So I got 2 beta key emails (claimed 2 BlizzCon keys to my email on accident a year ago) and I was supposed to give one to a friend, but apparently his computer won't be able to handle it. This is the key itself, not the BlizzCon code, meaning you would just need to copy/paste it into your Battle.net account where you manage your games. Anyhow, I really don't have anyone in particular I want to give it to since I've already secured a few others keys for my friends/staff already.
I'm not selling a key so I don't think what I'm doing isn't allowed.
So I'm open to contest ideas where the grand prize would be the key. What kind of contests would you guys like to see? And this would be a short-run contest, maybe over the weekend or until the middle of next week.
Poll: Contest format? (Vote): Best UMS/mod idea (Vote): Best melee map design (Vote): Best "anything" guide (Vote): Best fan art (Vote): Best fan fiction
contests are lame. I'm cool just give it to me and you'll be cool too. As a matter of fact you just might be cooler than me if you do
51335 Posts
Definitely Best "anything" guide.
When TL organized this there were sooo many really good guides popping all over the forums, I was actually sad they all couldn't get a key.
I think you should give it to Husky, he already has 2 or 3 but after all he's done for the community, I think he deserves a 4th.
Definitely the guides... they had some really creative ideas popping up there
I really enjoyed the guides that popped up during the last big contest. That gets my vote. I saved a lot of those so I wouldn't lose them.
guides as well. Could really learn interesting stuff from them :D
contest idea: the person who wants the key has to get a friend to videotape them loudly singing this song in public, walkin around and walkin up to people and singing it. then they have to turn to the camera, say their tl account name and shout "i really want an sc2 beta key!!"
all of it has to be in public and around people who are going (wtf)
sobriety optional
Have a build order contest where the person who comes up with the most original/entertaining build order in sc1 wins.
hold something like ironman but alot smaller, these contest ideas suck imo
are you serious? he has the oppurtunity to make random people do almost whatever he wants..and youre telling him to hold an ironman?
i will litterally do disgusting things in order to obtain this beta key...
get 5 people to brush their teeth and spit out into a cup. then you have to drink it
and record it and post it on youtube. best video wins
Best UMS isnt a idea that many people can benefit from, and only few people can make UMS anyways, and not many people play new UMS.
I think a guide contest is probably the best idea.
On February 19 2010 19:35 Spartan wrote: Eat a scorpion? is it okay if it's fried?
On February 19 2010 19:32 Ftrunkz wrote: i will litterally do disgusting things in order to obtain this beta key...
On February 19 2010 19:36 DeathSpank wrote:is it okay if it's fried? No, it isn't okay.