On April 16 2012 13:24 0neder wrote: Let's organize some kind of support card or something.
True! Let's show our support to the Emperor! This is sad though, but If i were boxer I would have let my shoulder heal a long way back. He is enduring it since GSL 2 and I think it is really bad for him
Hopefully he'll be able to make another come back ! Boxer fighting!
Great Decision by Boxer, he will be back, stronger and deadlier than ever
TT hope he gets better soon!!!
T.T I am SO sad right now.
Good luck, does anyone know what the cause is of BoxeRs shoulder problems? Shoulder is really open ended, was wondering on what the recovery time would be, as it can vary drastically depending on the operation.
Regardless BoxeR fighting!
Would something be able to be organized like giving a card to the slayers players when they come to mlg so they can take it home to boxer or something? Would be awesome to give boxer a card :D
I hope he'll be well asap for he's an inspiration as a gamer and first of all as a human being. A hard call for his carreer but well worth it.
Edit: I agree with the card thing.
hope he gets better quick. I love watching his games!
aww this is sad news 
Hope he gets better soon.
It's good that he's going to solve this problem, just sucks that he had to give up is Code A match. I hope he gets better soon.
Oh, and i thought it would be a good day 
Get well sir !
My god, BoxeR, take care of yourself, and come back to us stronger!
Love from France ♥
Get well soon Boxer u r my IDOL and HOPE in life
I was just checking the schedule to find out when he was playing...
Let's wait for the return of the Emperor .
Love and support the emperor!
I hope it goes well for BoxeR!
ff, code A spot = carrier ?