I'm gonna be honest. I've been an internet explorer user my entire life and I only recently heard all the ranting that internet explorer sucks and people still use it, has so many security holes, blah blah blah blah blah.
I have a few questions though since I'm obviously new to all the different web browsers around.
I want a browser that will give me the best performance when running a lot of multiple applications. For example, I like listening to music while browsing the internet, while keeping my starcraft minimized, while IMing my friends, and sometimes playing a browser game on top of that. Which browser would give me the fastest speed for that?
Hands down Chrome.
Mozilla has a better media support, but Chrome is the fastest.
51290 Posts
if your not going to use add-ons then chrome.
i thought ie was as good as ff(which i use now) but chrome is faster than both.
I prefer firefox to chrome however that's mainly because I'm used to firefox's tabs. I don't see any browser taking significantly less memory, but that's just from my own experience.
Well, you're kind of late to the realization, as recent IE is actually pretty good. Go with Chrome though if you're opening (and closing) a lot of tabs. Chrome is a newer browser designed to be efficient and fast for a user exactly like you.
edit: oh whoops you said multiple applications as in applications other than the web browser. But the principle still stands about Chrome memory management.
Assuming you don't have a shortage of RAM (1GB or less), probably Chrome. The Firefox memory footprint is smaller if you are lacking RAM. I don't think IE8 is terrible anyway, but IE6 had many flaws relative to its competition so a lot of people switched. The IE8 resource/memory usage is comparatively big.
Personally, I highly recommend Firefox because the Adblock Plus add-on is much more of an advantage than the milliseconds of speed you get from Opera or Chrome. You can still allow ads for sites that you want to support.
CHROME is LEGIT. Get it. Use it. Love it.
Chrome>all. in terms of speed/memory usage, that is.
You want to use one with ad block, since web games are filled with filthy ads. Thus, Firefox should be used.
I kid, I kid. But it is pretty cool. And the fastest by a mile, but you'd have to program everything you want included by yourself
Go with chrome.
To the ad block people...why aren't you using a block list? Yes it's loads easier on linux (just put everything in /etc/hosts.deny, you're done) but people have made this work in windows: http://stevenpratt.com/2008/09/06/google-chrome-adblock-plugin/
Chrome. Speedy as hell and great for what you're looking for.
Anything but IE helps maintain the fragile psyche of web developers . personally FF is my favorite just because of firebug and a few other add-ons, but really, any of FF, chrome, opera or even safari sound good for what you want.
It's like this: Internet explorer is a car with broken windsheilds and flat tires. Firefox is a nice fast sports car with multiple features. Chrome is kind of like the wireframe of a car, but then again it could be a supah expensive hybrid. Light, and supah awesome.
Opera for me.
Also last I checked, chrome wasn't the fastest browser.
Browser Compression + Show Spoiler + Surprisingly for macro-type images, these sum up the situation pretty well.
Chrome more or less, is just the browser cut down par excellence, every window is treated individually, so if one locks up, it won't crash the whole thing, and it runs as everyone says, super fast.
Personally, I like firefox, because I've grown accustomed to all my extensions that I use (its really become a case of questioning how I could ever live without them), and it has lots of nice functionality that only gets patched into IE8 in later versions.
Opera or Chrome ( unfortunately Chrome is still a little buggy )
And lol about people talking about ad block'ish plugs being kind of exclusive for FF - you never used Opera or what?! Plus guess which site is 2. worst in security after IE - yep, it's FireFox...
Opera can block ads if you edit the .ini file.
Go with Opera 10 :OO
I love Chrome more than any other computer related thing. except for starcraft.
i just fucking love it, it's the perfect browsers.
Opera and firefox have so many cool features, but only when you switch to Chrome do you realize, you don't really need any of that stuff.
Chrome is simply the best choice for casual day to day surfing. end of fucking story.