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After a LAN party with some friends last summer, I decided to go back and finish the Brood War missions in preparation for SCII. From there I started watching commentated games, and then reading about build orders on Liquipedia and lurking on Team Liquid. When fall semester started, I had a lot of work and no access to a Windows computer (meaning no Antihack launcher), so I limited myself to following the Pro Leagues, browsing the forums, and occasionally playing against a couple of nub friends. Now that I’m home for break with access to a Windows desktop PC, looking into putting Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro, and have an easy January term ahead of me, I’m getting ready to finally start down the long, hard road that is ICCup.
So my introduction to competitive Starcraft is basically nothing exceptional. Certainly not by itself worth posting about. What is noteworthy about my experience is not how I got into Starcraft, but when. With Starcraft 2 theoretically coming out within the next half year, I’m probably starting Starcraft towards the end of its competitive life cycle. I’m starting Starcraft well after the fall of the last bonjwa, when the strategy seems mostly figured out and the build orders largely optimized. I’m joining a community that has developed and improved for over ten years, and on top of that has been boosted by the pro scene in Korea. Even the average D+ player is now well beyond the beginner level.
All things considered then, December 2009 is maybe not the best time to be a Starcraft noob. Am I complaining? Hell no. Starcraft is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played and I’m just happy to get into it before its time is up. I don’t know how Starcraft II will be. Even the developers can’t know for sure how a game will turn out competitively. I don’t think Brood War will survive its release regardless, but I don’t really even know about that. For now though, I’m just looking forward to practicing builds and getting my ass kicked on ICCup.
Nice first post.
Welcome to BW and Teamliquid! ^_^
well it's fine for anyone to start now, after all blizzard is probably planing to keep SC2 delayed until 2056.
Hey, welcome to TL and Starcraft!
If you want you can add me on ICCup, I'm NSANE.hydra. Message me if you want practice or want help with anything
Welcome to TL, there's no "too late" when you're talking about SC. It's always a good time to get into it. Good luck on ICCUP
I've been playing SC since it came out and I can barely hold a 40% winrate at D on Iccup.
But who gives a shit. SC is amazing. It is the hardest game to master of all time and is by far the most fun. Dont give up hope like I kept doing once I saw how many games I've lost. I lost those games because this game is challenging.
New generation games like Halo can bite me.
good luck and don't be afraid. there are a ton of really bad players in the iccup D ranks. i'm surprised they even bothered installing iccup when they don't seem to have any understanding of the competitive aspects of the game in the first place.
Welcome to TL, obey the rules and you shall love the place!
On December 25 2009 05:22 HuskyTheHusky wrote: I've been playing SC since it came out and I can barely hold a 40% winrate at D on Iccup. It's different for everyone. Sometimes you hear about players getting B or A level after just a year with the game, and sometimes you hear about people who've played it since it came out. The difference between those people I think is why they play SC, and sometimes how much time and priority they can really give a game.
In any case, absolutely you can catch up with the best of them, but it's not necessary to enjoy SC. There will always be people your level to game with.
Honestly sometimes I hear that D players(Mostly during the American timezones) are terrible. I really want to start playing ICCUP but never putting enough effort in studying BOs. :/ My macro and micro are pretty decent and from watching and studying so many matches/games, my timing attacks shouldnt be bad. Just gotta get in the flow of things, I guess....
depends on who you play against. non korean D level players ARE terrible
on the other hand, korean D level players can be really good. I have countless replays of playing against koreans with 350 apm and 170+eapm. that's pro level mechanics, and they're at D level. like wtf?