Real life has caught up with me, and I won't be able to visit Team Liquid for some time. I'll be back in the future, but right now I just don't have room for distractions. I'd like to thank this community and site for being so awesome. I'd like to especially thank the mods and people who do the thankless job of running this place. It's the best forum I've ever visited and is tremendously well run. Thanks everyone for making this such a great place.
I'd like to leave you all with a small update on my sister, the one from my previous blog who started to take an interest in the Starcraft games at MLG Dallas. She's still as cute as ever, and she's been practicing all three races against the very easy computer. She's really learning the game very quickly, and she always begs me to log her onto SC2 to get some games against the computer in. Zerg is still by far her favorite race, and banelings are still her favorite unit. My brother showed her how to make units follow each other, and so one time I walked in and she had a long conga line of zerglings, roaches, and infestors. She would move the first zergling and all the rest would follow it in a line. It was super cute. Her favorite map is Steppes of War, because she likes to brutally murder the "Hippo" in the center while laughing maniacally (don't worry those of you who are squeamish about violence, she's very nice outside of Starcraft, and I used to click on critters all the time in WC2 until they'd explode and so far I haven't assaulted anyone).
She also has adorable nicknames for a lot of the units (although sadly she's starting to use more of the actual names): Zerglings are "squeakers" or "little squeakers" Infestors are "fatties" Ultralisks are "big fatties"
Once again, thanks TL for being a great community, and I'll see you guys in the future! Edit: Here's the previous blog on my sister http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=166949
United States4549 Posts
So, so adorable. Best of luck in your endeavors! Hopefully when you're back you'll have more cute stories of your sister hehe
Good Luck outside, and nice nicknames at those units,, just another proof to say zerg units are cute and not all disgusting etc...
Nooooooo, not the Ursadaak calf!
I never read any of your posts, or recall doing so, but I'm sorry to hear you'll be away. Good job on being strong with your priorities, though; it's 2AM and I'm supposed to be memorizing a ton of shit by tomorrow.. meh
Wow, I don't think I've ever felt that i wanted a little sister... EVER. that changed after reading this ;___; and don't worry. TL will still be here when you come back : D
Your sister must be hands-down one of the coolest kids there is.
big fatties!
see you when you get back.
hahaha so cute but the hippo it doesn't do anything but gets murdered :'(
Anyway, any of you guys found out that when you kill the URSADAAK, it splanters and shows up with a huge dong.. will show you guys the picture, once I'm infront of my computer.
As always your lil sis is pretty cute infestors fatties
Oh, I remember that blog about your sister. Could you put the link of the previous blog in the OP. I think many people here may want to take a look at it since your sister is so adorable. GL HF with your life and come back to us in the future!!!
See you later kishkumen. Your sister is awesome. Handle your business and get back to us
Australia8532 Posts
Dude a massive +1 to your sister - she is fucking awesome!
No point in saying goodbye for good .. you'll come back.. once this place takes hold.. it's all over haha..
sooo cute ^^ the nicknames arw adorable, little squeekers lol :D
well good luck IRL!
The next ZergGirl in the making!!!
haha, cool that you updated us on your sc2 sister. the first blog was really adorable to read and this one sounds just as cool. so good luck on whatever you are doing IRL and mad props to your sister. maybe we'll see her in a booth soon, haha.
Soooo cute lol. Hope you put an order in for one of those baneling plush for her!
Teach her to do a 6pool squeaker rush!
But seriously that is absolutely adorable!