So can i be the voice of warmth? .. can i manage to say that i am saddened by the fact that when i popped my forum'cherry on tl forums 10+ years ago i saw 9000 and now i read 900? Is this a sign of the times is this just normal is this real life?
Can we please use this semi cloaked feedback thread as a safe* place to type ALL the ideas that people on tl would have for tl to get more viewers / users..? i know i would want a place like that .. maybe it was because it was denied to me from the start or maybe it was always going to be my fault i got driven off it.. i don't know and to be honest i don't really care anymore.i like tl and i want ideas to flow so that the evil overlords of tl have more people on .. yes i'd rather the people on tl and in the gaming industry were less apathetic yes yes but i feel that if i'm the problem then that means i can be the solution too, i'm funny like that i know.
So lets hear it please.. how can we get more gamers addicted to being on tl? (even if that seems a bit too raunchy a way of putting it?!)
Examples of this could/would be to get us
a Miss tl online bikini contest (male and female contenders of course could apply) or have a newmeet tl people in real life every week endthread? be on top of gaming news? featured in the banner?
(ps: i'll only show you my ideas if you show me yours)
Disclaimer*: safe place does not mean safe from the moderation team it means safe from me, all tl rules still apply thank you for your cooperation
Uhhhh... People have a very bad opinion about you. And that’s never going to change. Your posting habits are weird and creepy. If you don’t change that, then you’re screwed regardless of wherever you post.
circulation indeed, i love that word, .. probably just sad that "out the door" is the one way street advertised from day one
once again in front of the not so blank canvas i stand and i think:
(music is always the way to best think / emote <3)
to just "turn away" as the music video says.. i mean this is a time of presents?
i kept jumping up and down like baloo, possibly like pumba..for a decade to get what i consider apathetic "gamers" from the rts community to act up to come and join the crazies (of which i am a worthy representative yes! unashamedly so!).. to change it (it being everything yes) for the better and do that for ever!
i tried honestly and to no avail?
/ mani felt i was disturbing the shi while i was merely discovering forum etiquette / chill and wheat hated me for saying tlmc had no balls live on WOC / not one of the "pro streamers" on sc2 never gave my CAMERA moves for sc2 observing the time of day (could list all the people who were nice/not nice about me trying to show them what the zooms look like and what it could offer sc2 and hence the rts community.. but whatever, assume i tried them ALL and failed) / i got baited into being the one everyone points fingers at and spits on on a cavern live chat .. like a kid who got snotty nose and his pants wedgied and closed the door for ever unto my (harry potter) closet / got the boot 7 times? / catz permed me on his chat for the same reasons tl did, standing up to the only guy with a mike / always alone / plexa saved me ? why? to play some more? / i got baited so many times on this site that i could write a novel about baiting / just got out of a 90 day temp / baskerville pbu scum forever
and that should have been that, no? but the camera moves quest is more than myself so i go on .. .. and then the horror .. that AWESOME camera move idea then gets to be a ten year old fool gold's quest.. 10 years .. no no no i really can't believe it.. i failed for 3650 days
time goes by and being the "never surrender never give up" bot i am, i still do it with the <3 s and the s and the s
and a few days ago, out of nowhere (no i did not change to be heard no i did not travesty myself none i was me 110%) i get rotti to do it <3 in 2 minutes no more (:
he says "what you want me to do?" we are live on his stream and the ad/exposure is there
i answer as flash quickly as i manage "just launch map / ignore the game / use num panel to use the zooms" "0 resets to default cam" "1 2 3 are closest zooms etc" "this is only a tool, the observer still has to master that tool to make cool looking mass viewers increase OBSERVING for the 21st century"
he does it says "cool" "adds "obviously in sc2 we want the top view to see the strategy etc"
i reply "obviously i only want to ADD camera moves, the sc god mode view is essential" "i want BOTH <3 " LONG LIVE RTS <3
and that 's that i can now say that if rts / sc2 scbw stay "observed" like it was in 1990 then it won't be my fault, it wont be my FAIL. and yes i'm a conceited f ck sue me it matters to me a lot that this will not be MY fail but yours!
(if you want to "do it like rotti" just open ANY of my maps (besides the movie map) and use the numerical panel of your keyboard and try out the zooms, the latest map is called "DeathHead" on the dead sc2 arcade .. the CAMERA moves idea is simple you add observer commands that allow for REAL camera moves performed by real observers .. this would be ON TOP of gameheart which is awesome, and again this will take crafty savvy camera operating skills to be pulled off and YES it will mean X100 rts viewership numbers for sure <3 )
So there you go.. i can fly away now .. i showed somewhat that the idea is pertinent and i won't have failed.
But.. but.. what about this idea that this forum representing ALL of rts would be "other" than what it is?
i mean i want sc2 to be other and therefore sc2 website to be other too, i mean it sounds logical, no? the one makes the other? So what about this idea that "i" would want this website to
make tomorrow instead of watching yesterday unfold...