These are more or less notes for myself at this point so please forgive my inconsistency in describing locations. 'Player One' is in the north-west corner of the map 'Player Two' is in the south-east corner of the map.
Texture: Shakurus
Size: Lost Temple Size (Medium?)
Name: Not Yet Choosen - Code # A10101 for the interim
Report Ver: 1
1. Both Players Spawn with sizeable islands with immediate to 9 patch High Yield natural expansion locations(not exactly natural expansions, but close to your main base), however neither have any Geysers.
2. Both players can access a low level ground area by destroying two sets of Destructible Rocks. May even increase to three.
3. Standard High Yield locations in south-west and north-east on water-protected Islands.
4. Central island features two gas-only locations with 3 Geysers, and also has a high-ground area with three Xel-Naga towers available for use. The high-ground area can be accessed from both sides of the central island.
5. Two more standard resource locations 1. along the west edge of the map, just north of the south-west High Yield location, 2. Directly infront of Player One's natural expansion, along the east side of the map, close to the north-east High Yield location.
6. Both player natural expansion as well as the entire central island are surrounded in Vision-Blockers.
I wanted to create a map that affects play in the following ways:
1. Players have a lot of minerals early game by having 'uber' High Yield locations, which have no gas
2. Both have relatively easy acces to two additional Low Yield locations as well as two High-Yield locations.
3. Create a critical point in the match in which both players have to try to get the central island.
4. Force economic management to be the primary focus of the map in terms of how either play can by-pass the others defenses.
5. Provide players multiple paths and methods for attacking the opponent, and also give each resource location different advantages and disadvantages. For example player one can defend secondary expansion beyond his destructible rocks from his natural more easily than player two, as player two's bases are both further away. However, if player two skips his natural in favor of the north-eastern High Yield location, he can quite easily stop player one from accessing the secondary expansion.
In contrast the other secondary expansion in the south west of the map north of the high yield location can be defended from player one's main quite easily, however if play is focusing in the north-east player two may be able to snag this base without player one's knowing as it will be too far for player one to see from his main without scouting.
6. The south-western High Yield location is an intentionally isolated and small island. I wanted this to be a base that is both easy and difficult to defend due to it's distance from both players bases.
7. Being a rough sketch precise placements will have to wait until I can actually get hands on with the editor. However my intention with the central island's Xel-Naga towers is to allow which ever player controls the towers to see the entire center of the map, and past parts of the Vision-Blockers. I will position the towers such that even controlling all three will leave small gaps around the edges of the island that cannot be seen. The goal is here is to make sure that the player to claim the central island has a clear advantage in scouting, however the position is far from impenetrable.
Well considering my luck trying to create a secondary blog entry to catalog my second map, I will move the information for it to this thread.
#A10102 Fire Peak
Size: 160 x 160
Tileset: Redstone
Players: 2 to 4 (intended for team play)
1. Shared bases
2. Island expansions as well as a short distance to the enemy base for air units.
3. (NYI) Xel Naga towers will provide players with a view of the bridges from their nearest expansions, as well as additional towers where the high yield vespene geysers are located.