Katowice25012 Posts
This thread contains the list of current TeamLiquid featured streamers.
TeamLiquid will make large scale reviews of the featured stream list every few months, making additions and removals as necessary. Streams may also be featured or de-featured at any time, on a per case basis.
If you believe a certain stream should be featured, please state your case in this thread.
How to become featured?
We will be reviewing featured streams monthly, and will be adding and removing featured streams accordingly. Just because a player was removed at this time does not mean he will never be added again.
The best way to become featured is to gain viewers, win tournaments, or a combination of both. Again, we understand it is difficult to "gain viewers" without being featured, but we feel that featured status is something that recognizes popular and skilled players, not a vehicle to make players popular or skilled.
*Any players qualified for the current WCS seasons will be featured on request.
Updated Featured Stream Requirements:- Full time or part time progamer that has made a Premier League appearance
- Full time or part time progamer that is currently in Challenger League
- Full time or part time progamer that has reached the bracket stage of a premier tournament
- Full time or part time progamer that has won a major tournament
- Full time streamer on a professional team that has at least 100-150 constant viewers
- Content producer or community member that has contributed a lot to the scene, who has at least 100-150 viewers
- Full time or regular streamer that is considered insightful and informative who plays at a high level, with at least 100-150 viewers
- Full time streamer with at least 250 constant viewers
Grounds for De-Featuring:- On-stream conduct determined unacceptable to Team Liquid. This includes acts of racism, homophobia, hate speech, and general assholery
- Inactivity for more than a year
- Elimination from Challenger League if the streamer does not meet any other requirements
- Proof of viewbotting or artificially padding one's viewing numbers *
- Proof of stream cheating or hacking
- Being permanently banned on teamliquid.net for unacceptable posting
- Consistently low viewer count below 100
Current Featured Stream List
Players + Show Spoiler [List] +StarCraft 2:
92Sleep AxMiya Axslav BRAT_OK BabyKnight Bakuryu Bly Cancella (SlayerS_Cella) Check ClarityShuttle DarKFoRcE Day[9] DdoRo DeMusliM Dendi Destiny EG.Jaedong EGMachine EGOzRC EGPuma EGaLiveRC ESCDaisy Empire.Beastyqt Empire.kas EmpireBratOK EmpireHappy FXO.sC FXOChoya FXOGumiho FXOLeenock FXOLucky FXONuclear FXOTear FXOTheBest FXOTree FXOjks FXOpen Fenix FnaticMoon Gatored GoOdy Grubby HappyZergling HongUn HuK HwangSin IMHirai IMYoda IdrA KIMSUNGJE (StarTale_Rainbow) KawaiiRice Kimgayoung (StarTale_Aphrodite) LaLuSh Liquid`HayprO Liquid`HerO Liquid`Jinro Liquid`Ret Liquid`Sheth Liquid`TLO Liquid`Tyler Lz MVPGuineapig MaNa Machine[USA] MajOr Maka MaximusBlack MoMaN- Mondragon MorroW NSHS_Sage NSHS_Sculp NSHS_Seal NSHS_Tassadar Naniwa NightEnD NsHS.San QuanticCenter Quanticflo R1CH RGNartist ROOTAxeltoss ROOTPuck ROOTfitzy ROOTheognis Reign.SLush RoX.fraer RoXKISPomi ST_Sound SaSe SarenS Satiiinifi Sayle Scarlett` SeleCT Sen Siz)Beggar SjoW SlayerS_Alicia SlayerS_Boxer SlayerS_CoCa SlayerS_Dragon SlayerS_GanZi SlayerS_Golden SlayerS_Min SlayerS_Puzzle SlayerS_TaeJa SlayerS_YugiOh SortOf Spanishiwa State Stephano Sting1 Strelok SuperiorWolf TSLHeart TSLJYP TSLKiller TSL_Polt TSL_aLive TSLaLive TT1 TargA Tarson Thorzain ToD ViBE VortiX Welmu White-Ra XlorD ZeNEXByuN ZeNEXHack aTnClouD biGs. coL.CatZ coL.Minigun coL.TriMaster coL.drewbie d.Apollo desRow dignitas.merz dignitasBlinG dignitasKiLLeR dignitasTan goswser iG.Jim iG.MacSed iNcontroL iNkA iS.Insur itmeJP jEcho mOOnGLaDe mTwDIMAGA mTw|NarutO meRz mouzMarine naama- oGsMC oGsNaDa oGsSK oGsTheWind oGsVINES optikzero qxc sLivko sYz socke viOLet vileYong
Brood War: aegyo Agavond andreyyisbestandrey Assault_1 bizzyT CaucasianAsian Deus djwp0531 dOTY dr.shrinker dRaW dwalt Endinglife fold hacklebeast hirosue2 ilovejesus ilovev ImbaTosS iNfeRnaL Jungtao1998 Kiante kjwcj konadora KwarK larva[s.g] LRM)nOoNe LRM)TechnicS L_Master Metal[x] Michael(OD) Minus)eagle Naugrim nb.gOgO nkgold npnl.fedOr NrG.GoD- Oystein Pogi Pro7ecT remag reps)Defi reps)Largo reps)Plumbum Sayle Shauni Siz)Beggar snipealot supernovamaniac PiKe TopStar trix trutaCz vTv.Marine XsebT yosul ZaRaki_ Zergneedsfood [sc1f]eonzerg
Dota 2
AdmiralBulldog Akke ArtStyletheslayer Bdiz BlitzDotA ComeWithMe_ Dignitas.Aui_2000 DreadiSbaCk EG.DeMoN EG.Jeyo EG.Maelk EG.Universe EGM Empire.blowyourbrain FearDotA FnaticEra funn1k iceiceice iG.ChuaN KuroKy- LINKDotA Liquid`BuLba Liquid`FLUFF Liquid`ixmike88 Liquid`KoroK Liquid`TC Loda MaNia- Merlini Mikey MiSeRyTheSLAYER mTw syndereN MYMhyhy n0tail nska Na`Vi.Dendi Na`Vi.LighTofHeaveN plzgogame Rexi ROOTKoReYa- RyzeDotA s4 SexyBamboe SingSing Sneyking Trixi Vigoss Wagamama WinteRwtr XBOCT
League of Legends LoCicero
Other + Show Spoiler [List] +Chill Day[9] d.Apollo djWHEAT Engine141 FXOpen GordonHayward HDStarCraft gisado Gretorp Hot_Bid Husky IGNProleague itmeJP Khaldor Liquipedia MLG_Live MrBitter -orb- PainUser Plexa PsyStarcraft Sc2 Proleague RuN TaKeTV TastelessKingofNerds TheGDStudio TotalBiscuit Trump Wolf
Ayesee BeyondTheSummitTV Cyborgmatt Draskyl LDDota LGD.cn LGD.int LuminousInverse NEODota PurgeGamers Sheever Tobi Wan Kenobi
November 2011 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +Axslav Gatored HappyZergling NightEnD RGNArtist 92Sleep TSLHeart TSLJYP TSL_aLive TSL_Killer TSL_Polt viOLet ZeNEXYong
d.Apollo Removed + Show Spoiler [Streams] +AhhBoxxah albert402 athalus Attero cArn- Corinthos Cruncher (retiring) Cytoplasm DeathAngel[ro] decemberTV Delphi dignitas.ToH1o Draco Fargo FuRy` Fuzer gisado goatrope GoSuNamhciR HasHe201 iamxeph Ipp iSTime jimpo Jonanin Kolll link0 Louder Lycaeus Maker MeyerA mouz.MaX mouzSyck Naugrim Ng5 nongminzerg optikzero PredY ProTech rANDY RaNgeD RenieHour Response Roffles RyanRushia Skew Skruf sksyen Snute Spades stalife StarEagle Sterling sYz TheGunrun ThisIsJimmy Titan107 ToT)MidiaN( TypePhoeNix ViBE
CheckSix Gaming compLexityGaming dreamhackTV GG.net_Stream GGTV GosuCoachingTV ItsGosu eSports Millenium mouzTV mTwLive MVPteam NASL.tv OneMoreGame Team Reign ToT Livestream vVv Gaming December 2011 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- ViBE
- Attero
- sYz
- OpTiKzErO
- CrazymoviNG
- ST_Bomber
- ST_July
- oGsForGG
- MVPTails
- FXOasd
- ST_Virus
- NSHS_Tassadar
- NSHS_Seal
- NSHS_Sculp
- NSHS_Sage
- SlayerSMin
- MvPNobklesse
- MvPKeeN
- GL_Snute
- vileIllusion
Removed + Show Spoiler [Streams] + January 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- Kimgayoung (ST_Aphrodite)
- Maka
- IMHirai
- ST_Sound
- Quanticflo
Removed + Show Spoiler [Streams] + February 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- AiReaL
- SlayerS_Boxer
- SlayerS_Alicia
- SlayerS_CranK
- SlayerS_Puzzle
- SlayerS_GanZi
- SlayerS_MMA
- FnaticaLive
- Protech
- oGsLuvsic
- oGsTheStC
- oGsTOP
- oGsCezanne
- oGsIllusion
- fOrGG
- SingSing
- Rexi
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + March 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- supernovamaniac
- BizzyT
- kjwcj
- KwarK
- hacklebeast
- L_Master
- dwalt
- reps)Defi
- Trixi
- PurgeGamers
- EG.Maelk
- QuanticApocalypse
- SirScoots
- MVPteam
- StarTaleTV
- PrimeTV
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + April 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- supernovamaniac
- bizzyT
- CaucasianAsian
- FnaticMoon
- Jeyo
- ixmike88
- RyzeDotA
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + May 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- djwp0531
- reps)Plumbum
- socke
- IMYoda
- biGs.
- MaximusBlack
- BuLba
- TC
- Blitz
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + June 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- sLivko
- RoXKISPomi
- BabyKnight
- ROOTfitzy
- ESCDaisy
- jEcho
- Minus)eagle
- larva[s.g]
- aaf.Cat
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] +- StarTale_TV
- MVPteam
- Incredible Miracle
- aaf.Cat
July 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- dOTY
- VortiX
- SuperiorWolf
- Sting1
- KoroK
- LighTofHeaveN
- Mikey
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + August 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- SortOf
- Welmu
- EmpireBratOK
- FXOTree
- FXOjks
- FXOTear
- FXOLucky
- iS.Insur
- EG.Universe
- Sneyking
- Aui_2000
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + September 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- Shauni
- snipealot
- ilovejesus
- LRM)nOoNe
- dr.shrinker
- Metal[x]
- reps)Largo
- ImbaTosS
- State
- Scarlett`
- TargA
- ArtStyletheslayer
- iceiceice
- Cyborgmatt
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + October 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- Bly
- Wagamama
- Vigoss
- Empire.blowyourbrain
- Merlini
- Draskyl
- LuminousInverse
- Sheever
- LDDota
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + November 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- FXOSirius
- FXOTheBest.
- StarDustLighT
- plzgogame
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + December 2012 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- AdmiralBulldog
- Liquidd`Korok
- Liquid`TC
- Ayesee
- Liquid`Bulba
- goswser
- ROOTPuck
- RoX.fraer
- ROOTAxeltoss
- EG.Jaedong
- XlorD
- BeyondTheSummitTV
- gisado
- TheGDStudio
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + January 2013 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- Naugrim
- funn1k
- WinteRwtr
- Akke
- n0tail
- FnaticEra
- iG.ChuaN
- DreadiSbaCk
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + February 2013 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- andreyyisbestandrey
- PiKe
- AxMiya
- QuanticCenter
- SexyBamboe
- NEODota
- Engine141
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + March 2013 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- trutaCz
- mouzMarine
- LGD.int
- Sc2 Proleague
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + April 2013 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] +- LRM)TechnicS
- EGaLiveRC
- ClarityShuttle
- ROOTheognis
- iG.MacSed
- iG.Jim
- EmpireHappy
- Liquid`FLUFF
- LGD.cn
- Bdiz
- s4
- TastelessKingofNerds
Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] + May 2013 Added + Show Spoiler [Streams] + Removed+ Show Spoiler [Streams] +
I cant believe cruncher is retiring, wtf when did this happen?
As a place to discuss featured and, I presume, de-featured players it would be helpful if you would include the list of recently de-featured players in the op.
Why is Attero defeatured? He's been a driving member and great player since the beta (from random to Protoss). He's not "known", but he was just on complexity's "The V" for 4 weeks straight (still the current winner until next week is a new opponent against him), he's been on Kings of Tin, he attends all the MLG's (championship bracket back in Anaheim beating Jinro for instance), qualified for IEM NY (and just got invited to a tournament I can't mention yet), in NASL's Semi-Open, etc.
He was both popular and skilled (consistent high results, 200 to 300 viewers), has a Q&A after each streaming session and participates heavily in weekly tournaments and commentates MSI tournaments and WCG Canada with Chill. His GM ranking ranged from 20 to 50 (for 2 seasons, tomorrow he will be GM again) and he still offers coaching to many players while being a recognizable person amongst many of the professionals (unfortunately his public fame isn't the same as iNcontrol or idra for some odd reason, despite playing both of EG's crew regularly on ladder [and winning]).
He uploads all his replays from his ladder matches in his topic: Road to Rank 1 Grandmaster: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=222609.
So we have: interactivity (he talks during his games, give the viewers what's going on in the mindset of the opponent and himself), popularity (200-300 is still pretty good for someone most people don't recognize right off the bat), consistent tournament plays (almost always losing to only Koreans) and defeating high-level professionals, participant in major LAN tournaments (MLG, IEM, WCG), offers reasonable coaching, active in his topic and easy resource for great Protoss replays against the many pros you hear casted a lot. Great community member with casting, guest appearances on various shows and entertaining showmatches.
Did I mention he's been doing this since the beta? Same team as HuK (VT Gaming), he recruited him, jeez. He got second, only losing to Kiwikaki (a good friend and practice partner for him) in WCG of Canada (2011)
He's probably the few streamers I watch in addition to HuK, HerO and Snute. He streams nearly everyday.
+ Show Spoiler [Tournament Results] + * Winner of Go4SC2 #37, #44, #48, #70 & Monthly Final #06 [7]
* Second place of Go4SC2 #15, #16, #20 [8]
* Second place in Justin.tv Invitational #2 [9]
* Winner of 2 US Craft Cups [10]
* Winner of N'fusion LAN June 2011 [11]
* Qualified for IEM Americas Cup (Defeated EG's iNcontroL, Col's Cruncher, FXO's Drewbie and Fnatic's Kawaiirice)
* Top 16 Seed for Qualifications at the Intel Extreme Masters NA/SA Qualifier (2011) [12]
* Shared Third place with ROOTSlush at LAN ETS 2011 [13]
* Ranked 20th Grandmaster with 1644 points and 468 wins out of 713 games (65.64%)
* Ranked 37th Grandmaster with 1335 points and 306 wins out of 456 games (67.11%)
* Semi-Finals in the StarCraft II Go4SC2 IEM NYC Qualifier #1 (defeating Fnatic's TT1) [14]
* Championship Bracket (2-1) at MLG Anaheim 2011 (defeating players such as Complexity's Stalife, RSVP, GGLastshadow, Liquid Jinro and InkA!), defeated by ThisIsJimmy [15]
* Participation at It's Gosu Invitational #1 (defeating Empire Beastyqt, FXO Optikzero) [16]
* Third place in Skyzo Cup #4 [17]
* Participation at MLG Raleigh 2011 [18]
* Third place in the TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #22 (defeated by Zenex's Yong) [19]
* First place in Complexity's Week #25 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Reign's Spades (score: 4-3) [20]
* First place in Complexity's Week #26 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Complexity's Trimaster (score: 4-1) [21]
* First place in Complexity's Week #27 Showmatch: "The V" vs. It's Gosu's Ostojiy (score: 4-3) [22]
* First place in Complexity's Week #28 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Lizzuma(score: 4-1) [23]
* Second place in the StarCraft II Go4SC2 IEM NYC Qualifier #2 (defeating Fnatic's TT1) [24] [25]
* Qualified for the Intel Extreme Master's New York Comic Con event(defeating Fnatic's TT1) [26]
* Second place in the Xilence Cup #11 [27]
* Participation at Intel Extreme Master's - New-York [28]
* Participation in the FXOpen International KOTH #10 [29]
Really don't know why he isn't featured besides his namesake not ringing maybe a few bells to some.
I really believe Rainbow should still be featured. Great player, ex BW pro (reaver god on top of that), streams all the time in very good quality, etc. Also very funny and interacts a lot with the community. Guy can play so many different styles so well it's always a treat to watch.
I believe he just qualified for Code A too? (not sure)
TSL.Plot and Choya should definitely be there too. These guys are sick good.
(Edit: There was an error in the stream. Everything is okay as usual! Thanks teamliquid!)
Katowice25012 Posts
On November 01 2011 18:24 firehand101 wrote: I cant believe cruncher is retiring, wtf when did this happen?
About a month ago
I'm pretty much the only 2v2 stream that TL had. 2v2 isn't nearly as popular as 1v1, so gaining the viewership required to become featured again is nearly impossible, however the whole reason I got featured in the first place as per whoever featured me was because of the diversity.
But, if it's an absolute must to meet those requirements then i'll do my best!
I believe that Trump and ProTech should both be re-featured. Those are two of three people that I come and watch as much as I can. Trump is a very interesting watch as he talks mostly about his play choices and he, as a player, is very well mannered, and honestly I can think of no one better to have a spot in the featured list for 1v1 terran play than him.
ProTech is the ONLY person that I see that does 2v2 in a professional level of gaming. Just for this I believe he should be re-featured. He is a very talented player who dedicates a lot of his day to playing the game and streaming to the viewers while taking time after games to explain what happened, rage at his allies and the opponents, and how it could have gone better. I'm sure if more tournaments made themselves available in the 2v2 world, he would be entering them.
Take both as a consideration, I believe they are worthy of the list, and I'm not really sure I understand the reasoning why the list was truncated in the first place.
I also agrees that Protech should be featured. I know most hardcore SC2 fans only care for 1v1 skill etc, but there is alot of us who mainly play and care for teamgames. See protech coach others in 2v2 or rip trough master team after master team is just pure joy to watch. He also won the PTSL season 2. He is also communicationg alot with his vewiers and often plays with them.
Hope this will be taken into consideration for the next review of the featured list.
I also agree with Trump being re-featured. He may not be ( yet ) at the level of some of the other featured Terrans, but I learn more from his stream then all the others together, I find myself turning down streamers from Polt, Jinro, Demuslim, and TLO every time that his stream is online.
Its really easy to find replays or VoDs of "pros", there is the GSL, MLG and a lot of other sources of "first hand" gameplay footage, but none of them bring the friendly-insightful-learning from your own mistakes type of thing that Trump does, and the fact that he is the only Terran players that REALLY interacts with his viewers.
I reached Diamond a few weeks ago as Terran, and watching Trump had a HUGE impact on it. Please consider featuring him again.
I would honestly like to see the Featured section be a rotating list of people every couple weeks to get everyone some more exposure.
Braavos36372 Posts
On November 01 2011 18:26 Torte de Lini wrote:Why is Attero defeatured? He's been a driving member and great player since the beta (from random to Protoss). He's not "known", but he was just on complexity's "The V" for 4 weeks straight (still the current winner until next week is a new opponent against him), he's been on Kings of Tin, he attends all the MLG's (championship bracket back in Anaheim beating Jinro for instance), qualified for IEM NY (and just got invited to a tournament I can't mention yet), in NASL's Semi-Open, etc. He was both popular and skilled (consistent high results, 200 to 300 viewers), has a Q&A after each streaming session and participates heavily in weekly tournaments and commentates MSI tournaments and WCG Canada with Chill. His GM ranking ranged from 20 to 50 (for 2 seasons, tomorrow he will be GM again) and he still offers coaching to many players while being a recognizable person amongst many of the professionals (unfortunately his public fame isn't the same as iNcontrol or idra for some odd reason, despite playing both of EG's crew regularly on ladder [and winning]). He uploads all his replays from his ladder matches in his topic: Road to Rank 1 Grandmaster: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=222609. So we have: interactivity (he talks during his games, give the viewers what's going on in the mindset of the opponent and himself), popularity (200-300 is still pretty good for someone most people don't recognize right off the bat), consistent tournament plays (almost always losing to only Koreans) and defeating high-level professionals, participant in major LAN tournaments (MLG, IEM, WCG), offers reasonable coaching, active in his topic and easy resource for great Protoss replays against the many pros you hear casted a lot. Great community member with casting, guest appearances on various shows and entertaining showmatches. Did I mention he's been doing this since the beta? Same team as HuK (VT Gaming), he recruited him, jeez. He got second, only losing to Kiwikaki (a good friend and practice partner for him) in WCG of Canada (2011) He's probably the few streamers I watch in addition to HuK, HerO and Snute. He streams nearly everyday. + Show Spoiler [Tournament Results] + * Winner of Go4SC2 #37, #44, #48, #70 & Monthly Final #06 [7]
* Second place of Go4SC2 #15, #16, #20 [8]
* Second place in Justin.tv Invitational #2 [9]
* Winner of 2 US Craft Cups [10]
* Winner of N'fusion LAN June 2011 [11]
* Qualified for IEM Americas Cup (Defeated EG's iNcontroL, Col's Cruncher, FXO's Drewbie and Fnatic's Kawaiirice)
* Top 16 Seed for Qualifications at the Intel Extreme Masters NA/SA Qualifier (2011) [12]
* Shared Third place with ROOTSlush at LAN ETS 2011 [13]
* Ranked 20th Grandmaster with 1644 points and 468 wins out of 713 games (65.64%)
* Ranked 37th Grandmaster with 1335 points and 306 wins out of 456 games (67.11%)
* Semi-Finals in the StarCraft II Go4SC2 IEM NYC Qualifier #1 (defeating Fnatic's TT1) [14]
* Championship Bracket (2-1) at MLG Anaheim 2011 (defeating players such as Complexity's Stalife, RSVP, GGLastshadow, Liquid Jinro and InkA!), defeated by ThisIsJimmy [15]
* Participation at It's Gosu Invitational #1 (defeating Empire Beastyqt, FXO Optikzero) [16]
* Third place in Skyzo Cup #4 [17]
* Participation at MLG Raleigh 2011 [18]
* Third place in the TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #22 (defeated by Zenex's Yong) [19]
* First place in Complexity's Week #25 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Reign's Spades (score: 4-3) [20]
* First place in Complexity's Week #26 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Complexity's Trimaster (score: 4-1) [21]
* First place in Complexity's Week #27 Showmatch: "The V" vs. It's Gosu's Ostojiy (score: 4-3) [22]
* First place in Complexity's Week #28 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Lizzuma(score: 4-1) [23]
* Second place in the StarCraft II Go4SC2 IEM NYC Qualifier #2 (defeating Fnatic's TT1) [24] [25]
* Qualified for the Intel Extreme Master's New York Comic Con event(defeating Fnatic's TT1) [26]
* Second place in the Xilence Cup #11 [27]
* Participation at Intel Extreme Master's - New-York [28]
* Participation in the FXOpen International KOTH #10 [29] Really don't know why he isn't featured besides his namesake not ringing maybe a few bells to some. Attero was defeatured due to low viewer count. He averaged 150 viewers over 96 hours in the last two months. Had he averaged 300 like you said, he would not have been defeatured.
On November 01 2011 19:16 Hot_Bid wrote:Show nested quote +On November 01 2011 18:26 Torte de Lini wrote:Why is Attero defeatured? He's been a driving member and great player since the beta (from random to Protoss). He's not "known", but he was just on complexity's "The V" for 4 weeks straight (still the current winner until next week is a new opponent against him), he's been on Kings of Tin, he attends all the MLG's (championship bracket back in Anaheim beating Jinro for instance), qualified for IEM NY (and just got invited to a tournament I can't mention yet), in NASL's Semi-Open, etc. He was both popular and skilled (consistent high results, 200 to 300 viewers), has a Q&A after each streaming session and participates heavily in weekly tournaments and commentates MSI tournaments and WCG Canada with Chill. His GM ranking ranged from 20 to 50 (for 2 seasons, tomorrow he will be GM again) and he still offers coaching to many players while being a recognizable person amongst many of the professionals (unfortunately his public fame isn't the same as iNcontrol or idra for some odd reason, despite playing both of EG's crew regularly on ladder [and winning]). He uploads all his replays from his ladder matches in his topic: Road to Rank 1 Grandmaster: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=222609. So we have: interactivity (he talks during his games, give the viewers what's going on in the mindset of the opponent and himself), popularity (200-300 is still pretty good for someone most people don't recognize right off the bat), consistent tournament plays (almost always losing to only Koreans) and defeating high-level professionals, participant in major LAN tournaments (MLG, IEM, WCG), offers reasonable coaching, active in his topic and easy resource for great Protoss replays against the many pros you hear casted a lot. Great community member with casting, guest appearances on various shows and entertaining showmatches. Did I mention he's been doing this since the beta? Same team as HuK (VT Gaming), he recruited him, jeez. He got second, only losing to Kiwikaki (a good friend and practice partner for him) in WCG of Canada (2011) He's probably the few streamers I watch in addition to HuK, HerO and Snute. He streams nearly everyday. + Show Spoiler [Tournament Results] + * Winner of Go4SC2 #37, #44, #48, #70 & Monthly Final #06 [7]
* Second place of Go4SC2 #15, #16, #20 [8]
* Second place in Justin.tv Invitational #2 [9]
* Winner of 2 US Craft Cups [10]
* Winner of N'fusion LAN June 2011 [11]
* Qualified for IEM Americas Cup (Defeated EG's iNcontroL, Col's Cruncher, FXO's Drewbie and Fnatic's Kawaiirice)
* Top 16 Seed for Qualifications at the Intel Extreme Masters NA/SA Qualifier (2011) [12]
* Shared Third place with ROOTSlush at LAN ETS 2011 [13]
* Ranked 20th Grandmaster with 1644 points and 468 wins out of 713 games (65.64%)
* Ranked 37th Grandmaster with 1335 points and 306 wins out of 456 games (67.11%)
* Semi-Finals in the StarCraft II Go4SC2 IEM NYC Qualifier #1 (defeating Fnatic's TT1) [14]
* Championship Bracket (2-1) at MLG Anaheim 2011 (defeating players such as Complexity's Stalife, RSVP, GGLastshadow, Liquid Jinro and InkA!), defeated by ThisIsJimmy [15]
* Participation at It's Gosu Invitational #1 (defeating Empire Beastyqt, FXO Optikzero) [16]
* Third place in Skyzo Cup #4 [17]
* Participation at MLG Raleigh 2011 [18]
* Third place in the TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #22 (defeated by Zenex's Yong) [19]
* First place in Complexity's Week #25 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Reign's Spades (score: 4-3) [20]
* First place in Complexity's Week #26 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Complexity's Trimaster (score: 4-1) [21]
* First place in Complexity's Week #27 Showmatch: "The V" vs. It's Gosu's Ostojiy (score: 4-3) [22]
* First place in Complexity's Week #28 Showmatch: "The V" vs. Lizzuma(score: 4-1) [23]
* Second place in the StarCraft II Go4SC2 IEM NYC Qualifier #2 (defeating Fnatic's TT1) [24] [25]
* Qualified for the Intel Extreme Master's New York Comic Con event(defeating Fnatic's TT1) [26]
* Second place in the Xilence Cup #11 [27]
* Participation at Intel Extreme Master's - New-York [28]
* Participation in the FXOpen International KOTH #10 [29] Really don't know why he isn't featured besides his namesake not ringing maybe a few bells to some. Attero was defeatured due to low viewer count. He averaged 150 viewers over 96 hours in the last two months. Had he averaged 300 like you said, he would not have been defeatured.
In another example, a player like dignitas.Killer may not average many viewers but his skill level and notability (good tournament performances in recent months, Dignitas member) justifies a position as well.
There's a bit of irony here: he's beaten d.Killer before several times [and vice-versa to be fair]
Regardless of potentially low viewer-count (sometimes he'd stream early in the morning, so there may be less viewers on average at that time, I don't know. TL and him have the numbers of course).
After all that I named, why was he defeatured? He has above-average results, good participation, in offline and online tournaments, been a member of previously famed teams (VT Gaming).
Just lacks the viewer count apparently (Whenever I check, it's 200 to 300 at least, I think he had 900 recently at one point). But everything else seems to be in check overall. Everything else minus the viewer count seems to be rather good.
I'm also now confused on what the featured section is for. What is its intent? Is it a reward or a way to promote? The system is a bit odd as it continues to keep people afloat and push down those up and coming. It's like the MLG bracket where those who did well once or a few times remain in pool play while really great players are stuck fighting the herd in the open brackets.
edit: I get there is a discrepancy and personal selection sort of way. Where one person could be defeatured for one reason and another remains featured for the same reason despite the other components not even close to being on par, but I just feel the system is too rewarding to those who are already comfortably at the top or, in essence, paid for their professional contribution. The big-named pros already get plenty of exposure with featured articles, showmatches, casted games during major tournaments, invites to those very same major tournaments. Why give them even more exposure and advertising when they can do that with their 1,000+ followers or Facebook status or whatever. Why give them another outlet to shine when they're already given so much attention.
I desagree with mostly 4 of your defeatured streamers : sYz, Snute, Deathangel and Phoenyx.
I don't understand since deathangel and sYz are verry good and achieved a lot in online cups, they are easily top10 zerg EU at the moment. Also deathangel is verry funny and always complaining about someone else who streams, who has 1k viewers, saying "i never loose to him and i got 5 times less viewers wtf ?"
Today you show that he is right, the system is biased, how do you want they have viewers if they are not featured.
Also i really don't understand why you defeatures snute since he's verry good, he teaches verry well while he's playing. He streams almost everyday with quite a lot of success, he's between 200 and 500 viewers most of the time (at the beginning he was 100 and he had success with the time because he was a regular good teching zerg featured streamer.)
So please re feature those 3 guys at least cause i'm a sad zergling now. (why do have i to watch destiny only wtf !)
At least for sYz who is really really good (i don't see som1 better in the ban list), just behind Stephano, Nerchio, Ret, Morrow, Dimaga, Lalush... Yeah he is top7. And also he has a verry good music taste, even better than stephano's one (i dont think it matters but i mention it cause it's prety rare among the progamers who mostly listen to kpop )
I also think this is way to strict. How will a player like Protech or Attero, who does not win big tournaments ever have a chance to become featured again? Their viewer numbers will only dwindle if they are not featured. Protech is just streaming now with 400+ viewers while GSL is running. How will he keep these numbers or even improve them if he is defeatured? Where is the advantage of having only 1 featured stream up atm?
Also, where is TB/Shoutcraft? I neither find him on the featured not on the defeatured list.
yay thanks for adding me! I am moving to Sweden in January so ill be streaming constantly from there!! As most of you know, I am currently living at home in Wales, United Kingdom with a 2down 0.3upload internet, maxed out!
+ I do, do some events from dignitas office on my account also, so thank you!
On November 01 2011 19:06 akaMadMike wrote: I also agrees that Protech should be featured. I know most hardcore SC2 fans only care for 1v1 skill etc, but there is alot of us who mainly play and care for teamgames. See protech coach others in 2v2 or rip trough master team after master team is just pure joy to watch. He also won the PTSL season 2. He is also communicationg alot with his vewiers and often plays with them.
Hope this will be taken into consideration for the next review of the featured list.
But at the same time, if you really want to watch ProTech, Trump, etc you can always go find them and watch them
You also have to consider there are other people (such as myself) that dislike seeing Protech (or other streamers) on the featured list. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose
On November 01 2011 19:32 JerKy wrote:Show nested quote +On November 01 2011 19:06 akaMadMike wrote: I also agrees that Protech should be featured. I know most hardcore SC2 fans only care for 1v1 skill etc, but there is alot of us who mainly play and care for teamgames. See protech coach others in 2v2 or rip trough master team after master team is just pure joy to watch. He also won the PTSL season 2. He is also communicationg alot with his vewiers and often plays with them.
Hope this will be taken into consideration for the next review of the featured list. But at the same time, if you really want to watch ProTech, Trump, etc you can always go find them and watch them You also have to consider there are other people (such as myself) that dislike seeing Protech (or other streamers) on the featured list. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose
Not watching someone is easy, regardless if they're featured or not. Finding out if someone is streaming isn't as easy as avoiding their stream. It does put the obligation to advertise your stream more onto the streamer, but it also inconveniences viewers who aren't active online as much as they would like to be (And thus aren't monitoring stream threads, facebook, twitter, etc.).
Whether you think someone deserves or doesn't deserve to be featured is obviously up for debate :B
On November 01 2011 18:57 lozertuser wrote: I believe that Trump and ProTech should both be re-featured. trump is still featured in the "other" list. yay <3
edit: i love the race icon in the stream list shown directly in the sidebar. finally you don't have to guess anymore. i suggest a random dice icon for the random players tho instead of showing the 3 race icons.