Reality: I want to thank my teacher who let me skip school to practice.
Reality's nickname is "Vacation Terran". This is because he does not get to practice very much normally due to school, and so he increases practice time during vacation to get better. Before the MST, he contacted his teacher and asked if he could not show up on Monday, and the teacher told him that "Practice to your heart's content since you have a big contest up ahead". Thanks to this, Reality was the first Samsung Khan Terran in 20 months to make it to the MSL.
Q: How does it feel to get on the main stage of the MSL for the first time?
A: I didn't know I'd be this happy. After seeing Grape make it to the MSL in the earlier matches, I kept saying that I definitely wanted to make it to the main stage. Because KT's Stats is doing really well recently, I thought it would be very difficult but I'm happy because I was able to make it with two wins.
Q: Did Grape making it into MSL serve as motivation?
A: It did. People around us tell us that we are quite alike. We are both born in 1993 so people call us the "Showy 93' line". But between myself and him we think that we're not just bluffing but have power (laugh). [T/N: Play on words, so it's quite amusing I guess?]
Q: You used a two factory build in the first match.
A: I didn't think Stats would fast expand. But he got the nexus even before getting the Gateway and he built Dragoons so I thought it'd be hard to pressure him. I played the game thinking that I'd just warm up my hands but the attack after I set up mines went through very well. I hid my Tanks as long as possible and only showed him vultures and it worked very well. I think a lot of factors aligned well and because of that I was able to win.
Q: You played against a Terran in the winner's match.
A: I played against Ssak recently in Dream League. I have experience with practice games too, and Ssak used the exact same pattern to play his game. I wanted to abuse this pattern so I made an impromptu 3 factory followed by 2 Starport Wraiths. I never tried this in practice but I thought it would work today.
Q: You may have less time to practice because school started again.
A: I asked my teacher if I could not come to school on Monday because I had an event on Tuesday. The teacher sent me a supportive text telling me to do my best. I want to thank my teacher.
Q: What's the goal you have in mind for the first MSL?
A: While I think people should dream big but I'll be satisfied with not having to go to preliminaries the next time. My goal is to get to the round of eight to receive a seed. If I make it that far then I would also want to win.
Q: Could we expect a revived Terran line at Samsung Khan for Proleagues Round 5 and 6?
A: The Terran players in my team are just as good as other team's Terrans in practice games. Because we are all new, we just have not been able to adjust to broadcasted games yet. We will get even better.
Q: Anything else you want to say?
A: Because it was vacation there weren't too many people to practice with but a few players from several teams have helped me practice. I want to thank them all. In group 10, Jangbi, my senior, is playing and I hope he absolutely makes it to the MSL.
Ruby: Round of 16 with Ggaemo!
Q: You have returned to the MSL after four seasons. How does it feel?
A: I didn't expect to much and approached it thinking that I would just do my best, and I got good results. I'm very happy.
Q: Were you affected by Ggaemo advancing?
A: I didn't get a burning desire or anything but after seeing the interview where Ggaemo said he would want to make it to the round of 16 for the first time in Airforce, I felt quite strange. So I became determined to quality.
Q: You used a Wraith Mechanic build against Action.
A: I prepared really hard for game 1 but I lost quite often in practice. So I changed my style to be more offensive rather than just being defensive. I think losing a lot in practice helped me a lot.
Q: There was a mistake in the winner's match.
A: Nowadays I'm quite confident in my Bionic play and my TvT, but I think I'm lacking in being thorough. I made quite a number of control mistakes in the winner's match and I felt it deeply. I'll work on it.
Q: Was there any pressure in the last match?
A: While the player was Jangbi who is quite famous for being really good during practice games so I was a bit tense, but because everyone at Group 10 were difficult opponents and I came this far, I wanted to look for advantageous things. I was comforted by the fact that we were both nervous because we both did not want to be eliminated so I was able to play with confidence, and I think that was the key.
Q: Is your hand injury giving you problems?
A: It has completely healed. There are no problems.
Q: As a member of the Airforce Ace, you are the first player to make it to the MSL twice. What is your goal this season?
A: I heard that no Ace player had made it to the round of 16. So my initial goal will be to make it to the round of 16.
Q: It's the off season. How do players at Ace spend their time?
A: We went to Gye Ryong Dae. We have our normal army life during the day and practice hard during the night. I think that we will be able to post good results in Round 5.
Q: Do you have anything you want to say?
A: There are many players who were of a great help. Major General Lee Sang Ho who boosted my mood and to my chief and my coach, i want to thank them all. I also want to thank the fan who gifted me aromatherapy to relax my mind. I also want to thank Jaehoon for giving me faith that I will be able to win right before the match. I feel indebted to many more people and I apologize that I am not able to mention them all in a short interview like this.
Mind: I'm always dreaming of winning.
Q: How does it feel to make it to the MSL for the 5th time?
A: I thought that I did not want to go to the preliminaries again. Personally I have not been able to make it to the main MSL stage too many times during that time. I recouped my mind and thought I wanted to make it and it went the way I wanted.
Q: You won your first match against Terran in 2011. You were slumping with a 5 game losing streak up to now.
A: I think I've been losing rather quietly against Terran up to now. I didn't know this was my first win today. I was confident but I kept losing so I wondered why I kept on losing. Because I broke my losing streak today, I will continue with a winning streak in the main stage of the MSL.
Q: You were successful in a cheese rush against Jangbi in the first match.
A: I came to the MST today thinking that I would cheese if the Protoss fast expanded. Circuit Breaker is a map that is practiced a lot and used often in official games so I wondered what he would do and so I scouted early. He did me a favor and double expanded so I did exactly as I had prepared.
Q: You won the winner's match with standard play.
A: As a whole the game worked out rather easily because there was also Ruby's mistake. I planned the build and came today and I wanted to to look at the situation and adjust to what I see. I thought it wouldn't be easy in the beginning, but it worked out easily beyond what I could expect.
Q: How did you practice?
A: I received help from teammates who were practicing. While we do have a short break after Winner's League, my teammates who were practicing for individual leagues and Proleague helped me out.
Q: What is your goal this season?
A: I'm always dreaming of winning. To be honest everyone prepared to win when they play but things just don't go in the way they want it to. At the very least I want to step into the Finals Stage again. Even that isn't very easy, but I think if I make it to the finals again I think I would be naturally ambitious to win it all.
Q: Do you want to say anything?
A: I want to thank my teammates who helped me practice. And when I practiced against Protoss, Lucifer hyung helped me a lot but I wasn't able to mention it during interviews. I really want to thank him. And Proleague is staring soon so I will do my best to bring up our unsatisfactory record.