Hey guys,
I've been posting daily blogs for a couple weeks now and people seem to really be enjoying them. The first one I posted (8/16/12), MOD "GMarshall" said this:
"If you want to c/p the text into a new blog here and put the link at the end to the blog, that's ok, but just providing a link is not allowed."
So I changed it up and I've been posting the entire blog, word for word, with a link to my site at the beginning and end of the post. 12 days later, "Chill," another forum mod came into my latest post and said this:
"Your last 20 posts, save one for KT Violet, are promoting your blog. Stop it. Take it somewhere other than TL."
So what are the real rules? I'm an avid TL reader and don't want to start any trouble or get banned from the site that I love. I'm passionate about the blog I write and would like to continue sharing it with the TL community while still hopefully bringing some traffic to my site.
Am I allowed to post a link to my blog as long as the posts ENTIRE contents are copy/pasted as well? Or am I not allowed to have any links whatsoever? I couldn't find a sticky to help me with this problem so I'd appreciate any help I can get. Thanks!
The problem I think Chill have, and to be fair I have no clue, is that you ONLY provide content to TL through you blog which is also used to promote you own blogsite. So basicly all you do is promote your blog.
I'm not saying you should post elsewhere for the sake of posting but from the looks of an outside you aren't really engaged in TL.net besides trying to promote your blog.
When all that said and done I enjoy reading you blogs. They are short but precise and usually have a thought behind it. (I don't read them all though)
Msg Marshall specifically, Chill kind of butts his nose into places (that's kind of what he's suppose to do though) where other mods have given room. I think if you just speak with Marshall you can clear this up.
On August 29 2012 04:06 NeMeSiS3 wrote: Msg Marshall specifically, Chill kind of butts his nose into places (that's kind of what he's suppose to do though) where other mods have given room. I think if you just speak with Marshall you can clear this up.
Will do, thanks!
Calgary25963 Posts
On August 29 2012 04:06 NeMeSiS3 wrote: Msg Marshall specifically, Chill kind of butts his nose into places (that's kind of what he's suppose to do though) where other mods have given room. I think if you just speak with Marshall you can clear this up. GMashall's comment is doing this one time. This is all this poster does. Here are the threads he has posted in since his account was created:
Simple Questions Simple Answers Starcraft 2 Getting Boring? Meaning of Life (His Blog) Help with Blog Post (His Blog, closed) Swim For Your Life! (His Blog, closed) Swim For Your Life! (His Blog) Learn to Live Alone And You'll Never Be Alone (His Blog) Worst Week of My Life (Not his Blog but he conveniently posts a link to his Blog) Patience – The Binding of Relationships (His Blog) Letting Go of Anger (His Blog) Internet Issues (His Blog, Closed) Want Inspiration? Become it. (His Blog, Closed) Regaining Interest: Has this happened to you? Judgement – Supressing Love Since…forever (His Blog) Live Healthier - Inside and Out (His Blog) How Dungeons and Dragons Can Change Your Life (Hig Blog) KT Violet 1988-2012 Losing the Fear (His Blog) Hit The Ground Running (His Blog) Face Your Problems Head On (His Blog, Closed)
Do you see a pattern here? All this poster does is link to his offsite Blog. Self-promotion (outside of here and there) has never been allowed.
United States22154 Posts
Basically what Chill said.
Also, moving this to website feedback, and including a link to the advertising guidelines
I think TL searches for a balance from all its community members. If you want to just post your blog entries and words and purely looking for feedback, then I don't think there is a problem.
If you want to do that while referencing everyone back to your off-site blog area, then of course Team Liquid asks for just more from you as a person, than just staying in the corner periodically reminding everyone you have a blog and words of wisdom.
If you're an avid reader, then I hope you can also become an avid conversationalist amongst the many parts of the forums and their topics. TL is pretty lenient with off-site referencing to blogs or other sites, but they also expect the minimum from you as a person a part of this community, priviledged to use these well-moderated forums.
Hope this helps.
Calgary25963 Posts