Hi everyone, I'm a D level noob and I fought this terran yesterday, the replay http://www.iccup.com/replays/38426.html.
I tried to study the replay, he started to push at 8:58 when he was at 89 supply, pushing with 7 tanks and 12 vultures. I had less supply!! and he just rolled. I tried to practice against a computer to see how many units could I have at the 8:58 mark, and what I got was 80 supply with 13 goons and 9 speedlots out of two bases!!.
I tried to look when he was vulnerable, and noticed he had only two tanks unprotected at 5:20. In practice I got 3 goons and 2 zealots at that time, don' know if could have done some damage in case of if...
So, what would have been best for me in this case? Should I have tried some sort of dt drop, or fast storm maybe?
United States4448 Posts
link doesn't seem to work... try repdepot or fighterreplays. But you should really always have more supply than a terran, so obviously it's just your macro that is at fault
Canada6683 Posts
sounds like macro is your problem. try working on making probes nonstop
Sorry it was that little check box saying hide from others. Now the link should work.
Australia1187 Posts
Hmm, I had a brief look at the replay and the most telling thing was that after you took your nat, you maynarded too many probes to your nat, and was only pumping probes from your main nexus afterwards.
This will firstly cost you upfront because there are more probes not mining momentarily(eg during the actual maynard process), but also your nat will be slightly oversaturated while your main is running too few probes.
You want to maynard fewer probes next time, and pump probes out of both nexus immediately after your nat is done.
The second major factor was that you went for 2 base arbiter, and did no damage with your initial dts. Which in itself is not a problem. It does mean though you expect the terran to be able to push out while on par pop wise at you. So him having just a larger army than you shouldn't come as a huge suprise.
If your dts don't do any damage, you need to use them to delay the terran push until you can have a larger army out, so have some dts waiting outside his nat to start harassing his army (or run into his base when his army leaves) to waste his scans and/or to kill off some units/slow down his push.
With an army the size his army was moving out with, your 4 goons weren't going to slow his push in any significant way, it's better to use your dts for that in this situation rather than just losing 4 goons without actually doing much damage. That way you have 4 more goons when actually breaking his push.
Also maybe you can take your nat gas a bit slower, which firstly, will yield you a bit more mining time. But also since you didn't build any observers and I didn't see a robo(I may have just missed it) you didn't really need that much gas. You can just take your nat gas when your nat is slightly more saturated and taking 3 probes off for gas will hardly matter. Normally I find that with 2 base arbie , I'm quite short on gas and have a significant portion of my army as zealots. In this case would probably have been helpful anyway, as you could see your pure goon army didn't really do very well, I didn't even see him bothering siege up.
Hope that helps
On July 23 2009 16:48 arbiter_md wrote:Hi everyone, I'm a D level noob and I fought this terran yesterday, the replay http://www.iccup.com/replays/38426.html. I tried to study the replay, he started to push at 8:58 when he was at 89 supply, pushing with 7 tanks and 12 vultures. I had less supply!! and he just rolled. I tried to practice against a computer to see how many units could I have at the 8:58 mark, and what I got was 80 supply with 13 goons and 9 speedlots out of two bases!!. I tried to look when he was vulnerable, and noticed he had only two tanks unprotected at 5:20. In practice I got 3 goons and 2 zealots at that time, don' know if could have done some damage in case of if... So, what would have been best for me in this case? Should I have tried some sort of dt drop, or fast storm maybe?
Yuo definitely had teh right idea with the practice and analyzing the replay, good job. I didnt watch the replay yet but i think your problem is that you made lotz too soon, you unless you know he is doing an early push and you want to do lot bombs you should not get lotz that early. Usually i get them when speed is half way done, which i make the citadel after my third. If you had 1 observer and just massed dragoons that whole time, by the time he pushed you should have 3-5 gates constantly pumping since you know hwat he is doing at this point and just micro your way around teh vultures to get to teh tanks or take out the vultures first if they are far from teh tanks. Recap, micro dragoons against tanks, try 1-3 lotz for mine drags or bombs, 3-5 gates. After you crush that push he will go defense so you can expo safely. I would be willing to analyze replays with you no icc and help you out since i see that you are willing to get better by putting in the practice. ill msg you sometime.
It's funny because I played against the same guy thinking he was just a D level terran, but if you check his stats, apparently he was B- in previous seasons. I didn't watch your replay, but from your description, I lost in the same way. I went 12nexus against him and stopped his strong fd push without taking much damage. I thought I would have an army advantage in the mid game because of the 12 nexus, but he rolled me easily with a 4 factory timing push. Perhaps the problem is just macro and working on producing units non stop.
if you only reach 80 supply in singleplayer mode at 9 minutes, its your macro
get as many probes as possible to keep get minerals and gas. Get those early in the game so you will have a big quantity of minerals mid-game. When you are closing in on him, make sure to really surround him. Try to build as make expansion as possible without reducing your minerals dramatically. Close him in and destroy him/her.
Yeah you're getting arbiters really quickly. That's dangerous on flat maps with short distances like python because the only way you can hold off early aggression is with dark templar. I think that progamers usually only go two base arbiters on maps with long rush distances unless they are really confident that the T is going to turtle.
Too many probes transfered to nat. You main had far too few probes afterwards.
You know, you could always do the good old ancient protoss trick which might win you hundreds of games.... + Show Spoiler +Yes, im a bitch
Osaka27097 Posts
On July 24 2009 15:57 KinosJourney2 wrote:You know, you could always do the good old ancient protoss trick which might win you hundreds of games.... + Show Spoiler +Yes, im a bitch
On July 24 2009 15:57 KinosJourney2 wrote:You know, you could always do the good old ancient protoss trick which might win you hundreds of games.... + Show Spoiler +Yes, im a bitch
if it fails u can always do another ancient protoss "talent"
that idra screen is halarious.
to all the tasteless haters though, he has a lot of knowledge about sc and is probably on par with artosis, he just decides not to cast in a way that goes too deep. Hes all about playing to mainstream noobs and helping people get INTRODUCED to sc and increase the community.
Hey have you heard of attack move?
My god, i watched that rep with idra, haha I KNEW i would see it again some day