That video looks really awesome, but the bit at the end about the partition getting destroyed will stop me from DLing.
Edit: also my card is ATI.
Yeah, I'm not really sure if it's because of the game. We both were pretty new to C++ so our Memory Management sucks (read: non existent). I've been running the game countless amount of times and nothing happened to me, but I never tried running it for more than 30 minute ; )
It must be pretty cool to create a working game like that from scratch, no matter how simple it looks. You should put a game up on the Xbox Indie games thing if you ever make one that is more substantial, I think that runs off XNA.
Woahhh, that game looks really cool 0.0 I'll definitely download it and check it out.
Our game was created in C++ and OpenGL, we had to have experience to apply for XNA. We didn't have any plus I really wanted to write my own engine.
awesome man, congrats on the final project!
the feeling of completing a game is so good :D
looks pretty fuckin' amazing
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
super cool. suuuuuper cool! should add music to it, and have the flame beat in time to the song. also, colors changes when on surfaces of different material? each material in turn could have different properties. would be mesmerizing =]
Calgary25962 Posts
Wow this is awesome. I'm at a loss to how you make the camera angle and collision detection.
For collision detection we used Coldet, which is a small library specialized on collision detection, first and later on switched to PhysX which has amazing documentation/tutorials.
Camera angle is just matrix manipulations.
wow soo cool. I want to make video games too, but unfortunately the is no such degree in any of the universities of my country nor do I have the money to study in the states or europe. :c I do consider that much of the knowledge needed can be obtained in the internet and that it is one who makes the effort to learn, not the degree. But damn, it'd be damn cool if it was school and not hobbie the way I could learn about these type of things.
Really nice.
When i coursed CG I had to do everything by hand, using directly OpenGL. The only thing we didnt have to do was to code the loading mdx models (old quake models). The final project was to code a game with AI. I did write a 3d bomberman. I could not program the shaders for the explosions and my AI sucked really hard lol
Even so, that was the most fun course I've had so far, so I strongly agree, if you can, take a course of CG! :D
You don't have comp sci classes at uni? My field is called computer graphics and this course is the only course you create a game. There's another one called real time graphics for which you'll have to write an engine and produce a effects demo.
Most of the stuff I needed to create this game I learned from scratch during this semester from various internet sources. It was quite hard at times because most of the stuff out there uses outdated OpenGL methods also referred to as "fixed function".
On July 04 2010 10:35 fabiano wrote: Really nice.
When i coursed CG I had to do everything by hand, using directly OpenGL. The only thing we didnt have to do was to code the loading mdx models (old quake models). The final project was to code a game with AI. I did write a 3d bomberman. I could not program the shaders for the explosions and my AI sucked really hard lol
Even so, that was the most fun course I've had so far, so I strongly agree, if you can, take a course of CG! :D
Here's what we coded by hand: Model loading: Since our game character is a particle system we decided wavefront .obj is a model format that is enough for our needs. I wrote the parser and the loader on my own. Lighting: Per pixel lighting using shaders, it's just diffuse and ambient light so not really a big deal, it doesn't work as we wanted it to work but it's decent enough Matrices: We use GLM which handles our mathematic library but we move stuff around by manipulating matrices on our own Effects: Only two effects, particle system and dynamic shadows created from an omnidirectional lightsource. Both self coded, I did the shadow mapping, colleague the particle system Hud: Selfcoded, nothing much to say game logic: Not much there, mainly figuring out how character interacts with PhysX Frustum Culling: Determine if object is in the view frustum, if not it's not being rendered
Libraries used: GLFW: Window manager GLEW: OpenGL extension loader DevIL: Image loader GLM: Mathematic library, great for working with OpenGL - matrices, vectors, some emulation of fixed function methods like lookAt and perspective, etc.. PhysX: Physic engine
Other than that, the level is self modeled except two models I just imported (bridge and fence).
Stuff we wanted to implement but had no time: water, scene division, more levels, more lightsources, sound, some game elements, parallax mapping and some other stuff I can't remember atm.
well there is something called ingenieria de sistemas, that translates to systems engineering, but that goes from making calculators to network managing and etc. There are courses outside of the uni that arent really a "degree" just a course, but they do teach programming. Most of the 3d graphics or animation courses are really expensive. It's like, either you do it by yourself, like you become a self taught pro, or you pay lots of cash in private institutions to learn. Im not against that, of course not.mJust that there aren't that much opportunities to walk on THAT road.