EDIT: I received the PM about images and I will definitely consider it for the future and also edit this images when I find time. It's 1.36 AM in my local time so I desperately want to sleep. Btw, I thought that code and the message feature work for the same thing.
EDIT 2: Thanks to Spazer for fixing my message, you're the man.
(I want to make an entrance like djWHEAT so) What is up bitches! Well, I'm (kind of) ok and I just have realized that it has been quite some time since I blogged for the last time. Yes, just like every single time i blog after some time, it's a part **.5 which means that it's an interloud. BUT, this time it's about Starcraft.
TheAntZ (sup man, I hope you weren't F5'ing the blogs page since 5 pm), my most damn underrated practice partner (I played against worse gold players than this Bronze player and I can bet 20 USD on the fact that there are worse Diamond players than TheAntZ as well), played around 15 games with me, I think he won around 10.
The most funny quotes from today:
"I intentionally lost some games to my gf to unlock her achievements"
"I'm teaching her probes and pylons and then I'll teach her build orders"
"I think I lost about 150 games to her"
GSL spoilers in this one:
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"I checked the LR thread on TL.net, it was like
"I represent Muzenza... singlehandedly :D"
"PvZ is OP on funday monday"
"I never knew that I could win with 2a'ing mass mutas"
But, more importantly, I played the funniest 2v2 of my life against dumbest 2 people i met on battle.net. They were even dumber than the guy on my last placement match (he built marauders and reapers against pure muta).
I actually didn't mean to random 2v2, I wanted to create a custom game and it ended up being a 2v2 with a random partner.
So, the game started like this:
![[image loading]](http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/3255/1rush.jpg)
I didn't put this image in spoilers on purpose. Because here, I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the Protoss player. He probably went crazy. I don't blame him. If my random partner decided to worker rush, I'd either insult him in 3 languages (which is the lesser of the 2 evils) or join him. The truth is that I didn't give a shit to winning. I wanted to end this as quickly as possible but I didn't want to just quit because it would be disrespect to my partner.
But, I want to add a poll about it:
Poll: What would you do
I'd bring everything and join (3)
I'd worker rush you (1)
I'd rage qq (1)
I'd insult you (0)
I'd stay back and go on teching (0)
Other (write your own reaction plz) (0)
5 total votes
I'd worker rush you (1)
I'd rage qq (1)
I'd insult you (0)
I'd stay back and go on teching (0)
Other (write your own reaction plz) (0)
5 total votes
Your vote: What would you do
(Vote): I'd insult you
(Vote): I'd bring everything and join
(Vote): I'd stay back and go on teching
(Vote): I'd worker rush you
(Vote): I'd rage qq
(Vote): Other (write your own reaction plz)
This was crazy. My partner was like "what is this mofo doing" and I was singing like "1 worker, 2 worker, 3 worker, 4 worker 14 worker" but numbers were in Turkish whereas the word "worker" stayed as it is (it was like "bir worker, iki worker...") and the melody was like this:
Since I learned this song, I had never been able to stop giggling when I start singing this song and this time I'm worker rushing while singing. I bet that my facial expression is so memorable.
Now, every single picture about anything will be in spoilers.
My worker rush failed, as you may guess, but I had one last worker in his base.
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![[image loading]](http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/1705/2last.jpg)
And I was remaking drones, I mean whatever you call it:
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![[image loading]](http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/200/3rebu.jpg)
But I still have the last drone. What should I do, what should I do, FUCK IT, WHATEVER.
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![[image loading]](http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/2792/4prohatc.jpg)
But, he ended up noticing that (who wouldn't LOL)
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![[image loading]](http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/2484/5sight.jpg)
But, I actually could rebuild. Because these 2 idiots didn't attack to my base right away or anytime. I had an idea, which will make this game even more funny and probably will finish it.
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![[image loading]](http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/1877/6banest.jpg)
And at last, my partner came up with something:
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My initial plan was to baneling his workers, but I don't think he will allow that because he already knows what I'm up to. For quite some time.
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![[image loading]](http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/96/8raid.jpg)
Wow, I can't believe it. One of these guys have actually played brood war. But I doubt if he could ever become D+ in iCCup.
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![[image loading]](http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/6203/9advice.jpg)
Yeah, about time for me to do some good for my partner: BANELING BUST!!!
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![[image loading]](http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/3407/10revenge.jpg)
I bust successfully and we go inside.
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![[image loading]](http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/4782/11lingraid.jpg)
I finish my part of the game with lings and my partner was doing some things with his stalkers.
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![[image loading]](http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/9656/12stalk.jpg)
The purple noob has his own wall, so. What to do, what to do, Whatever, fuck it.
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![[image loading]](http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/5215/13banext.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/4931/14bustnext.jpg)
My partner goes in with stalkers, kills purple's thors and we win the game. But I just love to be the bad mannered winner. I just do. But looks like my partner likes it too. Here is the endgame chatlog:
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![[image loading]](http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9878/15ggg.jpg)
Actually me and my partner ended up adding each other and we will probably play more 2v2s.
Here is the replay, watch it for the lulz:
On November 13 2010 05:01 Inori wrote:
Sorry, but you can make proxy Nexus work in Silver.
Sorry, but you can make proxy Nexus work in Silver.
BETTER YET, you can transition out of a failed worker rush.
I came across a protoss player who has the same win-loss ratio as me in the ladder and also a silver league player. I thought that we could play a long macro game, but he had some other plans. Outdated plans.
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![[image loading]](http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/936/2mass.jpg)
Lol, he really did that. Hidden lolrays. I never came across hidden lolrays since patch 1.12. So, this one is from DotA, remember Goblin Clockwerk's sound when it's spawned. Just like him, I said "I LOL in the face of LOLRAYS, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" when I saw this thing.
He attacked me with this mass of lolrays, I tried to clean them and at the same time I was getting a hydra den.
![[image loading]](http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/4219/3hyden.jpg)
I indeed took all of'em down without spending too much.
![[image loading]](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/1969/4last.jpg)
He was up for more, so was I.
![[image loading]](http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8453/5moar.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/8840/6hydra.jpg)
3 lolrays against basically uncountable hydras. Let me tell you something, he didn't even engage. Or did he? I don't remember. I just 1a'ed my hydralisks and won the game.
![[image loading]](http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/5852/7amove.jpg)
This was a very insignificant game and I won't put its replay specifically.
Now, let me show you the profiles of 2 guys.
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![[image loading]](http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/1144/8prof.jpg)
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![[image loading]](http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/6233/9antz.jpg)
If this guy is silver, AntZ is definitely not bronze (AntZ changed his name to Hivemind btw). Know why? I'll show you in the next part of my blog.
Due to time constraints, I won't present here more than 1 game, which was my most convincing win today (sup AntZ), and HE LOST THE GAME BECAUSE OF 1 SINGLE BLUNDER. Like I said before, I lost most of the games against him and at the end I'll put my match history so that you guys will see this.
So, the game started out with both of us getting our nats so fast. I 14 hatch'd and he did a 1 gate FE. I later added another in-base hatch.
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![[image loading]](http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5109/1mefe.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/9622/2hefe.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/449/3mehat.jpg)
Just like all ZvPs of mine, I stay defensive until I get my mutas and harass after that. The same thing happened here:
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![[image loading]](http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9729/4heatk.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/2153/6eng1.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/4597/7win0.jpg)
I got my mutas, hello there!
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![[image loading]](http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2746/8muta.jpg)
I actually had a third base earlier on, but he indeed has no clue about it. I think he learned that I had a third in that game after seeing this blog.
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![[image loading]](http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6254/9third.jpg)
While he was coming for an engagement, he made the game losing blunder for himself. Dude, you could win this. Really.
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![[image loading]](http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/2198/10blund.jpg)
After this, I clear out his remaining forces and win the game also with the help of my harassing mutas.
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![[image loading]](http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/1246/11eng2.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/2866/12win.jpg)
Yes, and my match history:
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![[image loading]](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9320/historyq.jpg)
All games are against TheAntZ himself or his friend.
I also made the replay pack of some games with me&TheAntZ, the lol 2v2 and the stupid ladder game included as well. You can download it from this link:
So guys, I think I'll do some homework or sleep or none, I just don't know yet. But I think it's over for now. See ya around.
+ Show Spoiler [Don't mind unless you're T…] +
Try this:
And this:
You can easily learn how to ginga here, and you can also find more videos here and start training.