On September 20 2010 01:29 jjun212 wrote:
heyy guys
my hand in general isnt that big and my fingers arent like freakishly long.
maybe i am not used to it but man.. i do misclick a lot...
and for the person who said too bad about me getting the Lycosa keyboard..
i wasn't willing to spend more than what the lycosa was going for...
and the one underneath it, the arctosa i think? didn't have backlight and i thought the backlight aspect of the lycosa was cool. but i feel that you're right. because of the rubberish material, it does seem like it can attract a lot of like dandruff or whatever. and the plastic, glossy finish will definitely keep fingerprint smudges.
oh well... you kept the keyboard for 2 years didnt u?? =) good enough for me!
heyy guys
my hand in general isnt that big and my fingers arent like freakishly long.
maybe i am not used to it but man.. i do misclick a lot...
and for the person who said too bad about me getting the Lycosa keyboard..
i wasn't willing to spend more than what the lycosa was going for...
and the one underneath it, the arctosa i think? didn't have backlight and i thought the backlight aspect of the lycosa was cool. but i feel that you're right. because of the rubberish material, it does seem like it can attract a lot of like dandruff or whatever. and the plastic, glossy finish will definitely keep fingerprint smudges.
oh well... you kept the keyboard for 2 years didnt u?? =) good enough for me!
I have a Lyacosa Mirror edition and yes, it gets dirtier than fucking anything I've ever seen in my life.
You'll clean it every three or four days and then after a few weeks you're just like. FUCK THIS SUCKS. My keyboard looks all fingerprinty and icky. I just clean it for LANs and that's it.
The other thing with the Lyacosa is that if you button mash, your keys can fall off. Right now my up arrow is actually my "2 v" key from my numpad cause my up arrow fell off a long time ago and I can't find it.

I have similar issues with my DeathAdder, but it's really only a problem with how I sit/hand position on the mouse, as is likely your problem. Give it some time to adjust. If I put too much weight on my armrest for like, browsing the internet or whatever, I tend to misclick the right button like, every two minutes. Just find a good hand-position where it doesn't happen and work to keep it that way.
Good luck! Thankfully I haven't had the dreaded "Razer stuff breaks super quickly" issue yet so we'll see how things go for you! :D