Hey TL! Just here to get some opinions and vent my own. So today my dad took my dog Nugget to the vet, she's 10 years old and im only 16 xD haha so you can imagine how long I've had her. Anyways, once there the vet said she's got some serious issues with her kidney and we can simply not afford to fix them.
First off, you have no idea HOW BAD I feel that we can not fix my dog. I'm legitimately fighting back some tears as I write this becuase I just feel terrible. What kind of owners can't afford to fix their fucking dog and have to kill it? That's just fucking terrible. I work a job and I spent my money on stupid shit and now when the time comes I do not have money for for what really matters. We're putting her down tomorrow and my other dog wont stop cryihg which makes me cry and I just feel SO BAD TL I just need to tell TL about how bad I feel. So TL, any advice is welcome. Stories are great. TLDR:my dog is getting put down and I just feel terrible
now I feel sad too 
Hopefully your dog won't have to suffer anymore pain now gl with everything
Understand that your dog is very old and it's just his time to go, preferably in a plastic bag into the river nearby.
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On December 11 2010 07:59 tealc wrote: im dumb what is humor
You're not amusing, and you won't last long here.
Sorry to here that op... =(
We had to do that to one of our dogs. She was a beagle, Snoopy, and we had her from when I was about 5 till 12 years old (got her from the pound). She lived to be about 16. For the last 3 years of her life she had no eyes because she had some disease that was causing them to swell up to twice their size. But she still knew where to go cause she was used to the house. In the end, we had to put her down because her stomach ruptured or something. Very sad, but I could take peace in knowing that I gave my dog a good life, and so can you.
Miss you Snoopy!
Just remember, Nugget lived a good and decently long life. And he was probably happier with his life than any of us our with ours! Don't feel bad that the operation is too expensive to afford, it would probably decrease his quality of life anyway.
This thread is just going to get more depressing, isn't it? I'm sorry man - stuff like that is hard. Offtopic - + Show Spoiler +anyone else find it weird that we can put down animals, but when euthanasia is brought up about humans, its met with disgust?
I already had this discussion in one of the similar blogs, and i was yelled at, but i just can not understand how, after having a dog for 10 years, since you were 6, you still don't treat it like a human being. Would you put down your parents if they had a kidney problem?
I had to do that to my cat a while back, it was sad but you get through it and try not to be so hard on yourself. The dog is sick and its not your fault.
eLiE that's so sad 
I just got a 2 month old beagle recently (well my parents did) and I can't imagine what it's gonna be like come that day...
But your post is great in that its a reminder that at least you guys are the ones that your dogs were lucky enough to have.
On December 11 2010 07:59 tealc wrote: Understand that your dog is very old and it's just his time to go, preferably in a plastic bag into the river nearby.
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while the whole comment is rude and totally inappropriate, the first part is actually true
just appreciate all the time you spent with your dog and realize that that's just the way things are... especially with dogs who unfortunately don't have a very long life span.
i personally think they're now in a better place. if you're the kind of person who believes in that kind of stuff, it makes the whole thing easier to accept.
and if you could, give your dog a proper burial. that would really help.
On December 11 2010 08:10 Comeh wrote:Offtopic - + Show Spoiler +anyone else find it weird that we can put down animals, but when euthanasia is brought up about humans, its met with disgust?
I guess it's a bit odd, (my opinions) but people don't value the lives of animals as much because they only live a few years longer with an expensive surgery, and they aren't valued as much as humans. They can be easily replaced, and people even eat what we'd call our pets. Probably also has to do with interspecies stuff. We don't feel so bad killing other animals, but when it's another human it becomes unnatural. It all comes back to what we value/our dominion over other animals. I'm a bit torn on the issue. I'm against euthanasia in humans for sure.
On December 11 2010 08:10 Sfydjklm wrote: I already had this discussion in one of the similar blogs, and i was yelled at, but i just can not understand how, after having a dog for 10 years, since you were 6, you still don't treat it like a human being. Would you put down your parents if they had a kidney problem?
Dude, he doesn't have the money.
To the OP, I can understand how you feel. My dog is getting on his years as well
I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Please don't feel personally responsible, there is no guilt in putting down a pet despite how terrible it feels. These types of operations are viciously expensive to the point that a sixteen year old could never hope to pay for it, and it would cripple most adults.
Ignore the trolls telling you to treat your dog like a human being. What do they want you to do? Drop school and pick up a full time job to pay this off? That is asinine. Dogs are pets, which are fantastic in their own right, but they are not people.
Keep your chin up and love your dog during the time you have left her. Best wishes.
We had to put down a dog too, rough times for the family but there was little we could do.
It's sad, but remember all the cute dog pictures.
I remember my dog was 16 when he died, so was I. Helmet lived a good life.
I think you should take heed from all the other owners here who lost their pets or had to put them down. Death is part of all life and you're still kinda young but you should learn that its something you're gonna have to accept sooner or later. Your pet lived a better life than most and be happy that you provided that for your pet.
I'm not gonna say I agree that pets are the same as humans, or that you should even consider treating your pet like your parents
+ Show Spoiler +On December 11 2010 08:10 Sfydjklm wrote: I already had this discussion in one of the similar blogs, and i was yelled at, but i just can not understand how, after having a dog for 10 years, since you were 6, you still don't treat it like a human being. Would you put down your parents if they had a kidney problem?
Seriously? Your pet you've known for 10 years is on the same level as those who gave you birth and cared for you? I don't like my parents much but even I can understand a pet is not the same as a human caretaker and guardian.
but you should know that the most humane thing you could do is either come up with the money some way some how or just accept that putting it down is better than letting it suffer. Look at it this way, if a vet, someone who has dedicated their life to bettering the life of domestic animals recommends putting it down as a valid choice then what do you really have to say to that?
I think the sickest thing i saw was some guy intentionally run over a dog lying in the middle of the street. That ruined my week.
Sorry about the dog I have a puppy myself and I can't imagine if something happened to him.
On December 11 2010 08:10 Sfydjklm wrote: I already had this discussion in one of the similar blogs, and i was yelled at, but i just can not understand how, after having a dog for 10 years, since you were 6, you still don't treat it like a human being. Would you put down your parents if they had a kidney problem?
Why would you treat an animal like a human, that doesn't even make sense. a 16 year old dog is oooold, even if the kidney is fixed it's just buying time & what kinda time? Who knows how difficult it's life is already.
We had a 15 something old dog who started to have all kinds of problems but we wouldn't put it down. In the end he stopped eating so we knew he wanted to die. Can't imagine how shit the last six months for it were. For your possibly best friend, a quick and painless death is the least you can do.
E. teal´c I feel bad that the best nick on the site is such a horrible poster
Alright here we go. I just Aristotled a reason why euthanasia for animals isn't bad like it is for humans. A human going through terminal suffering can still experience positive emotional experiences due to higher cognitive function. This means things like family encounters, coming to terms with illness, experiencing life (e.g. make a wish foundation, or appreciating some sort of artistic work), religion, etc. These comforting activities are lost on an animal who lacks the mental capacity to enjoy them (outside of primal contact, like petting or something). However, this physical comfort is minuscule compared the the physical pain it is experiencing, and the animal has no ability to psychologically counter the suffering. I think this justifies ending the suffering of animals (had to post this, the idea was bugging me).
Never feel bad that you have to put the dog down, especially if you don't have the money for insanely expensive surgeries. I hope this helps.