My phone stopped working just recently, one that I had for about 3 years, and I've been wanting to purchase a new one, a smart phone. The ones I liked the most are iPhone 4, samsung galaxy S and the htc Desire. Sadly, my classmate already has the htc Desire and I don't want the same phone.  I spent about 4 hours reading/watching reviews and comparisons between the iPhone and the Galaxy, and from what I recall, it's all about preference between the OSs.
Samsung has a bit of a faster browser, has flash, iphone has more apps, etc. The specifications are more or less the same with both being kind of equal, at least to me. iphone does have issues with calling but the voice quality is richer so it kinda balances out. Which brings us to the biggest difference and the most major one, the operation system. I have never in my life used the android nor the iOS 4.
I'm really clueless about which phone I should buy. Does anyone have any of these phones? Any quick reviews you could give me? Or is there someone who actually tried both? Is having flash a huge deal for the samsung and is it something to buy the samsung for even though the iphone looks better?
Any help would be much appreciated as I don't want to make the wrong choice and just reading reviews and comments (who all vary) who all say to choose it by the OS I like don't help me much and don't feel personal, too - I have no idea what are the good and bad sides of the OSs. Also, the difference in prizes is not a big issue.
I wont say anything about the iphone cause fanboys will cry. I have a desire and its pretty cool, so if your friend has one, u can get the Desire HD (bigger screen better overall) and rub it in his face 
We are friends I don't want the same phone he does because I don't want to copy him when there are 2 other excellent choices on the market that nobody has.
IMO it all comes down to the network you will be using it on. In America (your nameplate seems to suggest your are in/from the Czech Republic, go ahead and ignore this is so), the carrier that you use your phone on has a tremendous impact on the service you can get with your phone. Things like call reception (although to be honest I rarely call people these days), tethering, and other features can or can't be used on certain carriers. It's important to research not just what the phone can do, but what is actually allowed. For instance it is totally possible to change your ringtone on the iPhone, but without jailbreaking it Apple doesn't allow that functionality. Tethering (using your phone as a modem or data connection for your laptop) is generally disallowed by most carriers (or if allowed requires a separate fee).
And on top of all this the plan that you choose makes a big difference. Unlimited Data or not, Unlimited texts or not, minutes, etc. All this stuff is important to decide BEFORE you get into a store or else the sales people will eat you for lunch and stick you in a contract that doesn't give you what you want. Make sure to be clear about what you need (Unlimited texting, free weekends, etc) and the in-store people will generally be able to work something out.
All of that said, I personally have a HTC Incredible that I really like. It's not the same as an iPhone, but I don't want that. I enjoy having greater control over my hardware, and I pay for it by getting a less polished user experience. Everything is tradeoffs. Just like in Starcraft.
did you know you can watch sc streams on android?
Apparently you ignored the HD in "Desire HD". Its not the normal Desire. What you should do is look for reviews that compare the HTC Desire HD vs the Samsung Galaxy S and get the one you think is better.
On December 18 2010 07:03 pshych0 wrote: Apparently you ignored the HD in "Desire HD". Its not the normal Desire. What you should do is look for reviews that compare the HTC Desire HD vs the Samsung Galaxy S and get the one you think is better.
I did not. I looked at the HTC desire HD, but again, getting an upgraded version of his mobile would be probably even worse. The choice is between the galaxy s and the iphone. I've been looking at some more reviews and whenever I feel like I'm inclined to buy one(the galaxy one for flash), I always look at the other one and see a big advantage again(iphone 4 looks fucking good). I just can't decide.
So thats how you would justify spending a lot of money on a phone that could be worse than the Desire HD? Honestly i'm not sure which one is better (desire hd or galaxy S), im just saying thats a pretty silly reason.
...also, dont get the iphone
On December 18 2010 07:16 pshych0 wrote: So thats how you would justify spending a lot of money on a phone that could be worse than the Desire HD? Honestly i'm not sure which one is better (desire hd or galaxy S), im just saying thats a pretty silly reason.
...also, dont get the iphone Afaik, the differences in the phones themselves are not as major as that. Also, why not the iphone? It does look the best.
On December 18 2010 07:18 OutlaW- wrote:Show nested quote +On December 18 2010 07:16 pshych0 wrote: So thats how you would justify spending a lot of money on a phone that could be worse than the Desire HD? Honestly i'm not sure which one is better (desire hd or galaxy S), im just saying thats a pretty silly reason.
...also, dont get the iphone Afaik, the differences in the phones themselves are not as major as that. Also, why not the iphone? It does look the best. I recommend the iPhone, if it's about the same cost to you. I've used my friend's and read a lot about it, and I own a US version of the Galaxy S. I would have gotten an iPhone if I was on the necessary carrier in the US, but I'm not.
In my opinion, iphone has the highest build quality out of all smartphones and I have an ipod touch so I can also say that the Apple appstore is awesome, the best in its field. The downside is no flash but there is already a youube app, and lots of other websites have mobile versions for iphone specifically. But iPhone does have a slightly smaller screen so if you want a larger screen you should get a Galaxy S.
Nexus S also just came out in the US, don't know if it's in Europe yet. Supposedly, it's just a better version of the Galaxy S. You might want to look into that. Oh, and I'm guessing you know about "antennagate", the problem where you might hinder your iPhone's reception if you hold it a certain way. It's somewhat exaggerated and solved with a case but you should take it into consideration if you want an iPhone.
Because looks are not the most important factor. Actually, they are least important. Also, save for the number of apps (and that's changing slowly), iPhone doesn't have have anything on Galaxy S. Plus it's hella overpriced.
Seriously, just get Samsung.
I'll take a closer look at the Nexus S. If it's the same as the Samsung S and is not plastic, I'll definetly go for that. As I expected, though, half people say iphone half samsung.. Man, this sucks.
get the phone you won't regret buying. If I were you though, I'd get the nexus S. Its gonna have all the updates from Google as soon as they are released unlike what they do with the captivate and whatnot. The iPhone 4 is also really good but I'm starting to like Android devices more than the iPhone OS.
The nexus 5 definetly looks good. But I don't know when it will ship to Europe and I can't tell if it looks better than the galaxy S or the iphone. Man I'm never going to choose a phone like this.
I have nothing bad to say about my iPhone except that it REALLY sucks for drive texting :p.
You may want to hold off on getting a smartphone until new Android phones are announced at Consumer Electronics Show 2011. However, that's only if you want the latest and fastest phone. I've heard that smartphones with the Tegra 2 processor from Nvidia are going to make splashes in 2011.
The Galaxy S also has GPS issues, but although they may have released a patch for that. You may want to look into that.
I like the iPhones for their build quality, but I'm an Android guy first and foremost, mainly because of the potential of the OS.
I'd say iPhone but I have heard that it doesn't work as well in the US because of all the carrier issues. I have a friend with Galaxy S, seems ok. Really, like computers, it depends on what you want to use it for and how much you like to tinker etc.
i have an htc incredible. got it for free at best buy. you can too during holiday season! free smartphones ftw! they are great phones too!