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Fantasy Proleague Trading Thread
Shinhan 08/09 Round 3: Winners League
This will be the thread where I will be posting the trades that will be available each week. In order to complete a trade, you must PM me the trade you wish to make. Posting requests in this thread to make trades to you team will NOT be honored. Use this thread to ask any questions you have about trading, discuss the trades that are offered each week and to suggest players you would like to get rid of and/or players you would like to pick up for future trade weeks. I will do my best to include the players that people would like to trade away or pick up.
Trading Rules
1. You must PM me the trades you wish to make before the closing time.
2. You may not trade away your captain.
3. You must have at least one player from each race on your team at all times.
4. You may not have duplicates of any player on your team.
5. When you trade away a player, you keep all points that player has earned up to that point.
6. When a player you trade for is added to your team, you do not get any of the points he has earned so far. You only get the points he earns in the future.
7. Trades do not care about the points spent to put a player on your team. It doesnβt matter if you go over thirty and if you go under thirty thatβs fine too. You donβt get to build up any βcreditsβ if you started or trade down to below thirty points.
8. You may not take back a trade once it is submitted.
There are two kinds of trades. One Way trades and Two Way trades.
One Way trades will look like this: βPlayer A >>> Player B.β If you have the player on the left (Player A), you may only trade him away to receive the player on the right (Player B), not the other way around.
Two Way trades will look like this: βPlayer A <<< >>> Player B.β If you have either player, you may trade the player you have away to receive the player on the other side of the trade.
Players in the trades will be listed with the points it would have originally cost to place them on your team as well as the number of points they have earned so far this season. The cost will be listed to the left of the player in parenthesis and the current points that player has scored will be listed to the right of that player. Ex: (8)

Trades for Week 5
Week 5 Trades close on February 28 at 13:00 TL Time
New Rule: Trades may not be taken back once accepted.
One Way Trades:
HiyA - 27 >>>> (-)
ggaemo - 6
Flash - 49 >>>> (3)
Luxury - 26
Leta - 20 >>>> (2)
go.go - 21
Mind - 19 >>>> (2)
RorO - 19
ZerO - 20 >>>> (1)
PianO - 16
Anytime - 22 >>>> (0)
Reach - 19
Two Way Trades:
Kwanro - 16 <<< >>> (5)
sKyHigh - 15
Really - 15 <<< >>> (6)
SangHo - 9
Shark - 2 <<< >>> (4)
Saint - 2
Stork - 14 <<< >>> (5)
great - 14
fantasy - 14 <<< >>> (9)
BeSt - 10
Hwasin - 10 <<< >>> (4)
Calm - 10
Shine[kaL] - 14 <<< >>> (4)
Nal_keke - 13
(4) STX - 13 <<< >>> (5) SKT - 13
(3) eSTRO - 11 <<< >>> (5) Samsung - 11
Week 5 Trades close on February 28 at 13:00 TL Time
New Rule: Trades may not be taken back once accepted.
One Way Trades:






Two Way Trades:







(4) STX - 13 <<< >>> (5) SKT - 13
(3) eSTRO - 11 <<< >>> (5) Samsung - 11
Trades for Week 4
Week 4 Trades close on February 21 at 13:00 TL Time
New Rule: Trades may not be taken back once accepted.
One Way Trades:
free - 23 or (9)
BeSt - 9 >>>> (4)
hyvaa - 27 or (2)
sAviOr - 21
UpMagiC - 13 or (6)
July - 9 >>>> (4)
ZerO - 15 or (4)
keke - 13
Tazza - 3 or (2)
Horang2 - 3 >>>> (0)
YellOw - 1 or (1)
Child - 3
Much - 6 >>>> (2)
Bogus - 8 or (1)
Memory - 10
FireFist - 5 >>>> (1)
PianO - 5 or (1)
Hery - 5
Doctor.K - 3 >>> (2)
Juni - 3 or (2)
oDin - 5
Mind - 17 >>>> (6)
Light - 18
sKyHigh - 14 >>>> (2)
go.go - 18
EffOrt - 12 >>>> (4)
hyvaa - 27
great - 11 >>>> (2)
RorO - 19
Stork - 9 >>>> (5)
Kal - 18
Two Way Trades:
Luxury - 22 <<< >>> (5)
YellOw[ArnC] β 20
Week 4 Trades close on February 21 at 13:00 TL Time
New Rule: Trades may not be taken back once accepted.
One Way Trades:











Two Way Trades:

Trades for Week 3
Week 3 Trades close on February 14 at 13:00 TL Time
New Rule: Trades may not be taken back once accepted.
One Way Trades:
by.hero β 2 >>>> (2)
maGma β 0 or (0)
Sunny β 1
maGma β 0 >>>> (1)
by.hero β 2 or (0)
Sunny β 1
Kwanro β 5 >>>> (1)
FireFist β 4 or (1)
Haran β 4
July β 7 >>>> (4)
hyvaa β 12 or (4)
Shine[kaL] β 8
Saint β 1 >>>> (1)
HoeJJa β 6 or (2)
RorO β 10
Calm β 2 >>>> (1)
Notice β 15 or (2)
Juni β 2
Pusan β 1 >>>> (0)
Reach β 9 or (2)
Chalrenge β 3
Tempest β 4 >>>> (0)
Reach β 9 or (2)
Chalrenge β 3
BeSt β 9 >>>> (7)
JangBi β 14 or (5)
free β 22
firebathero β 2 >>>> (1)
Notice β 15 or (4)
ZerO β 10
fOrGG β 4 >>>> (2)
go.go β 12 or (4)
hyvaa β 12
ToSsGirL β 2 >>>> (0)
Sunny β 1 or (β)
OO[S.G] β 2
Featured Trades:
(7) Hwaseung Oz (Lecaf) β 14 >>>> (4) CJ Entus β 18
Kal β 2 <<< >>> (3)
Movie β 12
Anytime β 16 <<< >>> (4)
Shine[kaL] β 8
Week 3 Trades close on February 14 at 13:00 TL Time
New Rule: Trades may not be taken back once accepted.
One Way Trades:












Featured Trades:
(7) Hwaseung Oz (Lecaf) β 14 >>>> (4) CJ Entus β 18


Trades for Week 2
Week 2 Trades close on February 7 at 13:00 TL Time
One Way Trades:
sKyHigh β 3 >>>> (2)
Iris β 12 or (2)
RorO β 10
Sea β 5 >>>> (4)
Hwasin β 1 or (4)
hyvaa β 7
Hwasin β 1 >>>> (2)
Bogus β 5 or (0)
Reach β 5
Leta β 9 >>>> (6)
HiyA β 22 or (5)
free β 19
Mind β 12 >>>> (6)
HiyA β 22 or (5)
free β 19
RuBy β 0 >>>> (1)
PianO β 2 or (1)
pepe β 3
EffOrt β 5 >>>> (3)
Luxury β 14 or (3)
Anytime β 16
BeSt β 5 >>>> (5)
free β 19 or (3)
Anytime β 16
Stork β 5 >>>> (3)
Anytime β 16 or (4)
ZerO β 8
Kal β 1 >>>> (3)
Movie β 10 or (4)
Shine[kaL] β 8
BackHo β 3 >>>> (1)
Tester β 0 or (1)
Stats β 2
Horang2 β 1 >>>> (1)
Tester β 0 or (1)
Stats β 2
Pusan β 0 or (3)
Pure β 3 >>>> (0)
Reach β 5
GGPlay β 2 or (4)
Calm β 1 >>>> (4)
Saint β 0
(4) STX β 0 or (4) MBC β -2 >>>> (3) WeMade FOX β 8 or (2) Woongjin Stars β 4
(?) Any Team β ? >>>> (0) ACE β 4
Two Way Trades:
fOrGG β 3 <<< >>> (6)
firebathero β 1
Midas β 3 <<< >>> (2)
Canata β 3
Featured Trades:
(3) OGN β 4 >>>> (3) WeMade FOX β 8
go.go β 1 <<< >>> (1)
HerO β 3
Lomo β 3 <<< >>> (1)
Hery β 2
Week 2 Trades close on February 7 at 13:00 TL Time
One Way Trades:














(4) STX β 0 or (4) MBC β -2 >>>> (3) WeMade FOX β 8 or (2) Woongjin Stars β 4
(?) Any Team β ? >>>> (0) ACE β 4
Two Way Trades:


Featured Trades:
(3) OGN β 4 >>>> (3) WeMade FOX β 8


Trades for Week 1
There will be NO TRADES for Week 1.
Check back next week!
There will be NO TRADES for Week 1.
Check back next week!
Frequently Asked Questions
When will trades be available?
+ Show Spoiler +
Trades will be posted each week sometime not too long after Wednesday afternoon's matches. Trades will close right before the next week's matches start, usually at 13:00 KST/TeamLiquid time on Saturday afternoon.
In the Winners League format there will be no trades between week one and week two.
In the Winners League format there will be no trades between week one and week two.
What do you take into account when creating trades?
+ Show Spoiler +
Generally players offered for trade will be players that are on more than just a couple teams to ensure that trades will be available to the largest amount of participants, exceptions will be made for certain specific requests.
Recent performance is also highly taken into account. Players on hot streaks will less often be offered to be traded away because teams should want to keep their players that are doing well. Players who under-perform will more often be up for trade because owners will not want to keep a potential slumping player around (if you are familiar with other fantasy leagues you probably recognize a trend of cold players being dropped each week to free agency and that week's hot players being snatched up onto people's rosters, but usually ones with uncertain return values for future weeks as all the big name players are never left on free agency). I try to take this mentality into consideration when creating trades.
No trade should be a complete no-brainer to accept, there should be enough weight to the pros and cons of each side of the trade to justify either taking or not taking it. The trade needs to be fair to the person making the trade, but also the people who already own the player you are trading for.
Recent performance is also highly taken into account. Players on hot streaks will less often be offered to be traded away because teams should want to keep their players that are doing well. Players who under-perform will more often be up for trade because owners will not want to keep a potential slumping player around (if you are familiar with other fantasy leagues you probably recognize a trend of cold players being dropped each week to free agency and that week's hot players being snatched up onto people's rosters, but usually ones with uncertain return values for future weeks as all the big name players are never left on free agency). I try to take this mentality into consideration when creating trades.
No trade should be a complete no-brainer to accept, there should be enough weight to the pros and cons of each side of the trade to justify either taking or not taking it. The trade needs to be fair to the person making the trade, but also the people who already own the player you are trading for.
How do we know you won't make imbalanced trades to benefit your own team?
+ Show Spoiler +
Because I won't be using any trades.
No one who is using trades in the league will be providing input on trade creation.
No one who is using trades in the league will be providing input on trade creation.
How can I check to see who is on my team that I can trade?
+ Show Spoiler +
As of now all trades should be updated in the rankings thread. Do not use the signup link to check your team because it will not reflect trades, only the Daily Rankings thread will be accurate. If your trade isn't there, either semioldguy forgot it (not likely) or you submitted the trade too late or for your captain or didn't have one of each race or some other prohibited action.
I don't want one of my players, but he isn't offered in a trade this week. How do I get rid of him?
+ Show Spoiler +
Post a request of which players you would like to be able to trade away in this thread or send semioldguy a PM. I can't ensure that everyone's requests will appear in trades due to the large volume of participants, but I will do my best.
Please don't request your player to be traded for a specific certain other player. A majority of the requests like these I receive are not fair trades. Just because Flash isn't working out for you and you thought he'd do as well as Jaedong, doesn't mean you get to trade him for Jaedong who is working out for a bunch of other people. These trades also have to be fair to the owners who already own the player you are trading to receive.
Please don't request your player to be traded for a specific certain other player. A majority of the requests like these I receive are not fair trades. Just because Flash isn't working out for you and you thought he'd do as well as Jaedong, doesn't mean you get to trade him for Jaedong who is working out for a bunch of other people. These trades also have to be fair to the owners who already own the player you are trading to receive.
When should I request a player to be traded?
+ Show Spoiler +
As soon as you know you don't want him.
Preferably sometime before the last matches of the week finish, or just after they finish. Trades will be going up not too long after the last matches of the week and if your request isn't seen before I post them you will end up having to wait until the next week's trades. I will be sure to check my inbox and this thread just prior to posting the trades each week to be sure that as many requests can be met as possible.
Preferably sometime before the last matches of the week finish, or just after they finish. Trades will be going up not too long after the last matches of the week and if your request isn't seen before I post them you will end up having to wait until the next week's trades. I will be sure to check my inbox and this thread just prior to posting the trades each week to be sure that as many requests can be met as possible.
Will teams (ex. SKT, Lecaf, etc.) be offered for trades as well?
+ Show Spoiler +
Teams will appear in trade offers from week to week as well and will be held to many of the same principles of fairness as player to player trades. You will not be able to trade a team for a player or a player for a team.
Teams will appear in trade offers from week to week as well and will be held to many of the same principles of fairness as player to player trades. You will not be able to trade a team for a player or a player for a team.
What are Featured Trades?
+ Show Spoiler +
Nothing special really.
A "Featured Trade" merely denotes a trade as being between two players or teams that will face of against each other in the coming week, so unlike most other trades, these ones are directly relevant to the following week's matches
A "Featured Trade" merely denotes a trade as being between two players or teams that will face of against each other in the coming week, so unlike most other trades, these ones are directly relevant to the following week's matches