So I recently got a PS3.. The games I currently own are Uncharted 1, Assassin's Creed 2, Devil May Cry 4, Heavenly Sword, Soul Calibur 4. So far the only game I'm really impressed by is Assassin's Creed 2.
I tried to find a threat on TL with a couple nice listings but couldn't find any. My research on the net says that the following games have good odds on impressing me:
- Batman: Arkham Asylum - Borderlands (Gets boring fast I heard) - Demon's Souls (How's the longevity of this game?) - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Dragon Age: Origins (Is this overhyped?) - Killzone 2 / Resistance 2 / Metal Gear Solid 4 (how do these 3 compare?) - LittleBigPlanet (Is this overhyped?) - GTA4 (Is it really worth it? GTA games usually get boring quick) - SF4 (Will probably get this sooner or later) - Infamous (Is this better than Fable? Overhyped?) - PixelJunk Shooter / Fat Princess (Both seem very fun!)
If anyone can recommend some epic games then please do so
Two things I usually find important in games are longevity and a good multiplayer (not necessarily need a MP, but a good online or co-op mode is always a very welcome bonus! - I'm not a big fan of VS modes, since my gf doesn't like losing ).
Also, I'm not too big on playing 1st person shooters on a console, but I guess I wouldn't mind trying some out if for some reason it actually better on a console or just not available on PC.
Tekken 6, better than SF4 in my opinion
Australia3316 Posts
Borderlands doesn't get boring at all, don't even think about grinding.
Metal Gear Solid 4 I heard is really good.
Just to list some that Ive personally played: Uncharted 2 Infamous GTA4 Batman SF4 Demon Souls Pro Evolution Soccer(Best Soccer series) MLB 09 The Show(Best MLB series and exclusive to PS3, 2K series sucks ass) Fat Princess Killzone 2 MGS4 Resistance 2(Never really was a big fan of this series) Dragon Age
edit: Yea, Borderlands gets boring quickly. But you will come back to it a few times. And the fact that you most likely got the Slim Version, no backwards compatibility.
I really liked Resistance 1, the sequel not so much (not sure why, but it's very Halo-esque. Some people go in for that).
Killzone 2 is probably the best choice for multiplayer, though I play all my online shooters on the PC.
If you have any interest in strategy RPGs or RPGs in general, get Valkyria Chronicles.
Hold off on Street Fighter 4 and wait for Super Street Fighter 4 to release.
Regarding Dragon Age, get it for PC instead if your PC is good enough.
For Killzone 2/Resistance 2/Metal Gear Solid 4, it's going to depend on what you want. Want the best single player experience? Get MGS4. Never really delved into the multiplayer but KZ2 has pretty good MP I hear.
Infamous is ridiculously fun, replayable and an amazing story, well worth shelling out on. LBP I took back to the shop for a trade in, it got boring quick although my gf loved it and she's not a gamer by any stretch.
Also, Resistance 1 is worth a look too, the story is very thought provoking and the gameplay is very fun and arcadey and imo, it felt more "complete" as a game than Res2 was.
I'm about to get Uncharted 1 and 2 and Killzone 2. I have played MGS4, the cutscenes are long but the gameplay is pretty damn good And from what i hear little big planet is underrated. lol
And for the record thank god my Ps3 has backwards compatibility
Little big planet is great if your going to play it with a bunch of other people 3-4 players. If your only going to be playing single player however, then its not much fun. Little big planet works well at partys, but not for a hardcore gamer whos looking for a single player experience.
I'm playing GTA4 on PC right now and I'm really enjoying it. Of course, I got it for only $7.50 thanks to a steam deal, but I would probably pay full price for it. It's a very immersive and entertaining game.
A friend of mine dropped off the face of the earth for a month when he got demon souls. Haven't played it myself yet, but that's a pretty strong indication that it's cool. Also I have to agree that tekken is better than sf4, at least after the inital awesomeness wears off
Only played Dragon age for pc (where it belongs, thx) and it's not so much overhyped imo. I mean.... it's not baldur's gate.... but not that far off^^ My friends couldn't stop raving about the LEGO titles either, so you might wanna give those a shot. Usually very fun.
God of War Collection. It's GoW 1 and 2 redone for the PS3, amazing, amazing games if you haven't played. And GoW 3 when it comes out in March.
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 for the total immersion and generally great game. That's not even mentioning why everyone buys it, for the multiplayer.
I really liked Batman: Arkham Asylum, but I played it on PC. However, I don't think it has a ton of replay value. I got it for $25, so I was okay with that though.
Hmm, I guess I should figure out which games are also available on PC :p
Thanks a lot for everybody's comments so far. I'm not too up-to-date on what's supposed to be released in the future, but I'm definitely waiting for God of War 3. Good tip on SSF. I also hope to see Alien Breed Evolution sometime soon
United States1654 Posts
Valkyria Chronicles is an amazing new take on the SRPG genre. It's like playing chess, only you get to go down onto the field and control your chess pieces through enemy bullets and mortars. It has a cheesy anime storyline, but it's loads of fun.
Demon's Souls is sort of like Oblivion, but with a huge learning curve. You will likely die many many times before you finally get the game, but it's worth it in the end. It also has a unique way of multiplayer that you should research. It's really interesting.
Uncharted 2 is like Uncharted 1, but better, and with multiplayer.
LittleBigPlanet is real fun if you have people to play with or if you like creating levels, otherwise it gets pretty old fast.
If you like (S)RPG games, Valkyria Chronicles is an absolute must have. If you like SRPGs in general, and have either played previous Disgaea games, or just enjoy the zany, I highly recommend Disgaea 3.
Uncharted 2 is the must have of the year. The MP is solid enough to have some good fun on it as well.
Dragon Age feels like work. That's just me though. I'm still playing through it.
MGS4 is a really great game, i actually just got a PS3 christmas eve and first game i played was MGS4 and it was defiantly worth it.
What i can recomend off that list is: Demon's Souls, Batman, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Fat Princess. SF4 depends on whether or not you're a fan of the genre.
If you're planning on learning SF4 you should just pick it up now haha. Ono has hinted that there will be something special for people who have it.