*My specs if anyone cares to check out*
AMD Turion(tm)64 X2
1.60 GHz, 2.25 GB Ram
*End of specs*
I was delighted to find myself on the new Battle.net 2.0 (to my great disappointment), and decided to start trying out the ladders. Immediately, I saw how outdated my graphics card really was right from the 0.2 second lag of my mouse cursor. It turned out not to be a major concern; I was just not used to lagging environments as I had gotten used to the Lan latency of Iccup. However, when I engage in major battles (130 food armies clashing), the screen begins to lag (I think it's called bitframe or something. I'm a biology major student so I have no idea about computers and stuff) I can recall playing about 10 games on my laptop with a friend, and everytime we have a lot of units in the game, my fps begins to drop, and I would Idra-rage when I cannot control my units.
Meanwhile, one floor below me, my roommate (housemate is more like the term, but whatever) was running the game beautifully on ultra settings, surround sound, and was constantly playing nexus war. That's right, NEXUS WAR. I mean seriously?!...Anyways, I convinced him to let me use his computer to play SC2 since I did share the beta key with him (he didn't really mind since he had MW2).
So the rest of my experience, which I found was really fun, had occured because of my roommate's computer. Here is the problem; my roommate isn't living in the house for the rest of the summer, and had taken his computer with him. I really want to play the SC2 campaign after watching the spoiled cutscenes, but I am fearing my graphics card won't be able to handle all the stuff on the screen. I am hoping someone can give me suggestions on how I can cope with what I have, but still run, at least, the campaign. I need something that can help with my graphics problem without actually. I'm not entirely sure if it is possible, but I figured TL might have an answer.
It is now 35hr13min till release.