husband, eating breakfast, and made him drink the medicine, saying,
"Look! Santa gave me medicine to fix daddy's cancer! Drink it!"
My husband went, "Wow! My body, it feels a lot better!" and my daughter followed, "Yay! Now I can go hiking in the mountains, can go to the zoo, and can go to the school athletic festivals, too~!"
... and then my husband gradually looked sadder and sadder, and finally stifled his voice and started crying.
I was about to cry too, but I focused on stirring miso soup, and scooped up a bit in my ladle and took a sip, to try to regain my composure.
My husband made an excuse, "the medicine's making me tear up."
Later, after our daughter had gone to a neighbor's house to play with the PuriCure doll, my husband turned to me and said,
"Next year you're the Santa... take care of her."
and I finally broke down and started crying.
91 愛のVIP戦士 2007/02/13(火) 13:59:52.86 ID:buLV7ONW0
Ah, it's already been 12 years...
I was totally fixated on the IRL back then.
And I had something I really wanted.
I mean, nowadays when I think about it I don't really know why I wanted it so much, but...
I wanted a globe. Obviously, one with the country and region names.
I wanted it so much that, I abstained from snacks, helped out around the house a lot, and slowly accumulated my allowance, every day.
And after about a year, I was finally able to buy the globe I wanted.
I remember it now. It glowed blue, and I showed it off to my friends.
And then...
The USSR collapsed two days after I bought it.
506 名前:Classical名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:08/07/22(火) 21:09 ID:s/.IjaNc
Female middle school, defeats a wild bear attacking their camp with a kick; "I was half-asleep and mistook it for my little sister"
|||| ^ω^)/ ̄/ ̄/ "My big sister"
( 二二つ / と) My big sister kicked a bear when
| / / / she was camping, and made it run away.
|  ̄| ̄ ̄ It even went on mainstream news, and she became famous.
|| ;ω;)/ ̄/ ̄/ She kicks me every day.
( 二二つ / と)
| / / /
|  ̄| ̄ ̄
507 名前:Classical名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:08/07/23(水) 01:37 ID:GYazns2M
I guess that's how it'd be...
508 名前:Classical名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:08/07/23(水) 02:08 ID:Emr0R3nk
So the little sister is stronger than a bear
509 名前:Classical名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:08/07/23(水) 02:58 ID:SBTsmsc2
I guess that's how it'd be...
19 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん 投稿日:02/12/13 12:07 ID:kf9E/pmK
It's not really a fantastic memory, but...
I'm the type that eats a big breakfast
Sometimes I even ate three slices of bread in a day.
So, one day my mom brought home like, ten loaves of bread.
I mean, that made no sense, so I told her, "there's no way i can eat this much" and she replied
"OO eats a lot of bread, so I bought a lot, that's all..."
Well, you know, it's sort of a waste of money, so we split it across two days and ate it all.
Four days later, my mother passed away.
According to my father, she'd been told that she had little time left by the hospital, but it'd be kept secret from us kids.
I think the bread was my clumsy's mother's way of trying to show a final bit of caring.
Things you realize after you marry
423 :素敵な旦那様:05/02/15 00:49:01
My wife is a 2-dan in Karate.
She's slim, and her limbs are also slender...
But once, we had a shouting match and she stuck her knuckles around my armpit to hit a pressurepoint(?)-ish place to hit something like a fist(?) very lightly,
and I went "heuh" and quickly went down.
Even though I have like 30cm and 40kg on her (T-T;
... what are you, from Grappler Baki?
424 :素敵な旦那様:05/02/15 00:50:32
Just from an outside perspective, your wife's pretty cool.
425 :素敵な旦那様:05/02/15 01:04:43
Hey man, but when you end up on the receiving end of that you piss your pants!
And when I looked up, she had the cold eyes of a fighter!
I mean, I was an athlete, too, so to hang onto my pride, I fought the puking feeling and forced myself to stand, and then she patted my head, and said,
"... let's stop"
with a voice filled with love, like the Virgin Mary!
Imagine being there trying to be the "strict by reliable man of the house," after that sort of episode what am I suppose to do? I mean, I love her, but I didn't fall in love with THAT part of her!
Who's a girl you seriously thought was like an angel?
957 2007/05/02(水) 19:54:11 ID:rWrg66y4 [sage]
Probably my wife.
When she smiled, she's so cute.
She used to do calligraphy, so she has very good posture, and her handwriting is, of course, beautiful.
She was more beautiful than cute.
Recently she started dying her hair brown, totally angelic.
Like she's from a Rembrandt painting.
I don't even need to go to heaven to see an angel every day.
Seriously, I don't think there's such a beautiful person that often.
When you have a wonderful wife, you start longing to get home.
483 :優しい名無しさん:2008/04/19(土) 03:49:56 ID:V3IcyPvl
"Emergency Notification:
You and a patient in the Bone Marrow Bank have matching HLAs, and so that person has been chosen as a donor candidate."
More than once, I had tried to throw my life away, but this patient was waiting for me.
I ended up crying aloud, repeating "sorry" and "thank you."
I will never do something that stupid again.
720 名前:('A`)[] 投稿日:2009/03/04(水) 12:08:38 0
When I order pizza, I put out a lot of shoes at the foyer and raise the volume of the TV.
Even though I'm the only one here.
178 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2010/01/16(土) 01:44:19 ID:8JhvPkSe
At an italian restaurant I went out to eat with my colleagues, there was a 30-ish year old couple in the next table.
Man: Thanks for your hard work <- toast
Lady: ... can you at least say happy birthday?
Man: Ah, happy birthday!
Lady: ... thanks
They were really silent. I was just an onlooker, but it felt really awkward. But after a while, the store became dark, and along with a happy birthday song, an employee came with a cake with candles. Congratulations, lady!
Lady: Ah! <-- looks at the man happily
Man: ...
The cake went right past that table and toward five girls LOL
Man: Did you want me to do that?
Lady: ... not really
The five girls were celebrating wildly lolol cmon read the mood lol
168 名前:(名無しさん@4周年[] 投稿日:04/01/17 10:43 ID:X7vkUwRR
It's the real deal at the Central Exam tomorrow!
I'm so nervous...
Everyone else taking the exam, we're allowed to stay home from school as a break today, right?
169 名前:名無しさん@4周年[] 投稿日:04/01/17 10:57 ID:zUQVRYG7
. . .... ..: : :: :: ::: :::::: :::::::::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Λ_Λ . . . .: : : ::: : :: ::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
/:彡ミ゛ヽ;)ー、 . . .: : : :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
/ :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、 ::i . .:: :.: ::: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
/ :::/;;: ヽ ヽ ::l . :. :. .:: : :: :: :::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::
 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ ̄
It's today and tomorrow
Good luck next year
To have this happen from the start of exam season...
173 名前:168[] 投稿日:04/01/17 11:10 ID:X7vkUwRR
I looked at the exam timetable
It was, apparently, both today and tomorrow...
When I told my parents, they cried. I got yelled at. And beaten.
When I called my teacher, I got yelled at. I was told to come to school immediately.
I'm going to school now... am I screwed?
764 名前:おさかなくわえた名無しさん[] 投稿日:2009/04/30(木) 00:38:56 ID:loD3656Z
When I was fired from my previous workplace, all the employees gave me a present.
When I went home and opened it,
there was Dasai Osamu's "Failure of a Human" and Kobayashi Takiji's "The Crab Ship"
15 :名無しさん@十周年:2010/06/25(金) 08:14:46 ID:NPSy7f600
Listen to the story about me and my little brother.
I have a little brother much younger than me. I'm 22, he's 14.
My brother was bullied at school and tried to commit suicide at 13.
It ended in a failure, but he hasn't gone to school since.
Failed suicides tend to repeat themselves.
At the time, my parents wouldn't take their eyes off him, and my mother even quit work.
This brother ended up reading Ill-natured Cupid, YuYuHakusho and HunterxHunter, after being influenced by me.
(Level E has some nasty stories so I didn't let him borrow that)
My little brother started talking after that, and completely stopped wanting to commit suicide.
'Course, he hasn't gone back to school but whatever.
And, last night.
Me: You okay now?
Him: Hm? Suicide? I'm good for now
Me: For now?
Him: I dunno what I'll do when Hunter ends, though
Sounds like a joke but he's probably serious.
Togashi-sensei, thank you very much.
Also, feel free to remain on hiatus for as long as you want.