Before I begin this thread, I would like to say that I am a previous Lastshadow hater, however recently i saw him on iccup and begin to have a chat with him. During this conversation i realized that he is not as bad as he seems, and that i really want to understand what drives people to hate this kid so much. Additionally i would like to say that i am not some smurf or lastshadow bud that hes asked to write this, i am known as Fury to most people, and well i am not prominent in the foreign scene, i am atleast known to quite a few. Lastly i would like to say i hope people will actually read this not just say “lastshadow hax ez!” or whatever immature replies your conjuring up.
People “hate” lastshadow because of his map-rigging and other abuse scandals. While he has clearly admitted to map-rigging the scandal of abuse, the truth is unknown. Supposedely Kawaii has “fessed” up to however there is no solid proof that they cheated on ventrillo, however for argumental purpouses i will say that he did indeed cheat.
Even if he has cheated/abused, i feel there must be some other scource of great anger towards him. Testie HACKED. not cheated, not abused, HACKED. Im sure countless other top foreigners have hacked aswell. Testie is also a known and respected member of the community, even if he is going inactive. Quite obviously people are able to forgive. However people can’t seem to forgive lastshadow. I really do wonder why. He used to be bad manner, these days hes very good manner. I came at him insulting him, and he kept cool when i first talked to him. He has every reason to bm me, however he refrained and was nice. So why do you people hate him so much?
The Reaction
AoN.Chika, someone who has been helping the community by writing very nice interviews of foreigners interviewed lastshadow. I found it very interesting because that is a story i do believe many people feel very strongly about, and this to me really shows the true nature of why people hate lastshadow.
@ GG.Net http://www.gosugamers.net/starcraft/thread/300090
People did not respond kindly in any fashion really, however the thread has remained open, as a venue to post your opinions and overall was a relatively succesfull post by chika. Things were not so similiar at the other end of the foreign gaming spectrum.
@ TL.Net http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=79753
People hate lastshadow with a vengeance. I have always been under the impression that teamliquid is a fair and nice website, with nice coverage of all the starcraft scenes: foreign and korean. However an administrator for teamliquid DELETED the interview for absoloutly no reason. He said something along the lines of posting an interview of lastshadow just makes him even more satisified because its giving him attention or something. However as any type of publication informing the community of anything, it is always expected to give both sides of the story not just accept one as the truth and completely not shed any type of coverage at all, or even when someone posts an interview you deleted it! This sounds like the beginnings of propaganda to me.
Yes. Yes lastshadow abused/cheat, however never hacked. Why cant the community just accept that and move on. Not neccisarily become BFF’s for lyfe! with him, just stop hopping on the band wagon of hate and show some compassion. I think that maybe some of the hatred for him comes from the fact that they expect him to be a horrible gamer without abuse/cheats but in actuality hes actually a quite decent gamer and im 100% sure hes able to compete with div 1 foreigners. Not that he is in the category of people like iefnaij, white-ra, strelok etc. but he is still a formidable opponent.
Hopefully people will respond to this in a manner manner (pun intended). I fully understand that this will probably be deleted at TL.net, and i may even be banned (its posted at both gg.net and tl.net) but even so im willing to take the risk.
Thankyou for your time.
I have always been under the impression that teamliquid is a fair and nice website.
Not our fault you're so deluded.
the admins here just dont like him, and its their site and they will delete anything thats related to him, fair is not a issue here, the admins have said multiple times its their house and they can do what they want, so i dont think this will stay opened for long or produce any kind of discussion.
39489 Posts
My reaction is analogous to what I would feel if a convicted criminal publicly stated
"Hey come on guys, what I did wasn't a big deal at all! give me a break will ya?"
you mentioned Testie and him being respected, that took a loooong time for him to earn that. For most of the time he was legit after the hacking, people would treat him like trash, and after countless times of proving he didnt hack and was legitimately good, as well as not being the biggest raving cock around, peoples opinions changed.
LS in most posts, comes off as some egotistical douchbag, who also happens to have abused in the recent past, as such he is treated accordingly.
I shouldve ssed that conversation we had a week ago. Priceless.
CA10824 Posts
when LS starts producing results in offline tourneys, such as winning WCG USA then maybe people will respect him
until then, no.
Omg pro interview, he kicked bisu's ass. haha. I love 15 years old.
What I most appreciate is the interviewer's total lack of critic judgement not even questioning any of the retarded bullshit the kid is throwing at him.
"My tougher opponent was boxer."
i am not expecting you guys to all the sudden love him, however it has been quite some time since he has abused and has done nothing to make u think he's abused. sure he's bm, aerials is bm too, so what? that doesn't really prove a point.
Hopefully it will stay alive longer than the 5 minutes im guessing it will take for someone to delete it.
Are you Lastshadow? someone check ips. i swear, lastshadow is basically some 13 year old who has like some mental illness because he acts like SC is his life.
10183 Posts
On December 21 2008 04:11 LosingID8 wrote: when LS starts producing results in offline tourneys, such as winning WCG USA then maybe people will respect him
until then, no.
On December 21 2008 04:11 LosingID8 wrote: when LS starts producing results in offline tourneys, such as winning WCG USA then maybe people will respect him
until then, no.
Canada3500 Posts
On December 21 2008 04:11 LosingID8 wrote: when LS starts producing results in offline tourneys, such as winning WCG USA then maybe people will respect him
until then, no.
On December 21 2008 04:16 clazziquai wrote: Are you Lastshadow? someone check ips. i swear, lastshadow is basically some 13 year old who has like some mental illness because he acts like SC is his life.
His attitude and personality are pretty subpar. He constantly is whining about something. He has rigged maps MORE than once, and was caught more than once. Why would you do it again after being caught the first time? A little while ago he wrote some massive story about gg.net helping him get his girlfriend back, and in return he would help train someone ROFL. In that post alone, I quoted soo many lines that just proves how dumb, and immature he is. How can you have a conversation with someone when they spout shit like this?:
Im not the fucking popular kid who makes fun of lesser kids, I fucking CAME from the lesser kids, I wa HIGHLY unliked as a kid, fucking pale skin, bleach white hair, brown eyes, fucking disgusting, when I hit puberty and developed my dads traits, I got my dark blonde hair, my honey hazel eyes, and my toned body with italian-olive skin but still white, I became attractive and hot to any girl in my class."
2weeks later, I fell very very sickly ill with the Fits Disease, I was unable to stop itching and the pain/feelings were unbearable, I was bed bound, many may remember this in my ICC period under 'BlackhOle' as many noted my 10game loss streak when I fell ill.
Now that might be enough to anger an average kid but I suffer from depression/anxiety/chronic chaos disorder. I was even more enraged, she turned off her phone. I decided to scare her, have friends from all over the world call her phone and say shit
Now, being a double-blackbelt and weighing 155 with only 17% Body fat, I could completly destroy this fucking kid in a heartbeat. However, I simply said 'i dont want you talking to him anymore' she gave me grief, I said LOL
Now I have talked to this kid, he is a snobby short fucking acne infested book-smart little piece of shit. He is in all honors etc etc etc thinks he's tough shit. That's fucking great, I'm a mensa candidate with an IQ of 138, I really dont give a shit if this kid thinks he is better than me at life, he isn't.
He gave me some shit on AIM, I told him we could meet in person, he suddenly starts to panic and be all nice. Eitherway my gay friend, whom is practically in love for me, is a jacked ass black guy who would do anything for me, had spoke to him and yeah. ( I'm not gay --)
All goes well, its the summer we don't really hang out due to some things, I was very busy with starcraft/therapy/gym/magic the gathering type-2 tournaments. LOL!
Just some epic quotes from LS himself. Really, would you wanna be friends with that? haha
i tried to read his interview on gg.net and started barfing
btw inca himself is accused hacker
Well eXigent those quotes are fucking hilarious, however if starcraft was all about the person themself i dont think anyone would want to be friends with you either, or really anyone because if u devote enough time to sc to even know this website really ur basically a nerd.
10183 Posts
On December 21 2008 04:31 Fury_InCa wrote: Well eXigent those quotes are fucking hilarious, however if starcraft was all about the person themself i dont think anyone would want to be friends with you either, or really anyone because if u devote enough time to sc to even know this website really ur basically a nerd. NERD INTERNET Starcraft