First blog W00T.
So, the end of the school year is approaching in AUS, and this is my last year.
I totally hate this part of the year, I just have little motivation to study, it just is so boring after doign it so long that I am just left feeling 'burnt out'. What have you guys found helpful while studying? Anyone have any study tips? I really just feel so tempted to just mass sc2 games or play other games all day rather than study
On another note, next year i want to study medicine, i was wondering if anyone here is studying/has studied/ have friends that study etc medicine. What kinda specialties do you guys think are the most fun, what medical specialties do you think would be lame and why? I've started thinking about this lately and Ive realised i know very little about any of the specialties.
Also, any aussies on TL play CS:S? would be fun to play some TLers on other games. Als, is the wow expansion goign to end all your lives too? My friends invited me camping on the release date and i need a good excuse as to why i cant come . . . . its already takign over.
I'm in exactly the same position as you haha. I've got Uadel/Monash/UWS/UNCLE interviews lined up through nov/dec, should be a blast. If you're going for interviews everywhere, pm me and we can meet up mbe :D.
haha nice
I'm in Tassie, and i got a decent enough UMAT score to get into UTAS so im not gunna head to mainland for interviews, i kinda decided i just wanna stay here, and it would be way expensive to move.
haha soooo jealous of you tasmanians, such uncompetitive entry into med lol. I'll end up in utas after a year of uni if I botch this year, as I can prolly manage a 6.0 GPA in science and my umat is well above what the non standard cutoff usually is but just a little short of the interstate school leaver requirement .
ahhhhhh. Tassies great love it here.
Slightly more lag when gaming tho worked out which specialties interest you?
Emergency medicine, Rural GP, Anesthesiology, Neurology, General surg and Public health. I'll try and decide which during clinical years probs (assuming I get in somewhere ;s) heh.
Whatever you do, don't go in to pharmacy if you don't get into Medicine!
Pharm is apparently really hard and also really oversaturated.
51282 Posts
Currently sitting my HSC. I've only put in preferences for Arts at UNSW, USyd and Monash and a double degree of Arts/Asia-Pacific Studies at ANU, since they are the only uni's from what I've researched in NSW/VIC that teach Korean.
Nothing else really interests me much, except history/language ;d, specifically Asian Modern History and Korean. I really regret sticking to doing Mathematics, Economics and Software Design. Those are going to drill me in the exam and I'd probably have a happier time if I did something like, Legal Studies, Ancient History etc. Maybe if I fuck up the HSC I could possibly look at IT -_-
lol, GTR good luck, but I think later on you will find that an IT degree will you know actually find you a job rather than Arts degree AKA toilet paper.
51282 Posts
atleast korean would be fun/entertaining. if thats really what you want: do it! then you can translate PL for me ^^
51282 Posts
that's the plan.... if it still exists ;p
On October 16 2010 17:29 GTR wrote: Currently sitting my HSC. I've only put in preferences for Arts at UNSW, USyd and Monash and a double degree of Arts/Asia-Pacific Studies at ANU, since they are the only uni's from what I've researched in NSW/VIC that teach Korean.
Nothing else really interests me much, except history/language ;d, specifically Asian Modern History and Korean. I really regret sticking to doing Mathematics, Economics and Software Design. Those are going to drill me in the exam and I'd probably have a happier time if I did something like, Legal Studies, Ancient History etc. Maybe if I fuck up the HSC I could possibly look at IT -_- Come to Brisbane and do korean at UQ next year :D
51282 Posts
i didn't put in a qtac app, and either way i don't want to pay the late fees and it's too far for me. sydney is the furthest i'd go (out of albury).
anyway i really shouldn't jack the poor blokes blog haha.
no no, its good, i was just bored
51282 Posts
and to your question on cs:s, i used to play 'competitively' around 05-06... left the game because the community was pretty much based on ego. apparently it's still like that.
If you're still kinda this vague about things, you need to figure out why you want to do medicine a bit more. Know where you want to go and why. It's hard where you are, but hey, you gotta do it sometime, and it's better to figure it out before you start uni rather than after you've spent your inheritance getting a piece of paper you don't really want to use.
Why do you want to do medicine? what strikes you as 'fun' about it? Medicine is no laugh, I'll tell you what
seriously, it's good you're asking. my advice for study is don't do it. Unless you really need the grades, grinding study won't teach you much worth knowing, and you won't know it for long. Far better to explore what you want to get into via other passionate people. Talk to your local GP as a potential colleague, watch some TED or stanford videos. read some dawkins or bryson, or medical history. Go look around doctors without borders or the red cross. Figure out what your choices mean. In doing so, you will learn far more actual stuff (I mean stuff that you can write in an essay and get marks for) than you will do grinding study, I guarantee it.
Oh and if you want a break, keep in touch and come along to one of the TL melbourne meets, lotta cool folk here if you can manage the ferry trip ^^
Its important to get into a professional that you have a passion for. I can't stress this enough. I've seen a lot of my mates that went into medicine because they've got the score for it then completely crush out after a few years in. Not to mention the long and boring road before you can actually do anything. I think the average age before you start to make bank is what 35? that's 15 years assuming you got in at 20 >.<
And the fact that if you want to study interstate, make sure you sort out your finances. Unlike some other degrees, studying medicine and working part time is strongly discouraged so most kids that I know doing medicine just live at home. If you still want to get in to the health profession, then look into other areas which have less competition and less stress. Things like speech pathology, physiotherapy pays well straight out of school.