I recently made the switch in SC2 from Protoss to Zerg. First off, I'm absolutely loving it. Zerg just has this feel that...well..feels SO DAMN RIGHT. It's definitely made SC2 so much more enjoyable for me (it was already quite enjoyable too!).
Anyways, I've only played like 5 ZvZ's total but I'm loooovvvinggg it. I personally feel that ZvZ is one of the most interesting match ups at the moment, if not THE most interesting. So, what do you feel is your favorite MU in SC2? Did it change from BW to SC2?
agreed. Saddens me to see all this 13pool baneling garbage on ladder (especially the so called pros)
I remember when I first started playing the beta I really felt the same way about ZvZ. There are a lot of nonstandard variations that you can do in zvz that are viable at the sub-pro levels that are really fun to try.
I like ZvT right now though. Banelings blowing up marines :D
What BO are you using that you skip the inialtial ling/baneling gay ness?
What sort of opening do you do? When I first started, I went ling/baneling and was like "man this is stupid." Since then I've been opening roach every game and I'm still like "man this is stupid" but I love the matchup so much. If banelings don't decimate my mineral line, it usually turns into an unpredictable 20 minute game where literally any zerg unit can show up at any time
I like it as well. It's incredibly micro intensive and action packed which is tons of fun to play.
ZvZ is so deep, I'm just waiting for someone to revolutionize the MU so I can be confident with my build for once.
i hate it because i have the worst luck ever. Every time i do an econ oriented opening they 6 pool and every time i play safe they do a better eco build. I can't win.
TvP was my favorite matchup in BW, but now that you aren't allowed to use anything besides MMM without instantly dying, I guess TvZ is my favorite in SC2.
On November 09 2010 14:14 Foreplay wrote: i hate it because i have the worst luck ever. Every time i do an econ oriented opening they 6 pool and every time i play safe they do a better eco build. I can't win.
9 scout, and stop pumping drones at 13 until you scout them.
too bad sc2 zvz isnt as fun sc1 zvz. i miss muta micro and ling micro and the times when a few micro-ed mutas would beat a bunch of hydras
Once the baneling beginnings get worked out (read: become weak) this MU will be really good. There's so much potential for variation, and infestors play a very important role.
As a micro based random player, I love it. Depending on the map you can do heaps of crazy stuff, but making it safe is an artform.
I have played PvZ, PvP, PvT, TvP, TvT and TvZ
The most enjoyable match ups for me are PvZ, TvZ, and TvT PvP could be good but sadly it is ruined by the all colossus late game. TvP / PvT is so messed up that it is not fun to play.
Also i completly agree with the OP even if i don't play zerg, i have really enjoyed all the ZvZ during the GSL and it seems like a fun match ups to play.
I generally go for early econ ---> to roach with speed+burrow. I then generally move into infestors b/c infestors with burrow+ infested terran in their mineral lines = win.
On November 09 2010 15:18 sqwert wrote: too bad sc2 zvz isnt as fun sc1 zvz. i miss muta micro and ling micro and the times when a few micro-ed mutas would beat a bunch of hydras Yeah, I really miss the muta/scourge stuff.
One of the biggest problems I have with SC2 ZvZ is how it's almost impossible to hold the ramp with lings against lings. The units are too "slippery" and they just slide through. Even with a small ramp the size of the lings seem so tiny now compared to BW where you could cover a small ramp with like 6 lings.
On November 09 2010 13:58 Mortician wrote: What BO are you using that you skip the inialtial ling/baneling gay ness?
Any decent roach opening with sim city of evo chamber roach warren spawning pool and possible crawler so theres no easy acess to the mineral line.