I am kind of at a crossroad in my life. My current job has cut everybody's hours down to almost nil. I recently left college. I am working on my A+ certification. I really am at a crossroads in my life where anything is possible. So if I am going to try something nuts with my future, now really seemed like the time to try it.
I decided a couple weeks ago I wanted to go to Korea. I have been following the pro scene for a couple years now and it seemed like a really good idea. Or an idea worth looking in to at least. There was only one problem. I am terrible at SC. I have followed the pro scene for a few years but I really only started playing recently. Even now that I actually play, I do not have a lot of time to put in to it. Work and my girlfriend take priority, one out of necessity and one by choice. This obvious sucking is kind of an issue for the whole "go to Korea and play SC professionally" thing.
I was not going to let this stop me though. I'm large, adorable and a foreigner. Surely I have enough marketability to find a team willing to take me in right? As some kind of mascot if nothing else. This would give me the chance to play in the team house environment and train around the best until I could actually compete, right? I mean yeah, Ret just went over there. And yeah he has all the marketability I do plus actual ability. Sending a few emails won't kill me though so I can still try. Plus, the adorable "little engine that could" angle might work out for me.
So I started looking on all the team websites, hoping to find some sort of contact information. For a manager, owner, just the team's generic email address. Anything really. Unfortunately I know about a month's worth of Korean. You might as well have had a toddler looking for the information for all the good I was doing. What was I going to do now? If only there was some way to contact the right people that didn't involve knowing fluent Korean. Some kind of foreigner that knows the right people...hmmm...
Of course! Artosis! I know he had something to do with Ret going over to Korea. In an interview with Estro's manager, he said that Artosis had helped them by sending them replays from various foreigners and such. He could at least give me contact information or something perhaps? So I messaged Artosis. He was nice enough to humor me a response and even talked to me briefly via MSN. It turned out I had contacted the exact right person, but he couldn't help me. I am not exactly the only 'adorable large white guy' looking to go to Korea right now, and the other ones happen to be good at the game.
So just like that, my dreams were shot down. I actually was pretty pleased with how it went though. It really was more of a "what do I have to lose" thing than a "I seriously think this will work" thing. Artosis was nice about it and seemed to find me trying this more amusing than stupid, though I personally wonder just how far towards the stupid line I leaned.
So now I am back where I was before this idea. I am still looking for a new job. I am still studying for my A+ certification. I am still spending more time with Sarah and those things then playing StarCraft. Shoot, I am still spending more time watching youtube videos of the games than playing StarCraft. I kind of expected to be back here though, so I'm happy with that. It was fun trying to come up with a way to live the dream anyways.
On a side note, if you think I would make the most adorable "little engine that could" story, post here and come watch my terrible terrible stream. If I can collect some kind of cult following for my little story/idea maybe there is still hope. Worth a shot for me right? :D