Hello my readers and scrollers. I am back with some more. This blog, is a tribute to my tournaments in this weekend and me on streams.
First, news:
1- Infrawhite is a 2000 point diamond zerg player now. Sup.
2- I'm as good as ever and did 2 capoeira workouts after a long long time. Go Grupo Muzenza!!!
3- I am in the practice group of Scrimpton (supdood) and we're something like 8-9 people. Scrimpton, DarkSide, Blakes, whatever you use, you're the man. And your accent is awesome. Icarium, Karthick, I don't know what's your TL nickname, you're awesome as well. So is your coaching.
In this weekend, I joined 2 tournaments:
1- Teamspeak TL Open #1
2- Go4SC2 #59
You can easily learn my results if you look at the brackets of each respective tournament, but it would be better if you don't. At least for now. My results are not anything impressive at any sort, but well. This blog is for my experiences, isn't it?
As I'm in TeamLiquid.net right now, I should start with TL Open, right?
Before going on any further, play this song:
So let's kick in!
First round, on Steppes of War. I actually don't know what to do, and I don't have a friggin idea as well. I was talking to Elsid before we started, he suggested me to 6pool on that map (Sup Elsid).
But, fortunately I got rid of that map by getting a bye from the first round and my opponent is none other than NecroSaint, who is a 1157 point Diamond Protoss player from England and I am a 1176 point Silver Zerg player from Turkey and also a very good stalker (LOL). Also, he probably gave me the best ZvP game I've ever had. It can be the best game ever for me. Thanks NecroSaint, I'd like to play more games with you man, if you're reading or scrolling, sup.
What I wanted to happen:
I wanted to play a good straight up macro game, and win if I can.
What actually happened:
+ Show Spoiler +
Well, I had my macro game. Actually, I had 2 macro games. Because I dropped out of the first one. But well, he was just better than me and he would beat me anyway even if I didn't drop. So congrats NecroSaint. And thanks for the best 2 games I've had.
So, let's go game.
+ Show Spoiler +
OK, I spawned on the 2 o'clock base of scrap station and he spawned at 12 o'clock. I started off with a hatch-first into roaches and he started with a 3 gate expand into 4th gate.
By the 7th minute mark, we had our first engagement, he tried to poke my roach-speedling with some gateway army of 2 sentries, 2 stalkers and 2 zealots and I pretty much neglected his attack.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/0J7si.jpg)
By the time I made an extra hatchery, he made a proxy pylon, warped in some forces to bust through my rocks, but I killed all his forces and then his pylon.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/irQiO.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/TLVoh.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/wjWyp.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/CFmnj.jpg)
I later on cancelled my hatchery for refunds (which is probably one of the 2 biggest mistakes of me in this game) and went on to break his pylon and expand behind that force.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/uNDHU.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/Rv2YY.jpg)
But, after that I tried to engage his defensive forces with this force (which is the 2nd of the 2 biggest mistakes in this game) instead of just sitting there and trying to defend my third, lost every single thing in my hand while my 3rd was being completed.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/aaGMY.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/nToR4.jpg)
After that, he just decided to move out with his forces and he came across my third. I lost some newly macroed forces along with my 3rd.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/YC8Bv.jpg)
After that, he teched to colossus, got his third, gathered up some forces and guess what: My electricity went off.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/WQeUw.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/bZKJK.jpg)
Why did you move out in the first place you noob shit, you could just get your third and turtle up to ultralisks before roflstomping this guy
My thoughts about the first game is written in italic in the previous spoiler.
+ Show Spoiler +
So, the overall look at the series:
1- Ridiculously shitty decision making.
2- Less shitty macro.
3- Mechanics didn't improve a bit.
4- Multitask still sucks.
5- Minimap control also sucks.
6- Everything except macro sucks. Macro sucks as well, but not half as badly as other things.
Despite everything, if I hadn't made that shitty decision in the first game, I could have won the game so badly that my opponent wouldn't ladder any more let alone joining another tourney. You probably can't see it but I'm nerdraging so hard to myself right now.
And this is what happened in Teamspeak TL Open #1. I got myself roflstomped, Elsid (one of my practice partners) got 6pooled in the first round (at least I could qualify for the 2nd round man, what up! I hope you're either reading or scrolling), and sorry all my readers and scrollers (especially Meapak_Ziphh, TheAntZ, Elsid, BLinD_rawR and my other loyal followers) for not giving you a shoutout in both of the tourneys (someone has to remind me about shoutouts before Teamspeak TL Open #3 because I probably won't remember myself).
So, the next tourney, Go4SC2 #59. This time, I really had hopes for going to the round of 512, because I had good games against a diamond player in Teamspeak TL Open #1. But, my opponent was YokiPOYO, who is a 2.6k diamond terran and I was like HyungJoon at his first time in courage.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/ZPJid.jpg)
What I wanted to happen:
A straight up macro game, maybe a win.
What actually happened:
+ Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/JY1Iz.jpg)
This is how I treat the bunker rushers
The story: I was looking elsewhere until bunkers were 90% completed. And I did a hatch-first on a 2 player map against Terran and something was constantly telling me not to hatch first. I have to listen that something in the future. Definitely I have to.
Ladder diaries:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/sIFJF.jpg)
Being a little bit BM doesn't hurt, does it?
I recently crushed a "slightly favored" gold player in the ladder to get the 4th place in my division. Btw, B in BM doesn't stand for bad, but for Boyardee.
For those who don't know what Boyardee is:
There are levels of bad manner:
1- Very slightly bm
2- Slightly bm
3- BM
4- Hard BM
5- So hard BM
6- So damn hard BM
7- IdrA
8- Boyardee
I have reached all these levels in my SC2 career.
EDIT: I just realized that I forgot to post my replays. Thanks to Chef for reminding me. Dude I don't know how you did that, but it worked wonders.
Today's replay pack:
My featured streams:
Yeah boy boy, there are some streams that I watch whenever I catch it. Here are them:
1- PhoenixWeRRa:
This guy is probably the best Zerg streamer on TL.net in terms of SC2 gameplay. Watch it whenever you see it. But he stopped streaming ever since that WeRRa scandal happened and this guy is just MIA right now.
2- konadora:
Everybody knows konadora. And everybody watches his stream as well. So do I. I still follow SPL and watch his stream all the way.
3- iCCup.Raelcun:
LOL this guy's stream is just so good. He plays games that I never heard of and streams them. Watch it. Highly recommended.
4- ROOTCatZ:
This is the stream that I've been watching non stop since it started. His builds are so good and funky and he's awesome in execution. Besides that, his stream is just hilarious.
5- LimeNade:
I actually stopped watching him since he changed his b.net nickname to BloodThirsty, he was better before. At least more hilarious. But still, he has a solid gameplay.
6- fevax:
A zerg player from Turkish National Team of SC2 and also a streamer on TL.net. He occasionally streams here. It may look like nothing special but still I'd pick him over Rigid, Magulina or decemberTV. He also participates in chat, especially if you can speak Turkish.
7- Rigid:
I occasionally watch him as well, he's as good as fevax or LimeNade. But when I watch him, I just watch. Don't participate in chat or anything else.
8- Magulina:
A consistent Top 200 player in both EU and NA, also a featured streamer on TL. But I don't watch him unless he does something different than laddering.
9- SpecialEndrey:
His casts on tournaments are so damn good. I love his accent and his voice. If you watch him for the first time, you may not fully understand what he says, but he's good. So good.
10- RageQuit.TV:
I watch RQ only when Ipp casts, because Ipp is hilarious. I love when he plays benny hill or anything like that.
But, I always watch iccup.tv, day9 or most of the bw streamers over my top 10. I watched The_13abyKnight a few times as well (I liked him when he played DotA under TheShit), but his SC2 stream is not as interesting as his DotA gameplay. Still he's my 11th.
See ya later guys, thanks for reading or scrolling down to here.
First, news:
1- Infrawhite is a 2000 point diamond zerg player now. Sup.
2- I'm as good as ever and did 2 capoeira workouts after a long long time. Go Grupo Muzenza!!!
3- I am in the practice group of Scrimpton (supdood) and we're something like 8-9 people. Scrimpton, DarkSide, Blakes, whatever you use, you're the man. And your accent is awesome. Icarium, Karthick, I don't know what's your TL nickname, you're awesome as well. So is your coaching.
In this weekend, I joined 2 tournaments:
1- Teamspeak TL Open #1
2- Go4SC2 #59
You can easily learn my results if you look at the brackets of each respective tournament, but it would be better if you don't. At least for now. My results are not anything impressive at any sort, but well. This blog is for my experiences, isn't it?
As I'm in TeamLiquid.net right now, I should start with TL Open, right?
Before going on any further, play this song:
So let's kick in!
First round, on Steppes of War. I actually don't know what to do, and I don't have a friggin idea as well. I was talking to Elsid before we started, he suggested me to 6pool on that map (Sup Elsid).
But, fortunately I got rid of that map by getting a bye from the first round and my opponent is none other than NecroSaint, who is a 1157 point Diamond Protoss player from England and I am a 1176 point Silver Zerg player from Turkey and also a very good stalker (LOL). Also, he probably gave me the best ZvP game I've ever had. It can be the best game ever for me. Thanks NecroSaint, I'd like to play more games with you man, if you're reading or scrolling, sup.
What I wanted to happen:
I wanted to play a good straight up macro game, and win if I can.
What actually happened:
+ Show Spoiler +
Well, I had my macro game. Actually, I had 2 macro games. Because I dropped out of the first one. But well, he was just better than me and he would beat me anyway even if I didn't drop. So congrats NecroSaint. And thanks for the best 2 games I've had.
So, let's go game.
+ Show Spoiler +
OK, I spawned on the 2 o'clock base of scrap station and he spawned at 12 o'clock. I started off with a hatch-first into roaches and he started with a 3 gate expand into 4th gate.
By the 7th minute mark, we had our first engagement, he tried to poke my roach-speedling with some gateway army of 2 sentries, 2 stalkers and 2 zealots and I pretty much neglected his attack.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/0J7si.jpg)
By the time I made an extra hatchery, he made a proxy pylon, warped in some forces to bust through my rocks, but I killed all his forces and then his pylon.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/irQiO.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/TLVoh.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/wjWyp.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/CFmnj.jpg)
I later on cancelled my hatchery for refunds (which is probably one of the 2 biggest mistakes of me in this game) and went on to break his pylon and expand behind that force.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/uNDHU.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/Rv2YY.jpg)
But, after that I tried to engage his defensive forces with this force (which is the 2nd of the 2 biggest mistakes in this game) instead of just sitting there and trying to defend my third, lost every single thing in my hand while my 3rd was being completed.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/aaGMY.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/nToR4.jpg)
After that, he just decided to move out with his forces and he came across my third. I lost some newly macroed forces along with my 3rd.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/YC8Bv.jpg)
After that, he teched to colossus, got his third, gathered up some forces and guess what: My electricity went off.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/WQeUw.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/bZKJK.jpg)
Why did you move out in the first place you noob shit, you could just get your third and turtle up to ultralisks before roflstomping this guy
My thoughts about the first game is written in italic in the previous spoiler.
+ Show Spoiler +
While I was desperately waiting for the electricity to come back, my opponent talked to the refs and when I came back, refs said "we can check this out or you can just regame as your opponent is back". And we started the regame.
We spawned at the same positions. I did the same start as the previous game but he forge fe'd instead of 3 gate expand. I later took my 3rd at the gold base after saturating my main and nat (I'm an idiot who doesn't double expand after seeing the forge fe).
He came with a good gateway force which still could be overwhelmed by my 18roach+22speedling force, killed my gold and just left without engaging.
I got 8 mutas later on, did not harass with them and after that got roflstomped by a maxed gateway+colo army who killed my forces without trying. No need for pictures.
A summary for what happened:
In game 1, I got a build order advantage and i gave it away with a ridiculously shitty decision and in game 2 I didn't have neither a build order advantage nor good decision making so roflstomped me.
We spawned at the same positions. I did the same start as the previous game but he forge fe'd instead of 3 gate expand. I later took my 3rd at the gold base after saturating my main and nat (I'm an idiot who doesn't double expand after seeing the forge fe).
He came with a good gateway force which still could be overwhelmed by my 18roach+22speedling force, killed my gold and just left without engaging.
I got 8 mutas later on, did not harass with them and after that got roflstomped by a maxed gateway+colo army who killed my forces without trying. No need for pictures.
A summary for what happened:
In game 1, I got a build order advantage and i gave it away with a ridiculously shitty decision and in game 2 I didn't have neither a build order advantage nor good decision making so roflstomped me.
So, the overall look at the series:
1- Ridiculously shitty decision making.
2- Less shitty macro.
3- Mechanics didn't improve a bit.
4- Multitask still sucks.
5- Minimap control also sucks.
6- Everything except macro sucks. Macro sucks as well, but not half as badly as other things.
Despite everything, if I hadn't made that shitty decision in the first game, I could have won the game so badly that my opponent wouldn't ladder any more let alone joining another tourney. You probably can't see it but I'm nerdraging so hard to myself right now.
And this is what happened in Teamspeak TL Open #1. I got myself roflstomped, Elsid (one of my practice partners) got 6pooled in the first round (at least I could qualify for the 2nd round man, what up! I hope you're either reading or scrolling), and sorry all my readers and scrollers (especially Meapak_Ziphh, TheAntZ, Elsid, BLinD_rawR and my other loyal followers) for not giving you a shoutout in both of the tourneys (someone has to remind me about shoutouts before Teamspeak TL Open #3 because I probably won't remember myself).
So, the next tourney, Go4SC2 #59. This time, I really had hopes for going to the round of 512, because I had good games against a diamond player in Teamspeak TL Open #1. But, my opponent was YokiPOYO, who is a 2.6k diamond terran and I was like HyungJoon at his first time in courage.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/ZPJid.jpg)
What I wanted to happen:
A straight up macro game, maybe a win.
What actually happened:
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/JY1Iz.jpg)
This is how I treat the bunker rushers
The story: I was looking elsewhere until bunkers were 90% completed. And I did a hatch-first on a 2 player map against Terran and something was constantly telling me not to hatch first. I have to listen that something in the future. Definitely I have to.
Ladder diaries:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/sIFJF.jpg)
Being a little bit BM doesn't hurt, does it?
I recently crushed a "slightly favored" gold player in the ladder to get the 4th place in my division. Btw, B in BM doesn't stand for bad, but for Boyardee.
For those who don't know what Boyardee is:
There are levels of bad manner:
1- Very slightly bm
2- Slightly bm
3- BM
4- Hard BM
5- So hard BM
6- So damn hard BM
7- IdrA
8- Boyardee
I have reached all these levels in my SC2 career.
EDIT: I just realized that I forgot to post my replays. Thanks to Chef for reminding me. Dude I don't know how you did that, but it worked wonders.
Today's replay pack:
My featured streams:
Yeah boy boy, there are some streams that I watch whenever I catch it. Here are them:
1- PhoenixWeRRa:
This guy is probably the best Zerg streamer on TL.net in terms of SC2 gameplay. Watch it whenever you see it. But he stopped streaming ever since that WeRRa scandal happened and this guy is just MIA right now.
2- konadora:
Everybody knows konadora. And everybody watches his stream as well. So do I. I still follow SPL and watch his stream all the way.
3- iCCup.Raelcun:
LOL this guy's stream is just so good. He plays games that I never heard of and streams them. Watch it. Highly recommended.
4- ROOTCatZ:
This is the stream that I've been watching non stop since it started. His builds are so good and funky and he's awesome in execution. Besides that, his stream is just hilarious.
5- LimeNade:
I actually stopped watching him since he changed his b.net nickname to BloodThirsty, he was better before. At least more hilarious. But still, he has a solid gameplay.
6- fevax:
A zerg player from Turkish National Team of SC2 and also a streamer on TL.net. He occasionally streams here. It may look like nothing special but still I'd pick him over Rigid, Magulina or decemberTV. He also participates in chat, especially if you can speak Turkish.
7- Rigid:
I occasionally watch him as well, he's as good as fevax or LimeNade. But when I watch him, I just watch. Don't participate in chat or anything else.
8- Magulina:
A consistent Top 200 player in both EU and NA, also a featured streamer on TL. But I don't watch him unless he does something different than laddering.
9- SpecialEndrey:
His casts on tournaments are so damn good. I love his accent and his voice. If you watch him for the first time, you may not fully understand what he says, but he's good. So good.
10- RageQuit.TV:
I watch RQ only when Ipp casts, because Ipp is hilarious. I love when he plays benny hill or anything like that.
But, I always watch iccup.tv, day9 or most of the bw streamers over my top 10. I watched The_13abyKnight a few times as well (I liked him when he played DotA under TheShit), but his SC2 stream is not as interesting as his DotA gameplay. Still he's my 11th.
See ya later guys, thanks for reading or scrolling down to here.