I tuned into Destiny's stream recently. I made it about three games before he called someone a "skilless faggot". I think we've passed the point in society that can be considered acceptable. There are a lot of people that watch Destiny's stream and that stuff matters, a lot.
Per your rule 1,
Grounds for De-Featuring: 1. On-stream conduct determined unacceptable to Team Liquid. This includes acts of racism, homophobia, hate speech, and general assholery.
So, I request that Destiny be defeatured.
from http://www.twitch.tv/destiny/v/32869827 , at 5:57:40
Screencap: http://imgur.com/wr4USUH
I just noticed that chu8 is not a featured HOTS streamer even though he clearly fits rule 7 and 8, usually competing with Grubby on viewer count. Intended?
I really like him and his stream, it is funny and insightful.
<edit> now that she is online I noticed that, GillyWeed, who is a famous caster who broadcasts several tournaments(right now, broadcasting a korean HOTS tournament) is also not featured. I do believe she deserves a spot on that list, as she is popular and brings great viewer count.
I don't know if you deal with the Dota 2 streams, but KheZzu should definitely be a featured streamer on Liquiddota.com, in my opinion. A top notch, well-behaved player with a very informative stream, member of a tier-2 European Dota team. He deserves it ten times over certain 'celebrity' casters who happen to be featured due to name-recognition alone (even tho their streams feature mediocre play and no viewer interaction or anything).
United States13143 Posts
you need to go to TL classic rather than LD
I recently qualified for WCS Challenger, who should I talk to about getting featured on TL?
On LiquidHearth, the featured Twitch channel "ADWCTA" (the popular arena streamers ADWCTA and Merps) have phased this channel out and are now streaming from the channel "GrinningGoat". Can we get the LH featured streamer list updated to reflect their new channel?
Edit: Link to their new channel here: GrinningGoat
I want to request that Fitzyhere is featured. Similar to featured streamers Vibe and Neuro, he is a top 30 gm Zerg player that does great commentary with his excelent gameplay. He has been featured before and pulled very high views as he is very enjoyable to watch with his really unique playstyle.
Hi I'd like to request that guru stream be added to the featured. He' s full time progamer and he was in ro16 2016 WCS Circuit: Spring Circuit Championship.
My team mate JuggernautJason and I both made the WCS Summer Challenger during the ladder qualifiers for NA
Avilo is raging at Riot Games and playing Heroes of the Storm. While he is doing this his stream says he is playing SC2 as the Terran race. This is dishonest.
JuggernautJason OTOH is being honest and has his name in the "Other Games" list while is playing an "other game".
I have no doubt JJ being honest is costing him viewers. Please do something about this and please reward honest streamers and discourage steamers who try to put themselves higher in the list by incorrectly reporting that they are playing SC2.
EDIT: just as a finish this his name is now under "Heroes of the Storm" where is belongs.
France1919 Posts
Hi, I'd like to request that my stream, https://www.twitch.tv/foxhan be added to the featured Starcraft : Broodwar sidebar. I restream Jaedong's afreeca stream daily and have been doing so since November 13th. Thanks.
This infamous but beloved Taiwanese protoss player has been streaming recently at https://www.twitch.tv/hasstorm
Edit: what the heck the channel is gone, he deleted it?
Hello, I would like to get featured. I'm Olympic rank(highest possible rank its 3000points above A+) 2v2 random player. I play pretty much the best 2v2 games there are with every race. People on channel are welcome to ask questions and educate themselves on the game. I sometimes play 1:1 and 3:3 when there are no teams.
https://www.twitch.tv/nemu555 Starcraft-Broodwar
Thanks hope you guys have fun .
Twitch changed the Brood War channel name to "StarCraft". TL should update so BW Twitch streams don't appear as Other Games.
Avilo doesn't want to use main account anymore. He's now streaming on a separate account https://www.twitch.tv/mechgodavilo
He's getting constant 150 viewers each day, He should be featured.