Ok so here's what I've been up to this week. Thanks for all the kind words in the first blog guys, really helped me 
What have I been up too each day this week? + Show Spoiler [Monday] +50 minute walk 5,5KM Planned on a 1 hour walk, but since I didn't know what route to take it ended up being shorter.
+ Show Spoiler [Tuesday] +55 minute walk 6,5KM Really tired and I'm actually realizing how addicted I am to fastfood. I really REALLY want a burger right now. But I'm not giving up on the 2nd day, no way. Got a lesson with incontrol tonight, and after that I'm gonna go for another walk.
+ Show Spoiler [Wednesday] +Sick like a dog, woke up this morning and could barely walk because of the fever. Typical!
+ Show Spoiler [Thursday] +Another sick day, I don't care how hig the fever is tomorrow, I'll pop pills and take a walk!
+ Show Spoiler [Friday] +20 minute walk 2,5KM I am still sick but said "fuck it" took out the strongest shit I could find in the medicine closet and went for a shorter walk. Felt good to get fresh air after being in bed for two days. I'm back baby!
+ Show Spoiler [Saturday] +40 minute walk No distance this time, my phone ran out of battery. Didnt think I'd have time to fit a walk into the schedule but I did and I am happy that I did.
+ Show Spoiler [Sunday] +I was first thinking about adding a lie here "I was just to tired" but today I was simply to lazy. Was a late night yesterday so I decided to say "fuck it". Need to work on that. btw, Studio 60 on the sunset strip is the best hangover show ever.
And everything added together + Show Spoiler [Total] +Time: 2h 45min Distans walking: 15,5KM + unknown 40 mins Distans swimming: 0m
What will I do next week? + Show Spoiler [Goals for next week] +Time: 6 hours Walking: 4 hours Swimming: 2 hours
And, as promised, a picture! + Show Spoiler [Current pic] +
So that's it, week one has really been up and down for me. Being sick two days and that short walk on the third day felt like it killed my lungs a little bit so hopefully this was just a bad week and by powering trough I hope my next week will get easier!
Cya in a week!
Gogogo! :D
Don't worry, usually when you start doing something more physically demanding than your usual routine, you can get sick more easily, but once you get it rolling, it will be a lot less common. Just keep it up!
You can take a break one day if you feel your muscles are hurting though, they do need to recover. The "real" training routines are usually made so that you have 3 of them in the week, and at least one day of rest between two. But since this is "just" walking, walk when you feel well, even on two consecutive days.
And no laziness, just the power of Will!
Julmust, do you have MSN or AIM? Let's be weight loss buddies. I am right not 143 aiming to go ~130.
Give me a PM or something. REALLY REALLY nice job though. That is some dedication right there bro! You'll lose tons in no time. Trust me.
Vatican City State1872 Posts
On November 02 2009 06:26 Amnesia wrote:Julmust, do you have MSN or AIM? Let's be weight loss buddies. I am right not 143 aiming to go ~130. Give me a PM or something. REALLY REALLY nice job though. That is some dedication right there bro! You'll lose tons in no time. Trust me.  dude you're skinny as fuck.
why would you want to lose weight??? put on 25lbs imo
I am right not 143 aiming to go ~130.
Nice initiative julmust. However, know that nutrition is probably the most important thing for weight loss although exercise of course is awesome too.
You should try spinning too, it's a great way to exercise and it doesn't put pressure on your knees like running does.
Eat lots of protein and fat and less carbs. Stay at around 2000 kcal for a smooth weight loss
He might be talking kilograms.
On November 02 2009 06:48 Zherak wrote: He might be talking kilograms.
No I'm talking pounds lol
On November 02 2009 06:47 Foucault wrote: Nice initiative julmust. However, know that nutrition is probably the most important thing for weight loss although exercise of course is awesome too.
You should try spinning too, it's a great way to exercise and it doesn't put pressure on your knees like running does.
Eat lots of protein and fat and less carbs. Stay at around 2000 kcal for a smooth weight loss
Need to look into the food situation, this week I haven't had any junkfood but that's saying that the rest of the food was healthy. Anyway, brb taking a picture!
Ever thought of jump roping? It's really awesome!
Walking isn't excersise. Did you even measure your heart rate while walking? 5,5km in 50 minutes is a regular walking pace - it is not going to help you lose weight and have better cardio.
You need to do some aerobics at home - even 5 minutes of running would be better than a walk. You need to start swimming ASAP.
On November 02 2009 06:58 SiZ.FaNtAsY wrote: Ever thought of jump roping? It's really awesome!
Yeah and I'll lose my knees after a week. People has to understand this fact: I am really overweight. My current weight is probably 140kg+ (300+ pounds), why dont I know my exact weight? Cause my scale at home doesnt go that high. I CANNOT start running it will KILL my knees in the first week.
On November 02 2009 07:04 Sadistx wrote: Walking isn't excersise. Did you even measure your heart rate while walking? 5,5km in 50 minutes is a regular walking pace - it is not going to help you lose weight and have better cardio.
You need to do some aerobics at home - even 5 minutes of running would be better than a walk. You need to start swimming ASAP.
Walking 5,5km in 50 minutes burns about 250 calories per kilometer for me being as heavy as I am. I am going to start swimming aswell, but saying it's not helping me at all to burn around 1250 calories extra a day just isnt gonna cut it. And I'm not looking for a fast weightloss. I'm looking to drop 1-2 kg per week. That way I get a controled weightloss while I'm changing my everyday bad habits. By taking it slow until I lose enough weight so I can start to run I'm giving myself a better chanse then if I go out, swim for 3-4 hours a day, lose alot of weight and then fall back into the same trap again.
Oh and walking is exercise.
Nice work so far, it's great to see you trying to change to a healthier lifestyle
I lost about 9 pounds in the last 2 months and plan on keeping it up!
On November 02 2009 06:58 SiZ.FaNtAsY wrote: Ever thought of jump roping? It's really awesome! This! Jump roping is really fun and easy to do but I understand due to your weight it's much more difficult to do but when you feel comfortable give jump roping a shot.
On November 02 2009 07:04 Sadistx wrote: Walking isn't excersise.
Stopped reading. I'm sorry, but you are horrifically misled.
Dude, fuck jump roping, that's cardio fitness, a completely different area(and totally inappropriate), when you're just trying to burn fat. you have the right idea with walking and swimming for now, stick to it man - it shows that you feel good about it since you can be honest about occasional lack of effort.
Wow nice!! Keep it up man!! And ignore Sadistx.
On November 02 2009 06:26 Amnesia wrote:Julmust, do you have MSN or AIM? Let's be weight loss buddies. I am right not 143 aiming to go ~130. Give me a PM or something. REALLY REALLY nice job though. That is some dedication right there bro! You'll lose tons in no time. Trust me. 
Your name should be anorexia not amnesia
Awesome start! When are you planning to incorporate muscle-building exercises? You are actually in some senses in a good position for it--because you are significantly overweight, and because you were not very active before, you can probably burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. For most people who already work out or are in reasonable shape this isn't possible.