1. I'm finally getting in to a better financial situation. I went from being $500 in debt for the past 3-4 months and living off Mr. Noodles every day to being up $500 now that work has finally stabilized and I am getting a full 40 hours per week. Hooray!
2. Got my notification letter last week from the college telling me I was accepted once again(although I wasn't doubting I wouldn't get in anyway). Possible stress eliminated.
3. I went in for my interview for a bursary this week and will receive at least $2000. That's just one of them, hopefully more scholarships/bursaries to come. My total tuition for the year is probably $4500-5000, so that alone is half.
5. I have a new iCCup goal this season: C+. Currently C high, Yes I have beta, but I could care less. I find BW more fun atm and I'm not giving up this goal.
6. I'm nearing 10k posts and have no idea what to do. Trying to think of something to give back to the community. BLARGH!
7. I bought a mouse pad finally today to save my wrists from carpal tunnel. I made sure to get a pad that has the cushiony thing for the wrist. Unfortunately my mouse is an optical mouse and doesn't pick up anything when on the mouse pad.
I'm thinking of just cutting off the part that the mouse doesn't detect(part that it's on in the picture) and just using the wrist cushion. feedback/suggestions?
8. Trying to get in to better shape this summer. By no means am I overweight or anything like that, but it would be nice to gain some muscle or something
I'd be streaming proleague right now, but I'm just heading out to door to a small party with some people that I'm going to see deadmau5 with tomorrow.
Congrates man. I am starting to workout this summer. It is hard to pull myself to do it but i feel great after i do. Keep it up!
oh man the mousepad looks so tender I wanna lay may hand there softly..
thanks for your streams!
you could have just bought a wrist rest instead of tearing apart a mousepad
On July 11 2010 13:39 unit wrote:you could have just bought a wrist rest instead of tearing apart a mousepad yeah I was thinking if it at the time, but I figured why not get this thing instead. I looked at the selection and all there was was a regular mousepad(no cushion) and this one, so I didn't have much to choose from. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to just find a cushion but I was pretty lazy and didn't feel like looking around either. =/
For your 10,000th post you should find something interesting to blog about like you did in your taco bell blog . And I think between your 10,000 posts and your streaming of proleague you already are giving back to the community!
I would think a wrist support would just make matters worse. I've never had a problem with the pivot-around-the-bone technique that Day[9] suggested in his mechanics podcast.
Also, half this blog was like reading a mirror...
Turn the mousepad 180 degrees so that the pad part is facing you, under your arm, but your wrist is still on the cushion. If you keep the mousepad intact you can use it later if you get a compatible mouse. Though I think it's strange that your mouse isn't working with the pad... optical mice should work with pads fine.
man you dont need to give anything back, you already stream heaps of stuff
although if you REALLY wanted to give something back, maybe you could teach me how to access afreeca lol :C
That is a sexy mouse..I have the same one . And I too am not starting sc2 till I reach my goal of C+. glhf!~
My goal was to reach 10k before you :< But I don't think that can be possible.
But Skylar so cuteeeeee
16946 Posts
1. Hey, congrats! Having money in the bank is a great feeling. You can finally afford good food! Actually, it's very easy to make good food on a budget...one of my group internship projects this summer is to write a cookbook for healthy eating on a food stamp budget. There's a solid veggie chili recipe for about a quarter a serving. Seriously :<
2. Hooray college. Delay the real world!
3. Hmm, yeah, loans suck. Gonna have so much debt when I graduate...maybe I'll apply to grad school so my loans get pushed back? HA.
4. I love deadmau5, but for a really creepy reason (doesn't have to deal with him or his music).
5. Ha, when you hit C+, do you think you'll finally be able to beat me?
6. I've been dreading 7500, myself. I have no clue how people manage to post up to 10k in such a short time...I've been here since 2004 and I see people I've never noticed before with more posts than I have.
7. Hmm, I've never actually known anyone with carpal tunnel before. Then again, I've never really used my mouse for extended periods of time.
8. A noble pursuit
Cyborgs don't care about iCCup. They are much more invested in beta.
Yeah, 10k is a lot for the short time you've been here. My first account was 03 and then this one in 06 and I still haven't even broke 4k. I guess it's because I just lurk the blogs and the NBA/NFL threads.
United States11637 Posts
gz on all fronts, man, and good luck!
Grats on the financial stuff. That's pretty much my exact position this Spring/Summer, too.
I can agree with Brood War; I've been pushing for C- by the time SC2 releases, Beta be damned.
Where you from?
Congratulations! Dedicated BW fans deserve good things in life ^^
wow...nice... great job taking care of business. i think you can now focus on yet even more important things like getting good at hockey and finally mastering the "could'nt care less" english expression that so many young people are destroying.
writing that you "could care less" about the SC2 beta implies that there is still a bit of room in the "not giving a fuck" area of your brain concerning the aforementioned Beta . we can deduct from this that you maintain "at least some interest" in the said gaming sequel. In this context however, if we analyze it from the perspective of some dude trying to add an expression to his speech, it actually suggests to your readership that you enjoy and take great pleasure from your ownership of that game. which completely distorts what you were trying to say.
if you want more of my daily thoughts, feel free to let me post in your blog again.
intrudorously yours,
grob, you should use that money to visit us victoria tlers !
drinking partay woooo
oh god drank too much last night and then someone punched me in the balls excruciatingly hard and I cried. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I had tears run down my face, so painful. We were close to calling an ambulance. Anyway, just puked 4 times and the concert starts in an hour. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck t.t