So alot of you people dealing with photography and photo editing deal with HDR all the time. For those of you who dont know what the hell HDR is, it stands for High dynamic range imaging and what it basically does is that it takes a couple of photos of the same exact pictures under different light exposures. Once that is done you merge them using photo editing software to create a picture with much more detail and color depth because each separate photo focuses on a different thing, basically bringing out the best of all photos taken into one. This produces images such as these:
Now HDR with photography has been done for quite a while now, but a couple of guys decided to try HDR on recording video. I am not a big photography expert or video expert, I just came across these guys while watching a tec show called Tekzilla. But the idea is to get the same color and details gained through the use of HDR in photography within video.
I was simply amazed at what the guys at http://sovietmontage.com/ were able to do. I will let the videos speak for themselves:
Holy shit that looks spectacular. Thank you for sharing.
I fucking love HDR but I had no idea they could do it for video too. Awesome!
My god, that image is better than looking at it IRL with my eyes...
United States238 Posts
Wow they almost look something rendered/fake but awesome to look at. Only time I ever heard of HDR being used was when Valve started using them with Half Life2: Lost Coast. Never knew about HDR photography or the technique being used outside of video games until now. Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely looks spectacular! I have seen images like these before but I did not know the term for it. I had no idea this kind of thing could be done with video, beautiful Thanks for sharing <3
looks like a video game!
i would prefer not to have it though. I like pictures/video that looks like what I can see with my eyes.
This is what I imagine a Half Life movie looking like
I loved when the introduced HDR into video games...
But it looks so cool. It's weird to see though, because it also looks like it was CG or something.