51300 Posts
As some of you may know, Tossgirl has a 'famous' sister, Seo Ji-seung, who is a 'talent' (basically modelling, crappy acting etc).
She recently starred in OGN's sister channel, OCN's, Korean Drama series 'God's Quiz'.
Here are some pics (:O)
Poll: Better looking girl? (Be honest)Seo Ji-seung (206) 58% Seo Ji-soo (151) 42% 357 total votes Your vote: Better looking girl? (Be honest) (Vote): Seo Ji-soo (Vote): Seo Ji-seung
dunno why but those bangs are always a turn-off
Tossgirl for me, her eyes are bigger. Thus more attractive for me XD
Both tossgirl and sisters are pretty T_T !! more pictures please .
Tossgirl gets the vote here. I really find Seo Ji-Seung better looking with the shorter hair in the top right picture. Much more happy and confident whereas the other pictures make her look rather bloated and rounded.
her sister is so much better...not even a contest!!!
You should edit your post; the second picture isn't her. It's Ayase Haruka - a Japanese actress who she's being compared with.
Not the best pics of them, but...
That I can't decide, but I will say this: APM matters.
United States33038 Posts
Grrr, you specified it as "better looking."
If it were simply more "attractive," I think the value of a girl who plays BW at a near professional evel outweighs most other factors.
the higher the APM the better. Tossgirl ftw!
Second pic is Ayase Haruka. I heard she has a second sister. Wonder what she looks like... Tossgirl used to be prettier, now I think this sister is prettier.
Somethings is just way more attractive about a girl being a pro gamer.
voted toss girl.
the second set of pictures have convinced me that the sister looks better.
ToSsGirL ftw. They both look equally good and so apm is the decisive factor.
wow her sister is pretty hot.
edit - facebook poke for posting after you lolol
You erased the wrong picture o_o the second picture of the girl with the short hair cut is Ayuse Haruka... who btw I loved on Hotaru no Hikaru :3 <3333
her sister is better looking imo.
Sister looks good in the first picture which is the only one where her face doesn't look wide.
Poll is unfair on tossgirl though because she's a lot older now.
Sister is much better looking