I want a desktop notepad application for Windows XP, like the ones they have for a mac. Can I have some recommendations? I looked online but the screenshots I've seen are all bad aesthetic... I'm looking for: simple, no fancy features required good aesthetic if possible
edit: Ohh i mislead you guys... I meant something like post-it app that stick to the desktop and reminds you what you're going to do for a certain day. I am not looking for a plain txt editor. sorry bout that
Isn't there something like that for the Sidebar? Edit: oh you have XP. Well than I don't know
I have no idea what macs use but if its just a simple word processing one, like a super light version of Microsoft Word but more powerful than just Notepad then try Wordpad, which should already be installed with Windows under Programs > Accessories.
Other than that I like to use Textpad.
EDIT: Oh you want these...
[image blocked]
Buy a deck of post-it notes