So, I'm an avid player of a wacraft 3 dota mod called "OMG Mode." In this map, you choose a hero who'll be your skeleton, and a set of skills out of all the skills that are available in the game.
The biggest fun of this map is all the ridiculous combos you can make i.e. +400% damage every 12 seconds + 100% cleave to 100AOE every 6 seconds etc etc.
Anyway, this map's popular enough that there are two groups of hosting bots that constantly host the games. That's good and all, but the problem comes when these guys decide they're important enough to talk to the mapmaker who converts regular DotA into this type, and change the map as they see fit.
They've already disabled many possible combos, and with every revision of the map the list of banned combos just keep growing.
What the fuck? Why are they playing "omg" mode then if they don't want to play with or against different combos? What are they smoking?
You see, the point of the map isn't to be balanced. It's to just have fun, relax, and go crazy with different skill combos. And yet these noobs are calling all the shots and disabling all combos they think are "imba as fuck" (meaning they're too noob to deal with it)
It's not like these combos are any worse than a typical 4-stun combo. There's a reason the maximum number of stuns a hero has in regular dota is 2 - though plain, you'll soon realize that getting 4 stuns/nukes on a ranged int is the surest way to win these "omg" games.
Oh, now that I said this, I bet next time they'll limit the number of stuns you can get! LOL
Self important ignorant fucks can't handle being owned so instead of increasing their skills they rely on completely disabling it -_- so pathetic.
ah w/e. I was banned from their bot for 14 days for "badmouthing" their noob "mods" too much. Sigh.
Thanks for letting me post this in Blogs, btw.