I'm not sure though. I don't know the language, don't know anyone over there. But in the near future I have ~$20k and I would really love to live there. Also, I would pick up my old internet marketing career again, this time seriously, to earn money.
What common barriers would I have to expect? How can I approach them?
Obv I'd need a bank account, I'd need a korean paypal account, an apartment and my computer.
I know, looks like I'm not even slightly prepared to do a step of this importance, but I'd rather start brainstorming right now so I'm ready when the time comes....
why korea and not somewhere else? what's your reason for choosing korea and not say... canada?
decisions like this are pretty big, so it's important to know why you're doing such things before actually committing to them (and later on perhaps regretting)
Language? Seriously take some lessons cuz that will break down alot of natural barriers...
Because even though I don't participate much here, I absolutely love Starcraft. I could move to the UK too, even with less trouble because they are in the European Union, but Korea was on my mind since I saw my first progaming match.
Korea (South)11568 Posts
why don't you spend a week in korea first, and see if it really is as "cool" as you believe it to be.
Food (it's a completely different palette), language, being a minority, etc etc. If you just want to go for StarCraft you should take a vacation, not live there :O
Hmm I wouldnt choose my place of residence based on what TV programs they show... But maybe thats just me.
On November 23 2009 00:53 29 fps wrote: why korea and not somewhere else? what's your reason for choosing korea and not say... canada?
decisions like this are pretty big, so it's important to know why you're doing such things before actually committing to them (and later on perhaps regretting)
I think we all know why he wants to go to Korea
This is no discussion about my reasons. My mind is set on living for a year or two or even forever in Korea.
Don't discourage the man; he will surely have quite an experience, whether positive or negative.
Obviously consider visa issues since you will not have a long-term or work visa.
I think you might encounter a rough time adjusting to the culture.
The Koreans are pretty proud, and to a good extent - exclusive to their own kind. I think going there for a short trip to test the waters is probably a better idea.
What you can do is teach english in korea. A cousin of mine said his english teacher was Canadian. A couple of my friends are getting housing, food and getting payed around ~2k a month for teaching some snobby korean kids english. Why? Because korean parents are too thickheaded to realize that if you spend 10,000 on a tutor, your kid is not gonna turn smarter overnight.
Thus, you can make a good amount of money for relatively little.
But like some others said, I would visit Korea. Monsoon season is SO fucking detestable that I was considering suicide. (joke) There is nothing more discouraging then when you have to walk from your house to the train in HOT rain while it is humid.
On November 23 2009 01:20 CaucasianAsian wrote: why don't you spend a week in korea first, and see if it really is as "cool" as you believe it to be.
+1; I would recommend going on a trip there for even longer before you made a final decision (a couple weeks or a month). Consider whether the presence of professional starcraft will be enough to sustain your existence in a foreign land where you know no one, don't speak the language, don't have a job, etc...
Why don't you establish your internet marketing carreer first, and then move. Also I don't see what's so awesome about living in a new country, you're probably going to end up with the same lifestyle except you can't speak the language. Like, where would you expect to meet people etc, seems like a lonely and miserable experience to be honest.
Download, watch, reconsider.
+ Show Spoiler + I know that Japan is not Korea, but the basic idea remains the same.
No ofc you should go! Korea seems so great I'd go there if there was any future for my career in Asia.. For me moving to France was one of the coolest things I've done, so don't think twice!
About the difficulties: I don't know, never been in Korea
10387 Posts
As I recall, there is some sort of a "Little Germany" in SKorea. Not sure on this at all, might've been my imagination.
Ehhh... Doesnt seem like a very "valid" reason to spend your entire life there. And the fact that you barely know anything about the culture besides watching Starcraft, maybe? HMMM?
do whatever you want, even if you do regret moving there. If you don't you'll always continue what it'll be like if you persued it.