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I want to mention.. It wasnt that i was trying to get fame with these interviews it was that we are involved with a group called Social Vibe that dontates to Charity depending on the amount of Views that you have on a page.. After you are done reading if you would like to send out a little love to the Starlight foundation then go ahead and click this link!
Its Warrior-350-'s way of giving back to the charity that was there for his family when his baby sister was born with a heart problem and passed away a few days before Christmas.. The Starlight Foundation donated money and means for his whole family to be able to have a Christmas.. It means a lot to us if you just go and click the link.
But thanks guys for reading and everything! Sorry for all the confusion.
Sat downwith Xeris for a little chit chat give it a read!!
+ Show Spoiler +
Introduce yourself to the world
Duran Parsi. Xeris. I'm pretty sure that's the name people know me by. Anything else was before anyone knew who i was.
And how old are you?
Just turned 21. Old man
How long have you been playing BW for?
Since I was a wee lad, when I was almost 11.
And what race do you Frequent?
Protoss pretty much but random in 2v2.
What got you into playing BW?
I went over to my cousins house one day and he had a demo disc with a bunch of games and Starcraft was included, so we started playing on their demo battle.net. The first game i remember was playing a TvT and this guy made a battlecruiser and wrecked our base and I was really like "WTF". Then the day after i went back home my cousin bought the game and told me about the other races, and how protoss could warp buildings in and shit so I immediately went out and bought it. Played protoss, and SC ever since
And does your cousin still play too?
He doesn't really PLAY, he stopped actually playing competitively in 2001 or so, but we play 2v2s and stuff and he's the leader of USA B, aka ex eZ[LighT]. But he used to be REALLY good back in the day. Being in the same clan as Nazgul, [i'm] and founder of [Crew] which was one of the top LC teams years ago. So ya he's like my bw daddy so to speak, wouldn't have been involved with the game if it wasn't for him and actually he got me re-started playing because we both quit for several years and one summer in 03 or 04, i forget which, we were bored and he said "hey lets play BW again" so ya..
So being the leader of one of the top contending teams in the league must be an interesting job. How is leading [LighT]?
Uh, It's good I guess O_O! not sure what else to really say, I really enjoy it which is why I'm still doing it. I like the team and I'm pretty proud of where it is now compared to when I joined the team for the first time in 04 then again in 05... so I feel as if it's like my family and besides I actually know most of LighT in real life, except for some of the Americans and Europeans, but I know all the Canucks along with Machine, Louder, and Future pretty well so it's a real pleasure for me.
So along with being the leader of [LighT], your also one of the more known WGT admins? What got you into admining?
It was really all about trying to find out what I could do to best help my team... I joined LighT as a player, but after being a part of Academic Decathlon in high school I really had to cut down my playing so I wasn't able to keep up competitively so for awhile I felt kinda useless. So I started off by setting up and arranging clanwars for LighT, and my role slowly grew and I became the leader along with Hap and Bandit, and then the sole leader and have been ever since. I realized that's where I was able to contribute most, so I put my energy into that and let others take care of the gaming, and it worked out well
At the time LighT had a LOT of admins on WGTour, Live2Win was a manager admin, Amber was a super admin, and they were looking for help in the CL section so I thought might as well apply and do some good for the community too. It's sort of the same principle, I just want to help the game and community that has done so much for my life, and I guess ever since my role has kept growing and will probably continue to grow, because that's just how I am I guess, and it's what I like
Speaking of growing, where do you see your going in the future?
I'm honestly not 100% sure. I want to stay with LighT until the very end, but it all depends on various factors for example: will I be able to put effort into leading the team / admining once I'm in law school? will LighT be around in a few years or will the players move one, will SC2 be successful enough to warrant continuing with it, are there any other growth opportunities? I guess I'll tackle all those problems as they come along - as for now I'd like to keep rolling with it and go wherever this game takes me.. See what happens...
Where do you see the BW and gaming scene heading with the release of SC 2 coming up?
I wrote a pretty big article on "The Death of Starcraft" - and I stand by what I wrote there. I think the scene is diminishing and about a year after SC2 is released will pretty much die outside of Korea. If SC2 is successful, it will really go away, possibly even in Korea... and if it's NOT successful, by that time people will have moved on and restarting the SC community will be an impossible task just because the new generation of gamers won't like the game (shitty graphics, etc). So I think this game has about 2-3 years tops, it's like my grandpa pretty much dead but still living for some reason on his deathbed. EVEN THOUGH it's sorta interesting more top name teams are taking an interest in SC aka fnatic, nGize, MTW, and there are more rumored to want to start SC squads, I honestly don't see that doing much to rejuvinate the community just because the pool of players is so much smaller..
I see. So in your years of gaming, i know that a lot of plyaers have come and gone in [LighT]. Any names that stick out more?
First SchiSm because he's my best friend on BW and I've known him for almost 6 years now. Ever since i started playing again we've been in every single team together since we were both C4 newbies on WGTour.. Second, Bandit because he's the first LighT I officially met and one of the coolest people you'll ever meet. RepeNt , aka American Wonder boy , because he was such an AMAZING player. It's just a shame he quit so early because he could have easily been a top level gamer right now, and when I first met him I used to rape him all the time. HAP aka Preston , probably my second best friend, funniest and most friendly person and the best leader LighT ever had (he was leader before me). And lastly Mike, aka Nextel , even though he was only in LighT for awhile during his brief comeback. He's one of my good friends IRL now, REALLY funny and he was fucking good at BW. Little known fact, he was invited to go to Korea as a progamer along with Assem but didn't end up going. His comp has replays of him owning players like JulyZerg, Canata, Hwasin, Darkelf before they became famous... I learned A LOT about BW from him and the more known fact is that HovZ beat him up. PLUS Paul <3, Shad, Sami, Ray, Rich, Louder .. But they're still playing so..
Sweet. So i also know that a lot of the top ranked players have either played or are playing in your team? Does it bring a feeling of satisfaction to know that some of the biggest names in BW have played on [LighT]
I wouldn't say some of the biggest names in BW. We've had a lot of great players playing, but none of them ever reached TOP TOP status, like to be up there with Mondragon and whatnot, but it does make me proud that a lot of really great, under-appreciated players came from LighT. Most recently AeriALs and Shad joined ToT which was really nice, although it was sad to see them go, but Bandit, RepeNt, and Raptor for example in their primes were comparatively better I'd say .. they just never really got their names out there as much. And even now we've got Machine, Chosen, Louder, and Praetor who are very strong, although not TOP level yet.. but they're good! And Sadist who plays a few games a week but still beats really good people and all really cool people too. We're not the best, but I'd say we are able to give nice matches to teams like ToT and MYM , haven't won yet though!
So lets get a little personal here. You mentioned before law school? Where are you going to school and what all for?
I'm at UC San Diego right now, majoring in Political Science and going to minor in Writing or Literature.
And do you plan to transfer out to another school in the future?
Well, I'm graduating this year then planning on working and interning for next year then applying to Law School.
Any specific law school in mind?
I'm going to be aiming for Harvard or Yale, but I think a more reasonable goal will be NYU, Georgetown, or Berkeley .. I'll be satisfied with any of those.
So what are your career plans?
I'm not 100% sure, I'm really interested in international politics and law, so I'm considering becoming an international lawyer and / or working with the UN in some capacity, but I also really love writing and research ... when I'm older I 100% want to become a teacher, but not until way later
Like college professor or a high school teacher?
I'd like to do both at some point. During breaks from school I work at my former high school and I'm good friends with a lot of my teachers and I admire the good ones I had and I'd love to really influence young people and inspire a love of learning and stuff because i"m really passionate about that.. but the subjects taught in high school are pretty limited, so to teach things I am most interested in, I'd like to teach at a university... but not until after whatever career I have.
OK and with such big career plans, college and admining a team and a website, do you have time for any other Hobbies?
In a sense brood war is my hobby, but I LOVE reading and writing... I write poetry and short stories and I'm working on some large scale research papers right now. I also love playing basketball, it's probably my #1 passion (ahead of BW even). I try to play about 8-10 hours a week if I can. And cooking, I love to cook (and eating ofc, because I'm super fat)
Ok. And in this time do you get any time for a relationship?
yep, I've got a girlfriend, been together for almost 2.5 years now
Any plans for a big future at this point?
As in marriage ? Not thinking about that yet... Too much else to do and worry about first , that's a huge commitment
Good to know with your college and all you probably shouldn't! Anything else you would like to say?
Hmm uhhhh I'm not sure... <3 to all of LighT (even Paul and Artur) ... Machine is really fuckin fat... and I hope there are more events and stuff like TSL so that BW doesn't actually die. Because if it dies, I'll have way too much free time on my hands and probably suicide. And I wish I could get sponsors to host my big LAN that I've always wanted to do.. That would be fucking awesome. We'll see.. maybe 2009 will hold some new surprises !
Agreed. Thanks for sitting down and interviewing with me! It was a pleasure!
No prob... Thanks for the interview it was nice
Introduce yourself to the world
Duran Parsi. Xeris. I'm pretty sure that's the name people know me by. Anything else was before anyone knew who i was.
And how old are you?
Just turned 21. Old man
How long have you been playing BW for?
Since I was a wee lad, when I was almost 11.
And what race do you Frequent?
Protoss pretty much but random in 2v2.
What got you into playing BW?
I went over to my cousins house one day and he had a demo disc with a bunch of games and Starcraft was included, so we started playing on their demo battle.net. The first game i remember was playing a TvT and this guy made a battlecruiser and wrecked our base and I was really like "WTF". Then the day after i went back home my cousin bought the game and told me about the other races, and how protoss could warp buildings in and shit so I immediately went out and bought it. Played protoss, and SC ever since
And does your cousin still play too?
He doesn't really PLAY, he stopped actually playing competitively in 2001 or so, but we play 2v2s and stuff and he's the leader of USA B, aka ex eZ[LighT]. But he used to be REALLY good back in the day. Being in the same clan as Nazgul, [i'm] and founder of [Crew] which was one of the top LC teams years ago. So ya he's like my bw daddy so to speak, wouldn't have been involved with the game if it wasn't for him and actually he got me re-started playing because we both quit for several years and one summer in 03 or 04, i forget which, we were bored and he said "hey lets play BW again" so ya..
So being the leader of one of the top contending teams in the league must be an interesting job. How is leading [LighT]?
Uh, It's good I guess O_O! not sure what else to really say, I really enjoy it which is why I'm still doing it. I like the team and I'm pretty proud of where it is now compared to when I joined the team for the first time in 04 then again in 05... so I feel as if it's like my family and besides I actually know most of LighT in real life, except for some of the Americans and Europeans, but I know all the Canucks along with Machine, Louder, and Future pretty well so it's a real pleasure for me.
So along with being the leader of [LighT], your also one of the more known WGT admins? What got you into admining?
It was really all about trying to find out what I could do to best help my team... I joined LighT as a player, but after being a part of Academic Decathlon in high school I really had to cut down my playing so I wasn't able to keep up competitively so for awhile I felt kinda useless. So I started off by setting up and arranging clanwars for LighT, and my role slowly grew and I became the leader along with Hap and Bandit, and then the sole leader and have been ever since. I realized that's where I was able to contribute most, so I put my energy into that and let others take care of the gaming, and it worked out well
At the time LighT had a LOT of admins on WGTour, Live2Win was a manager admin, Amber was a super admin, and they were looking for help in the CL section so I thought might as well apply and do some good for the community too. It's sort of the same principle, I just want to help the game and community that has done so much for my life, and I guess ever since my role has kept growing and will probably continue to grow, because that's just how I am I guess, and it's what I like
Speaking of growing, where do you see your going in the future?
I'm honestly not 100% sure. I want to stay with LighT until the very end, but it all depends on various factors for example: will I be able to put effort into leading the team / admining once I'm in law school? will LighT be around in a few years or will the players move one, will SC2 be successful enough to warrant continuing with it, are there any other growth opportunities? I guess I'll tackle all those problems as they come along - as for now I'd like to keep rolling with it and go wherever this game takes me.. See what happens...
Where do you see the BW and gaming scene heading with the release of SC 2 coming up?
I wrote a pretty big article on "The Death of Starcraft" - and I stand by what I wrote there. I think the scene is diminishing and about a year after SC2 is released will pretty much die outside of Korea. If SC2 is successful, it will really go away, possibly even in Korea... and if it's NOT successful, by that time people will have moved on and restarting the SC community will be an impossible task just because the new generation of gamers won't like the game (shitty graphics, etc). So I think this game has about 2-3 years tops, it's like my grandpa pretty much dead but still living for some reason on his deathbed. EVEN THOUGH it's sorta interesting more top name teams are taking an interest in SC aka fnatic, nGize, MTW, and there are more rumored to want to start SC squads, I honestly don't see that doing much to rejuvinate the community just because the pool of players is so much smaller..
I see. So in your years of gaming, i know that a lot of plyaers have come and gone in [LighT]. Any names that stick out more?
First SchiSm because he's my best friend on BW and I've known him for almost 6 years now. Ever since i started playing again we've been in every single team together since we were both C4 newbies on WGTour.. Second, Bandit because he's the first LighT I officially met and one of the coolest people you'll ever meet. RepeNt , aka American Wonder boy , because he was such an AMAZING player. It's just a shame he quit so early because he could have easily been a top level gamer right now, and when I first met him I used to rape him all the time. HAP aka Preston , probably my second best friend, funniest and most friendly person and the best leader LighT ever had (he was leader before me). And lastly Mike, aka Nextel , even though he was only in LighT for awhile during his brief comeback. He's one of my good friends IRL now, REALLY funny and he was fucking good at BW. Little known fact, he was invited to go to Korea as a progamer along with Assem but didn't end up going. His comp has replays of him owning players like JulyZerg, Canata, Hwasin, Darkelf before they became famous... I learned A LOT about BW from him and the more known fact is that HovZ beat him up. PLUS Paul <3, Shad, Sami, Ray, Rich, Louder .. But they're still playing so..
Sweet. So i also know that a lot of the top ranked players have either played or are playing in your team? Does it bring a feeling of satisfaction to know that some of the biggest names in BW have played on [LighT]
I wouldn't say some of the biggest names in BW. We've had a lot of great players playing, but none of them ever reached TOP TOP status, like to be up there with Mondragon and whatnot, but it does make me proud that a lot of really great, under-appreciated players came from LighT. Most recently AeriALs and Shad joined ToT which was really nice, although it was sad to see them go, but Bandit, RepeNt, and Raptor for example in their primes were comparatively better I'd say .. they just never really got their names out there as much. And even now we've got Machine, Chosen, Louder, and Praetor who are very strong, although not TOP level yet.. but they're good! And Sadist who plays a few games a week but still beats really good people and all really cool people too. We're not the best, but I'd say we are able to give nice matches to teams like ToT and MYM , haven't won yet though!
So lets get a little personal here. You mentioned before law school? Where are you going to school and what all for?
I'm at UC San Diego right now, majoring in Political Science and going to minor in Writing or Literature.
And do you plan to transfer out to another school in the future?
Well, I'm graduating this year then planning on working and interning for next year then applying to Law School.
Any specific law school in mind?
I'm going to be aiming for Harvard or Yale, but I think a more reasonable goal will be NYU, Georgetown, or Berkeley .. I'll be satisfied with any of those.
So what are your career plans?
I'm not 100% sure, I'm really interested in international politics and law, so I'm considering becoming an international lawyer and / or working with the UN in some capacity, but I also really love writing and research ... when I'm older I 100% want to become a teacher, but not until way later
Like college professor or a high school teacher?
I'd like to do both at some point. During breaks from school I work at my former high school and I'm good friends with a lot of my teachers and I admire the good ones I had and I'd love to really influence young people and inspire a love of learning and stuff because i"m really passionate about that.. but the subjects taught in high school are pretty limited, so to teach things I am most interested in, I'd like to teach at a university... but not until after whatever career I have.
OK and with such big career plans, college and admining a team and a website, do you have time for any other Hobbies?
In a sense brood war is my hobby, but I LOVE reading and writing... I write poetry and short stories and I'm working on some large scale research papers right now. I also love playing basketball, it's probably my #1 passion (ahead of BW even). I try to play about 8-10 hours a week if I can. And cooking, I love to cook (and eating ofc, because I'm super fat)
Ok. And in this time do you get any time for a relationship?
yep, I've got a girlfriend, been together for almost 2.5 years now
Any plans for a big future at this point?
As in marriage ? Not thinking about that yet... Too much else to do and worry about first , that's a huge commitment
Good to know with your college and all you probably shouldn't! Anything else you would like to say?
Hmm uhhhh I'm not sure... <3 to all of LighT (even Paul and Artur) ... Machine is really fuckin fat... and I hope there are more events and stuff like TSL so that BW doesn't actually die. Because if it dies, I'll have way too much free time on my hands and probably suicide. And I wish I could get sponsors to host my big LAN that I've always wanted to do.. That would be fucking awesome. We'll see.. maybe 2009 will hold some new surprises !
Agreed. Thanks for sitting down and interviewing with me! It was a pleasure!
No prob... Thanks for the interview it was nice
+ Show Spoiler +
Okay you guy introduce yourselves to the world
Paul Stavropoulos aka ToT)AeriALs( from Toronto Canada, 20 years old
Kurts a little shy apparently
And you can introduce yourself again Kurt
haha ;D
kurtis daigle NrG.NeverExpo from ottawa canada 19 years old, but you have to call me dragon.
Why dragon
Its just my nickname. Most people say my power resembles an earth dragon
Ok. So Aerials what kind of dragon would you resemble then
Well i'd be a better looking dragon then NeverExpo and he'd be better at playing bw
yea, thats definitely it.
So Aerials, can you ellaborate on why you got invited to ToT, if NeverExpo is the better BW dragon?
I basically am very good friends with ToT)yosh( and he suggested to me to start talkin to mondragon about a possiblity of joining. I got to play like every tot) member basically, (basically all tvz ), which helped get me noticed by them.... and also beating a bunch of good people in clan league recently helped.
Okay now if you two would elaborate on Canadian gaming. How is it up there? How is it different?
Well basically, Canadian gaming isn't what it once was with Veg, Testie, Smurf, etc... but that's what happens over time i guess.... Now there's the new guys like MYM.Iefnaij and myself, and Iefnaij is "possibly" the top foreigner at the moment.
I'd like it to be more accepted in canada. The states are starting and id like to follow suite. In regards to our top player, Iefnaij, I haven't heard much about him lately and i fear if he doesnt start wowing people again, the new #1 might be Aerials, or I since we are about equal in skill.
Kurt has like 2 wins over me.
Out of 100.
But ya iefnaij still plays on his smurf which i can't expose.
Oh canadian Secrets. Ok i wont ask about it!
So how is ToT?
ToT is everyone it's cracked up to be . Everyone is really really nice, and everyone is also zerg T.T
Haha. And how about leaving light? Any hard feelings left there or are you still on good terms with everyone?
Honestly as geeky as it sounds, it was really REALLY hard to leave the team, but I made sure if I did it, I would make sure Xeris had the knowledge of my potential team switch well in advance so nothing would come as a surprise. I still have everyone /f added from [LighT] on iccup, so i keep in touch with everyone. Can't forget where you came from
Good to know you are on good terms. So tell me about WCG? What happened?
Well basically starcraft is getting old, and the Canadian sponsors felt that it wasn't worth the money to sponsor a bw slot so for some god forsaken reason they had 3 guitar hero 3 slots instead
If you did have BW slots who do you thing would have qualfied?
Well personally i perform like ten times better @ lans than i do from my home, so I think Canada Lan that happened in august is roughly a good estimate of what would have happened, with JF finishing first, Oldy second, and myself third place. Had there been 2 or 3 slots i think i had a good chance of moving on, with only 1 slot there is still some really good Canadian BW players so it would have been very tough.
So is it true that even though u are in one of the most prestigous clans you used to be know as one of the screw offs in Light with EZ and HaP?
Hahahahahaaha. Ya that would be me. Since i joined ToT) i've been trying to make ammends with the people that I got mad at me for the fact that i would like a clean reputation but while i was in [LighT] hap, ez, and myself were definately the "class clowns" of the team.
Would you like to elaborate on that. And class clown stories in particular?
Haha. Well for the whole reputation thing, in person im actually extremely friendly, so i'd like to keep the same persona on bw now since the team switch. A good story would be with myself and ez[light], where we arranged "a tourney" after we got bot access in op team-light. So we wanted to abuse the bot and host a "tournament," we got like 16 people to come, but one of the players was an iccup admin and the point was to tell them we were having a tournament and just ban them all from the channel. ROFLLLLL.... so we got kinda messed up from that becuase if an admin saw we were spamming just so we could ban people, we'd get in trouble, so we actually had a tournament running hahahaha.
lol. So with you being that "team clown" you were and Xeris being known more or less of a seriuous guy, You two seem pretty close. Is he always so serious or under is rough exterior is there a little kid too?
Hahahah. Ya he's a little kid himself, but he carries himself with a more serious approach when it comes to clan wars and what not. I owe my brood war career to Xeris because he took me in about exactly 3 years ago even though I was not up to standards on being recruited to [LighT]. It was basically that fact that we have been friends for 5 years that I had gotten into the team.
So have you two ever met? I mean being friends so long online?
He has actually been to Canada a few times, and twice we've been together: once in Toronto for WCG 2007, and once this past summer in Montreal for the Canada Lan, our somewhat replacement for the lack of WCG 2008
How was that? How is he in person?
He's just about the same as he is online. No fake personality online to make himself appear superior or what not, just a good ol' yankee that loves bw hahaha <3!!!!
haha. I see.. So how about SC2 with the upcoming release what do you thing is going to happen?
Well if i can replace my really really old computer, i won't be ignorant and leave it to the side becuase of the new additions like auto mine and what not, so i'll give it a crack, and basically ill have to examine how serious i will be with it from there
What is your prediction about what will happen to the BW scene? Like is there going to be a transition into SC2 or do you think that all the awesome players now are going to slip back into not playing competetively?
As for the foreign community, I think it will be a forced death, rather than a gradual death from the age of the game. I'm not sure what the koreans are going to do to be perfectly honest, because I have been hearing that sc2 is a lot easier than sc:bw. Personally will most likely stick to brood war if SC2 isn't up to the standards of sc:bw game play wise
As a player whose gone all the way from being lucky to get into LighT to being picked out to be in ToT, if the games dies who would you say is the player who would go down in history as the best player to go up against?
Haha that's a really good question! I personally love playing with my practice crew that i have (shoutouts to machine/lzgamer/future/iceman/nyoken/anyone else i missed. We're always on iccup practicin with the new korean maps and it helps me keep updated on these maps for suhc things as iccupcl/wgtcl/tournaments. Sometimes laddering is dying as people refuse to play, the channel has like 5 afk people, or people just cheese you to get points and of course gettin a buffet of TvZ vs my fellow tot)'ers is always nice.
Who is the best playing in ToT in your opinion?
Ahh it will always be Mondragon, despite how active he is, when the games count he always seems to do the best of anyone. What's cool about him is that he is the leader of ToT) so he gets full control of clan war line-up's and even though he's the best player on the team, he allows the others to play infront of him for almost every clan war.
So have you ever played Mondragon?
ya i've played him a bunch of times.
How is playing the legendary Mondragon?
Ahh he's crazy ZvT , it's very very hard to beat him haha. It's definately an honor though considering he's done so much in his bw career, and im just an up and comer.
Definately.. So thank you so much for this interview it has been awesome!
your very welcome
Okay you guy introduce yourselves to the world
Paul Stavropoulos aka ToT)AeriALs( from Toronto Canada, 20 years old
Kurts a little shy apparently
And you can introduce yourself again Kurt
haha ;D
kurtis daigle NrG.NeverExpo from ottawa canada 19 years old, but you have to call me dragon.
Why dragon
Its just my nickname. Most people say my power resembles an earth dragon
Ok. So Aerials what kind of dragon would you resemble then
Well i'd be a better looking dragon then NeverExpo and he'd be better at playing bw
yea, thats definitely it.
So Aerials, can you ellaborate on why you got invited to ToT, if NeverExpo is the better BW dragon?
I basically am very good friends with ToT)yosh( and he suggested to me to start talkin to mondragon about a possiblity of joining. I got to play like every tot) member basically, (basically all tvz ), which helped get me noticed by them.... and also beating a bunch of good people in clan league recently helped.
Okay now if you two would elaborate on Canadian gaming. How is it up there? How is it different?
Well basically, Canadian gaming isn't what it once was with Veg, Testie, Smurf, etc... but that's what happens over time i guess.... Now there's the new guys like MYM.Iefnaij and myself, and Iefnaij is "possibly" the top foreigner at the moment.
I'd like it to be more accepted in canada. The states are starting and id like to follow suite. In regards to our top player, Iefnaij, I haven't heard much about him lately and i fear if he doesnt start wowing people again, the new #1 might be Aerials, or I since we are about equal in skill.
Kurt has like 2 wins over me.
Out of 100.
But ya iefnaij still plays on his smurf which i can't expose.
Oh canadian Secrets. Ok i wont ask about it!
So how is ToT?
ToT is everyone it's cracked up to be . Everyone is really really nice, and everyone is also zerg T.T
Haha. And how about leaving light? Any hard feelings left there or are you still on good terms with everyone?
Honestly as geeky as it sounds, it was really REALLY hard to leave the team, but I made sure if I did it, I would make sure Xeris had the knowledge of my potential team switch well in advance so nothing would come as a surprise. I still have everyone /f added from [LighT] on iccup, so i keep in touch with everyone. Can't forget where you came from
Good to know you are on good terms. So tell me about WCG? What happened?
Well basically starcraft is getting old, and the Canadian sponsors felt that it wasn't worth the money to sponsor a bw slot so for some god forsaken reason they had 3 guitar hero 3 slots instead
If you did have BW slots who do you thing would have qualfied?
Well personally i perform like ten times better @ lans than i do from my home, so I think Canada Lan that happened in august is roughly a good estimate of what would have happened, with JF finishing first, Oldy second, and myself third place. Had there been 2 or 3 slots i think i had a good chance of moving on, with only 1 slot there is still some really good Canadian BW players so it would have been very tough.
So is it true that even though u are in one of the most prestigous clans you used to be know as one of the screw offs in Light with EZ and HaP?
Hahahahahaaha. Ya that would be me. Since i joined ToT) i've been trying to make ammends with the people that I got mad at me for the fact that i would like a clean reputation but while i was in [LighT] hap, ez, and myself were definately the "class clowns" of the team.
Would you like to elaborate on that. And class clown stories in particular?
Haha. Well for the whole reputation thing, in person im actually extremely friendly, so i'd like to keep the same persona on bw now since the team switch. A good story would be with myself and ez[light], where we arranged "a tourney" after we got bot access in op team-light. So we wanted to abuse the bot and host a "tournament," we got like 16 people to come, but one of the players was an iccup admin and the point was to tell them we were having a tournament and just ban them all from the channel. ROFLLLLL.... so we got kinda messed up from that becuase if an admin saw we were spamming just so we could ban people, we'd get in trouble, so we actually had a tournament running hahahaha.
lol. So with you being that "team clown" you were and Xeris being known more or less of a seriuous guy, You two seem pretty close. Is he always so serious or under is rough exterior is there a little kid too?
Hahahah. Ya he's a little kid himself, but he carries himself with a more serious approach when it comes to clan wars and what not. I owe my brood war career to Xeris because he took me in about exactly 3 years ago even though I was not up to standards on being recruited to [LighT]. It was basically that fact that we have been friends for 5 years that I had gotten into the team.
So have you two ever met? I mean being friends so long online?
He has actually been to Canada a few times, and twice we've been together: once in Toronto for WCG 2007, and once this past summer in Montreal for the Canada Lan, our somewhat replacement for the lack of WCG 2008
How was that? How is he in person?
He's just about the same as he is online. No fake personality online to make himself appear superior or what not, just a good ol' yankee that loves bw hahaha <3!!!!
haha. I see.. So how about SC2 with the upcoming release what do you thing is going to happen?
Well if i can replace my really really old computer, i won't be ignorant and leave it to the side becuase of the new additions like auto mine and what not, so i'll give it a crack, and basically ill have to examine how serious i will be with it from there
What is your prediction about what will happen to the BW scene? Like is there going to be a transition into SC2 or do you think that all the awesome players now are going to slip back into not playing competetively?
As for the foreign community, I think it will be a forced death, rather than a gradual death from the age of the game. I'm not sure what the koreans are going to do to be perfectly honest, because I have been hearing that sc2 is a lot easier than sc:bw. Personally will most likely stick to brood war if SC2 isn't up to the standards of sc:bw game play wise
As a player whose gone all the way from being lucky to get into LighT to being picked out to be in ToT, if the games dies who would you say is the player who would go down in history as the best player to go up against?
Haha that's a really good question! I personally love playing with my practice crew that i have (shoutouts to machine/lzgamer/future/iceman/nyoken/anyone else i missed. We're always on iccup practicin with the new korean maps and it helps me keep updated on these maps for suhc things as iccupcl/wgtcl/tournaments. Sometimes laddering is dying as people refuse to play, the channel has like 5 afk people, or people just cheese you to get points and of course gettin a buffet of TvZ vs my fellow tot)'ers is always nice.
Who is the best playing in ToT in your opinion?
Ahh it will always be Mondragon, despite how active he is, when the games count he always seems to do the best of anyone. What's cool about him is that he is the leader of ToT) so he gets full control of clan war line-up's and even though he's the best player on the team, he allows the others to play infront of him for almost every clan war.
So have you ever played Mondragon?
ya i've played him a bunch of times.
How is playing the legendary Mondragon?
Ahh he's crazy ZvT , it's very very hard to beat him haha. It's definately an honor though considering he's done so much in his bw career, and im just an up and comer.
Definately.. So thank you so much for this interview it has been awesome!
your very welcome
Interview with Get.Shauni
+ Show Spoiler +
Alright! Introduce yourself to the World
I'm Shauni, a Protoss chump from Stockholm, Sweden.
My real name is Daniel Engvall and I'm 19 years old.
Very nice to be aquainted. And what tag are you currently sporting!?
I've been playing in Get. for a few years now and I'll be staying with them until they die.
How many years, approximately?
Hmmm... let's see. I think I joined in early 2006.
So about 3 years now. Thats really awesome. Get. has a reputation of being a very close knit team. Can you tell us a little bit about what its like to play for one of the oldest and Closest knit teams in the BW scene?
Well, we are just a bunch of Starcraft nerds having fun! I think the reason why most of us haven't switched clans is that we are active and hang around a lot in our channel playing friendly games and such. And I'm really enjoying myself in this clan!
and i And of course that is #1 in being in a good clan.
Yes, basically. There was some disputes about the sponsorship we received earlier from Ballerpoker about recruiting people for money or not, but it was resolved by the decision not to sponsor us anymore. So I'm happy that we're back to having fun before making money again.
Thats good. Another subject i would like to ask you about is WCG being canelled in Sweden this year! Do you have anything you would like to share towards that
Well, it's the same as every year. They finally lit our hopes with writing Starcraft into the WCG qualifiers of Sweden, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding. It's sad, but we've already given up on our own WCG years ago...
my apologies. As well on this subject, how Dreamhack, a staple of Swedish gaming, also dropped SC this year! what do you feel towards that!
Well... I haven't attended to Dreamhack since 2003 (where I actually missed the Starcraft tournament because I overslept and got ill), so I'm not really affected by it. But it's surely a blow to the swedish starcraft community. I heard they were considering adding it again for next Dreamhack but we'll see what happens.
Definatley. Well have to keep our eyes on it and see what happens. On a slightly different note. I saw that you beat Naugrim last month. How was playing him and also now seeing that he is recruited into ToT
Haha! Naugrim is a really good player and it was cool that he was added to the ToT) roster. I was quite confident I'd win because my PvZ is my best and I had beaten him earlier in a tournament. But... somehow he always win when we play on the iccup ladder. We had a race to A- there, unfortunately he got there a few days before I did =(
Still an A- rank even a little too late is awesome!!
I suppose! But I cheated my way up by winning tours too... =P
haha! So on a bit of a more personal note. Do you have any other hobbies other than SC?
Yeah... I'm playing guitar in a band, I also play badminton every week. While I'm at home I enjoy listening to music or watch anime! Truth to be told, I spend a lot of time in front of my computer.
its good to have hobbies outside of BW tho! Do you have a lucky significant other in your life
I'm living happily alone!
All alone no like GF or anything
No, no girlfriend! I'm living with my dad in an apartment while attending school.
Oh what are you going to school for?
Well, I'm studying Social Science in my gymnasium. I'm not quite sure what my aim is with the course though...
i see.. Okay well i have to say it was really great interviewing you!
My pleasure!
Alright! Introduce yourself to the World
I'm Shauni, a Protoss chump from Stockholm, Sweden.
My real name is Daniel Engvall and I'm 19 years old.
Very nice to be aquainted. And what tag are you currently sporting!?
I've been playing in Get. for a few years now and I'll be staying with them until they die.
How many years, approximately?
Hmmm... let's see. I think I joined in early 2006.
So about 3 years now. Thats really awesome. Get. has a reputation of being a very close knit team. Can you tell us a little bit about what its like to play for one of the oldest and Closest knit teams in the BW scene?
Well, we are just a bunch of Starcraft nerds having fun! I think the reason why most of us haven't switched clans is that we are active and hang around a lot in our channel playing friendly games and such. And I'm really enjoying myself in this clan!
and i And of course that is #1 in being in a good clan.
Yes, basically. There was some disputes about the sponsorship we received earlier from Ballerpoker about recruiting people for money or not, but it was resolved by the decision not to sponsor us anymore. So I'm happy that we're back to having fun before making money again.
Thats good. Another subject i would like to ask you about is WCG being canelled in Sweden this year! Do you have anything you would like to share towards that
Well, it's the same as every year. They finally lit our hopes with writing Starcraft into the WCG qualifiers of Sweden, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding. It's sad, but we've already given up on our own WCG years ago...
my apologies. As well on this subject, how Dreamhack, a staple of Swedish gaming, also dropped SC this year! what do you feel towards that!
Well... I haven't attended to Dreamhack since 2003 (where I actually missed the Starcraft tournament because I overslept and got ill), so I'm not really affected by it. But it's surely a blow to the swedish starcraft community. I heard they were considering adding it again for next Dreamhack but we'll see what happens.
Definatley. Well have to keep our eyes on it and see what happens. On a slightly different note. I saw that you beat Naugrim last month. How was playing him and also now seeing that he is recruited into ToT
Haha! Naugrim is a really good player and it was cool that he was added to the ToT) roster. I was quite confident I'd win because my PvZ is my best and I had beaten him earlier in a tournament. But... somehow he always win when we play on the iccup ladder. We had a race to A- there, unfortunately he got there a few days before I did =(
Still an A- rank even a little too late is awesome!!
I suppose! But I cheated my way up by winning tours too... =P
haha! So on a bit of a more personal note. Do you have any other hobbies other than SC?
Yeah... I'm playing guitar in a band, I also play badminton every week. While I'm at home I enjoy listening to music or watch anime! Truth to be told, I spend a lot of time in front of my computer.
its good to have hobbies outside of BW tho! Do you have a lucky significant other in your life
I'm living happily alone!
All alone no like GF or anything
No, no girlfriend! I'm living with my dad in an apartment while attending school.
Oh what are you going to school for?
Well, I'm studying Social Science in my gymnasium. I'm not quite sure what my aim is with the course though...
i see.. Okay well i have to say it was really great interviewing you!
My pleasure!
Interview with NaW-Naugrim!
+ Show Spoiler +
Go ahead and introduce yourself to the world!
Hello everyone! My name is Mattias aka Naugrim. I'm 18 years old
and I’m currently studying at a school.
And what are you studying at school!?
Just basic stuff I need in order to be able to study at a university later on
Alright. Do you have any other aka’s other than just Naugrim
No. Only other clantags. I always used the same nickname
Which clans were you involved with in the past
Mainly (TP) The Players, BW- Brood War and NaW- Nerds at Work
Very nice. So I heard about 7 months ago you qualified to the Nordic Starleague. How was that
It was a great tournament with lots of good Swedish players. I don’t remember who I faced on the way to the final, but I did play ToT)HayprO( in the finals, which I lost
Oh I see. How is ToT)HayprO( as an opponent?
ToT)HayprO( taught me most of the things I can do today, except the basics of course. He's a really good Zerg player but has a strong TvZ as well, he doesn’t play ZvZ. We play together all the time.
Nice. I also know that in the FT cash cup finals you beat ToT)Ace(, who is also known to be one of the greater Zerg protogies in the game. How was the match up against him
I'm not very good at ZvZ, but what's keeping me alive in that match up is my mutalisk micro, which is quite good. I think that I was lucky when I played ToT)Ace(. He's a great player and it would be fun to play him again
Alright So, on a more personal level you are known to have quite a unique taste in Music! Want to tell everyone about it!!
Hehe, alright! I love Black Metal! I really like the dark and cold atmosphere in that genre. I like most Metal genres but BM is my favorite, for sure. Some of my favorite bands are: Mayhem, Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth, Marduk and Dimmu Borgir.
Which one would say is your all time favorite song!
Hmm... That’s a really difficult question. But I think I will have to go with the classic, that every Black Metal fan knows - Mayhem's Freezing Moon!
So a lot of BW players do have a specific genre of music they play to. Does to help you out to listen to Metal when you play!
Yes! I listen to Metal all the time when I play. I use Ventrilo, where I talk to people like ToT)HayprO, BW-jimpo, BW-Tuffer, BW-TreK and a lot more. They get quite annoyed when they have to repeat what they say all the time, because I listen to music every day. =)
Lol! So tell me about your match up against AeriAls[LighT] a couple months back!
Oh, yeah, that was a fun show match. I believe, if I recall correctly, it was streamed on PG24, internet TV that's casting Starcraft. I think that I won the games fairly easy but AeriAls[LighT] is a decent player, for sure. I won with the score 3-1 and then we played another game on Troy, which I lost. I never really played much on Troy but AeriAls was good at that map.
Very nice.. So what would you say your biggest accomplishment in BW is so far!
I haven't played BW for all that long. But I think I will have to say second place in Sweden’s Nordic Starleague qualifying tournament. Or maybe third place in Gamingeye's "Sweden’s best" tournament.
How long have you been playing BW for
About 2.5-3 years I think. I didn’t study or work for like 2 years and I only played BW during that time, like 10 hours a day minimum. ^^
That is a lot of hours a day to play. Do you ever feel "Burnt out" from the game?
That's the thing with Starcraft, I never really get tired of it. I think the only time I felt that I should stop playing because I was bored was when I practiced very much against Terran players. Always the same build order, standard 3hatch muta, just to get better mechanics. So I took a 2 week break and then I started playing again.
That’s good you don’t get burnt out! So do you have any other hobbies on the side, other than BW
I like to party, some people claim that I shouldn't drink this much but I mean, you are only young one time! I also hangout with my friends, workout at the gym several times a week and watch movies and series
What genre of movies are your favorite, and what is your favorite movie?
Adventure, War movies, that takes place in the medieval times and Fantasy. My favorite movie is the trilogy "The lord of the Rings"
I see. So what do you plan on studying when you get into the University
I don’t know yet, have not decided. I just need 3 years in the gymnasium in order to get a decent job. And if I feel like continuing my studies at University I will do that in the future.
Ok so are there any up and coming events that you’re looking forward to?
Yes. I want to participate in DreamHack winter 2008. And I will also participate in TSL season 2 and Spirit tournament 2, if there will be such a tournament in the future. ^^
So we will keep our attention on it so we can see how you do in all of it!
Great. =)
Alright I have to say that it has been a pleasure interviewing with you!
Thank you! It was nice to answer some questions too, even if the hour is late. =P
Yeah sorry about that!
Hehe no problemo =)
Go ahead and introduce yourself to the world!
Hello everyone! My name is Mattias aka Naugrim. I'm 18 years old
and I’m currently studying at a school.
And what are you studying at school!?
Just basic stuff I need in order to be able to study at a university later on
Alright. Do you have any other aka’s other than just Naugrim
No. Only other clantags. I always used the same nickname
Which clans were you involved with in the past
Mainly (TP) The Players, BW- Brood War and NaW- Nerds at Work
Very nice. So I heard about 7 months ago you qualified to the Nordic Starleague. How was that
It was a great tournament with lots of good Swedish players. I don’t remember who I faced on the way to the final, but I did play ToT)HayprO( in the finals, which I lost
Oh I see. How is ToT)HayprO( as an opponent?
ToT)HayprO( taught me most of the things I can do today, except the basics of course. He's a really good Zerg player but has a strong TvZ as well, he doesn’t play ZvZ. We play together all the time.
Nice. I also know that in the FT cash cup finals you beat ToT)Ace(, who is also known to be one of the greater Zerg protogies in the game. How was the match up against him
I'm not very good at ZvZ, but what's keeping me alive in that match up is my mutalisk micro, which is quite good. I think that I was lucky when I played ToT)Ace(. He's a great player and it would be fun to play him again
Alright So, on a more personal level you are known to have quite a unique taste in Music! Want to tell everyone about it!!
Hehe, alright! I love Black Metal! I really like the dark and cold atmosphere in that genre. I like most Metal genres but BM is my favorite, for sure. Some of my favorite bands are: Mayhem, Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth, Marduk and Dimmu Borgir.
Which one would say is your all time favorite song!
Hmm... That’s a really difficult question. But I think I will have to go with the classic, that every Black Metal fan knows - Mayhem's Freezing Moon!
So a lot of BW players do have a specific genre of music they play to. Does to help you out to listen to Metal when you play!
Yes! I listen to Metal all the time when I play. I use Ventrilo, where I talk to people like ToT)HayprO, BW-jimpo, BW-Tuffer, BW-TreK and a lot more. They get quite annoyed when they have to repeat what they say all the time, because I listen to music every day. =)
Lol! So tell me about your match up against AeriAls[LighT] a couple months back!
Oh, yeah, that was a fun show match. I believe, if I recall correctly, it was streamed on PG24, internet TV that's casting Starcraft. I think that I won the games fairly easy but AeriAls[LighT] is a decent player, for sure. I won with the score 3-1 and then we played another game on Troy, which I lost. I never really played much on Troy but AeriAls was good at that map.
Very nice.. So what would you say your biggest accomplishment in BW is so far!
I haven't played BW for all that long. But I think I will have to say second place in Sweden’s Nordic Starleague qualifying tournament. Or maybe third place in Gamingeye's "Sweden’s best" tournament.
How long have you been playing BW for
About 2.5-3 years I think. I didn’t study or work for like 2 years and I only played BW during that time, like 10 hours a day minimum. ^^
That is a lot of hours a day to play. Do you ever feel "Burnt out" from the game?
That's the thing with Starcraft, I never really get tired of it. I think the only time I felt that I should stop playing because I was bored was when I practiced very much against Terran players. Always the same build order, standard 3hatch muta, just to get better mechanics. So I took a 2 week break and then I started playing again.
That’s good you don’t get burnt out! So do you have any other hobbies on the side, other than BW
I like to party, some people claim that I shouldn't drink this much but I mean, you are only young one time! I also hangout with my friends, workout at the gym several times a week and watch movies and series
What genre of movies are your favorite, and what is your favorite movie?
Adventure, War movies, that takes place in the medieval times and Fantasy. My favorite movie is the trilogy "The lord of the Rings"
I see. So what do you plan on studying when you get into the University
I don’t know yet, have not decided. I just need 3 years in the gymnasium in order to get a decent job. And if I feel like continuing my studies at University I will do that in the future.
Ok so are there any up and coming events that you’re looking forward to?
Yes. I want to participate in DreamHack winter 2008. And I will also participate in TSL season 2 and Spirit tournament 2, if there will be such a tournament in the future. ^^
So we will keep our attention on it so we can see how you do in all of it!
Great. =)
Alright I have to say that it has been a pleasure interviewing with you!
Thank you! It was nice to answer some questions too, even if the hour is late. =P
Yeah sorry about that!
Hehe no problemo =)
Interview with MYM.Dreiven
+ Show Spoiler +
Okay First off introduce yourself to the world
My name is Grzegorz Kordek, i'm 21 and I live in Poland.
Okay and what are your aka’s
So far I played in iX, iG, SoL and DkH,
Oh and xLo
And now for MyM! How is it playing for the #1 team in the league!
Its great to be a part of such a big organisation like MYM. Everything works perfect there, there's no place for mistakes and besides all this success, machine and everyone is kind and friendly.
That’s awesome! So going back in time for a minute here, I remember watching you beat Mondragon during TSL! How was playing against him?
It was the 1st time we played together in big tournament. I was pretty pessimistic about the score but I wanted to show my best and so I did
I remember it was the first big match I ever watched and everyone was very impressed with you strategy and everything in the match!
Usually people see standard 'fe' in PvZ but I kind of like to use some different tactics which often is a surprise
Speaking of tactics what is your strategy you prefer to use
Mostly it depends on map. Normally I have some few strategies in mind before the game and I switch some ideas while playing because you always have to adjust your game to how your opponents play or their style.
But anyways what was it like coming in first for WCG Poland!!
You mean last years WCG ?
The one where you unexpectedly won
How was that!? Everyone’s been prying me to ask you that one
Hahah :D
Well now it's your time to laugh because seriously I went there with assumption to not get eliminated in 1st round and stay in tournament as long as it’s possible
And you ended up in first?
No one was counting for me and normally when odds are against me I play much better (I don’t know why). I was really happy and shocked about the win
Wow that’s pretty awesome. So tell me about WCG World last year.. What were some of your memorable moments in that not just playing but in general
I think the after party
Like 30-40 people (mondi, testie, incontrol, draco, tasteless and many many more) drinking laughing and joking together.. We even have a movie from this party on youtube ! It will be my lifetime memory for sure
Uh huh and what can you tell me about what was it "Drunken Phonebook fights"
Well it’s hard to describe
It was drunk goofing around. You would have to be there and see it
I heard it was funny
Me and Draco was chasing and slapping each other all over the hotel with really heavy phone books
That’s so funny
So tell me about all the LANs you attend and the highlights about them!
In the beginning it was really stressful. Not everyday you come to play with some great players and have an opportunity to fight for nice prizes. I had to get used to it like everything in life
. I lost too many games to learn not to stress on LANs but know it's much easier for me to play offline. It's a matter of training and adjustment.
I see. And what would you say the general atmosphere is like
On every LAN I have been there's always a respect between players. Normally players that stick together on Bnet, does that offline too. There's always that strange feeling in the air about playing offline, its unique atmosphere and feeling about all this
Right. So who do you look up to in BW. Or in Real life.
I only admired I BW player and it was Nal_ra. I watched every rep of him which I could find... He always played different; he was inventing something new and used some extraordinary moves.
Tell me about Girls...
Your type?
Girls haha
I have a girlfriend for almost 3yrs
Wow that’s awesome. There were rumors that you were a bit of a flirt so I thought I would clarify
Haha If that was rumor I definitely can’t write this
or my gf will kill me !
Oh I see
So for the record, you are not a big flirt?
Not really
I’m more like a party guy but that much into flirt
Got ya!
Okay so that’s going to conclude our AWESOME interview!
Ok let it be
LOL! Thanks for interviewing with me i really appreciate it
Sure np
And just for you guys I got you the link to the video of the party
All credits for the video go to Colbi[MediA]
Okay First off introduce yourself to the world
My name is Grzegorz Kordek, i'm 21 and I live in Poland.
Okay and what are your aka’s
So far I played in iX, iG, SoL and DkH,
Oh and xLo
And now for MyM! How is it playing for the #1 team in the league!
Its great to be a part of such a big organisation like MYM. Everything works perfect there, there's no place for mistakes and besides all this success, machine and everyone is kind and friendly.
That’s awesome! So going back in time for a minute here, I remember watching you beat Mondragon during TSL! How was playing against him?
It was the 1st time we played together in big tournament. I was pretty pessimistic about the score but I wanted to show my best and so I did

I remember it was the first big match I ever watched and everyone was very impressed with you strategy and everything in the match!
Usually people see standard 'fe' in PvZ but I kind of like to use some different tactics which often is a surprise

Speaking of tactics what is your strategy you prefer to use
Mostly it depends on map. Normally I have some few strategies in mind before the game and I switch some ideas while playing because you always have to adjust your game to how your opponents play or their style.
But anyways what was it like coming in first for WCG Poland!!
You mean last years WCG ?

The one where you unexpectedly won

How was that!? Everyone’s been prying me to ask you that one
Hahah :D
Well now it's your time to laugh because seriously I went there with assumption to not get eliminated in 1st round and stay in tournament as long as it’s possible
And you ended up in first?
No one was counting for me and normally when odds are against me I play much better (I don’t know why). I was really happy and shocked about the win

Wow that’s pretty awesome. So tell me about WCG World last year.. What were some of your memorable moments in that not just playing but in general
I think the after party

Uh huh and what can you tell me about what was it "Drunken Phonebook fights"
Well it’s hard to describe

I heard it was funny
Me and Draco was chasing and slapping each other all over the hotel with really heavy phone books

That’s so funny
So tell me about all the LANs you attend and the highlights about them!
In the beginning it was really stressful. Not everyday you come to play with some great players and have an opportunity to fight for nice prizes. I had to get used to it like everything in life

I see. And what would you say the general atmosphere is like
On every LAN I have been there's always a respect between players. Normally players that stick together on Bnet, does that offline too. There's always that strange feeling in the air about playing offline, its unique atmosphere and feeling about all this
Right. So who do you look up to in BW. Or in Real life.
I only admired I BW player and it was Nal_ra. I watched every rep of him which I could find... He always played different; he was inventing something new and used some extraordinary moves.
Tell me about Girls...
Your type?
Girls haha
I have a girlfriend for almost 3yrs

Wow that’s awesome. There were rumors that you were a bit of a flirt so I thought I would clarify
Haha If that was rumor I definitely can’t write this

Oh I see
So for the record, you are not a big flirt?
Not really

I’m more like a party guy but that much into flirt
Got ya!
Okay so that’s going to conclude our AWESOME interview!
Ok let it be

LOL! Thanks for interviewing with me i really appreciate it
Sure np
And just for you guys I got you the link to the video of the party
All credits for the video go to Colbi[MediA]
Interview with NrG.NeverExpo
+ Show Spoiler +
Alrighty! Introduce your self to the world!!
Sup everyone! I’m Kurt aka NrG.NeverExpo from Ottawa, Canada and I’m 19 years old. I’m the leader of Team NrG.
Don’t you help manage Canada Too?
I sure do, i'm currently an admin for Can-B. Slynki and Kye take care of a lot but I help when I can!
Very nice. How is managing NrG going for you
Ah it’s been great. I started in March of 2006 I guess, I had been in just 1 team before that and I was pretty new to the game. I really wanted to be in a good team but with my skills, it was nearly impossible. So I decided to make one for myself!
Right on!!! So what other aka’s have you had
Well, not too many. But I have been in a couple west Korean guilds. I guess other then NrG.NeverExpo I would be known as BurrOw[jOin] or ReQuiem[sGw]
You were on Korean teams? How does it differ from teams over here?
Well it’s pretty tough to join a Korean team in general. Luckily for me, I had some friend in NrG teach me some basic Korean sentences which really helped me get in with these better teams. Teams are pretty similar, train as much as possible, but many are very against foreigners like myself, where foreign teams are pretty accepting of everyone
Yeah I see what you mean... Is the gaming style different?
Hmm, to be honest I don’t game vs. foreigners too much. I’m weird when it comes to gaming, I would rather just play vs. Korean where they cant really BM me, (or wont BM me, most are very manner) and most of them don’t know who I am. I think if I had to say the biggest difference, it would be their TvP openings. You see a lot more "cheesy" openings by T from the Koreans, in my opinion.
LOL. I got ya. So managing Canada-b! How is that going for ya!
Its hard. Canadians don’t take BW too serious I find. Canada has some very skilled players, but most don’t want to take part in NWs etc. We have some very skilled 2v2ers but can even find a solid 2v2 team for Can B. we try our best though, I don’t blame Slynki-lzuruha (the leader) at all. He works hard for us
Very nice. So knowing that the WGTCL season has just started, who do you think has the running chance at taking first this year in Div 1
Man, this season seems messed up to me! I can't see anyone even beating MYM. This season, its insane. All the other teams are pretty tight skill wise, but MYM. Just stands above them all. RoX. Has always been strong, and fuSion is pretty up and coming. F2F has never been the same since Ace left, and I’d like to see my friends LighT do well. Also there’s ToT (no explanation needed) But with all these teams, MYM. Seems just too strong O_O
What division are you guys in this season?
Unfortunately we dropped down to 3 this season
It was a big blow to us; last season in div2 was tough. We went through a rough patch of inactivity which many teams seem to be facing atm, we won 3/4 of the seasons last cw's but we were 2 points shy of remaining div 2 >.< I’m 100% confident in my team to rise to div2 again after this season though
and we are having fun!
That’s good as long as you have faith in them
Always! I love them~
Well off topic I notice that Canadian gamers are always close knit. What’s it like when you guys actually get together!
Oddly enough I haven’t met any of my Canadian Team mates. But over the summer I had NrG.Bamboo and NrG.Eve over to my place for a weekend of partying/adventures. It was very fun shit, but a trip to the hospital after the first night put a damper on things LOL. Btw bamboo and eve are from USA
What happened why did you go to the hospital?
Well, I was an irresponsible guardian and I bought him too much alcohol. He drank too much and puked a lot, some of my sober friends took him to the hospital while i was passed out. Since he was from USA it cost him like $800 just to see a doctor. Apparently he was choking on his own vomit or something. He was fine my friends are idiots. It was all good though, I went to see him in the morning and he was wearing a hospital gown and some jeans, and we laughed it off
Sounds like a lot of fun
So Are you going to school for anything
I took a 1 year Graphics course at the nearest College. I dropped out halfway through and started working fulltime at a grocery store >.< Living the dream...
Right on why did you drop out?
Wasn’t what I expected at all, I didn’t research it enough I guess? I'm decent at computer arts etc, and I thought I could upgrade my skills. But it was mostly hand drawing, which I suck at. And I have no patience for art. I sat doing homework and thought to myself I would much rather be writing an essay then drawing pictures of my own face. It was then I decided I wanted to do something with writing, or maybe even be an English teacher
So are you going back to school sometime?
Oh for sure, I just want to be a little more certain this time. I don’t have the money to be wasting going in and out of school. My dream job I think would be teaching English in Korean. For reason i’m sure you know!
For sure! So you have a girlfriend or anything
Yes, I actually have a few other commitments other then SC. Although I love devoting time to my team, I have been with the same girl for 4 years now. She isn't too supportive of my Starcraft but she puts up with me and we're both very happy
I’m only 19 so I still have time before I settle down though. I also am in a band and play soccer competitively!
What kind of band do you play in? What’s it called?
Haha, well I play in a hardcore/metal band. The type of music a lot of people would trash talk. I’m used to it, yea we scream sometimes! We are called Set fire to Wicker Park. I used to play guitar but i’m currently playing the drums for the band. Its a lot of fun!
I like metal so no complaints
How long have you been playing for?
Well I have been really into music for over 10 years. Maybe 7ish years on guitar and through those years I've fooled around with the drums. Now i’m playing drums more then guitar because its so fun and energetic. www.myspace.com/setfiretowickerpark there is a song I wrote and recorded all on my own in my basement
(2 guitars bass drums and vocals) So i’m pretty into music I guess, its a 2nd hobby to SC
Right on and this g/f of yours tell us about her
Haha. She would kill me if she knew I was doing this: D Well she’s very short. 5'0 around there, and she’s a twin! She’s very funny and fun; so much of me has brushed off on her. She says things that I would say and it makes me laugh coming from some one like her. Its funny because she is so tiny, she weighs just over 100lb and i’m over 200lb so its like shes half of me. But its just another part of our relationship I love
That’s so cute I hope she sees this.
Lets not show her: P
Who is your hero in real life and in BW?
I guess some one I really look up to is a musician by the name of John Mayer. He's very blues oriented but his music is so strong and deep. And he is a guitar god and only 20 years old.
Yeah I know who john Mayer is! He’s an awesome guitarist! And a great vocalist as well
as for SC, the people I appreciate most are the ones who have been there for me, I wouldn’t have near as much joy in SC if it wasn’t for my team mates, they are the most loyal guys I could have ever found. Also ToT)Infernal( and ToT)Ret( for actually introducing me to some top foreign players and for accepting me as a friend even though I don’t have anything to offer them skill wise
Okay so thank you for interviewing with me...
Thank you! I was honored and surprised some one actually wanted to interview me haha! I had a lot of fun~ I hope I did ok haha
Alrighty! Introduce your self to the world!!
Sup everyone! I’m Kurt aka NrG.NeverExpo from Ottawa, Canada and I’m 19 years old. I’m the leader of Team NrG.

Don’t you help manage Canada Too?
I sure do, i'm currently an admin for Can-B. Slynki and Kye take care of a lot but I help when I can!
Very nice. How is managing NrG going for you
Ah it’s been great. I started in March of 2006 I guess, I had been in just 1 team before that and I was pretty new to the game. I really wanted to be in a good team but with my skills, it was nearly impossible. So I decided to make one for myself!
Right on!!! So what other aka’s have you had
Well, not too many. But I have been in a couple west Korean guilds. I guess other then NrG.NeverExpo I would be known as BurrOw[jOin] or ReQuiem[sGw]
You were on Korean teams? How does it differ from teams over here?
Well it’s pretty tough to join a Korean team in general. Luckily for me, I had some friend in NrG teach me some basic Korean sentences which really helped me get in with these better teams. Teams are pretty similar, train as much as possible, but many are very against foreigners like myself, where foreign teams are pretty accepting of everyone

Yeah I see what you mean... Is the gaming style different?
Hmm, to be honest I don’t game vs. foreigners too much. I’m weird when it comes to gaming, I would rather just play vs. Korean where they cant really BM me, (or wont BM me, most are very manner) and most of them don’t know who I am. I think if I had to say the biggest difference, it would be their TvP openings. You see a lot more "cheesy" openings by T from the Koreans, in my opinion.
LOL. I got ya. So managing Canada-b! How is that going for ya!
Its hard. Canadians don’t take BW too serious I find. Canada has some very skilled players, but most don’t want to take part in NWs etc. We have some very skilled 2v2ers but can even find a solid 2v2 team for Can B. we try our best though, I don’t blame Slynki-lzuruha (the leader) at all. He works hard for us

Very nice. So knowing that the WGTCL season has just started, who do you think has the running chance at taking first this year in Div 1
Man, this season seems messed up to me! I can't see anyone even beating MYM. This season, its insane. All the other teams are pretty tight skill wise, but MYM. Just stands above them all. RoX. Has always been strong, and fuSion is pretty up and coming. F2F has never been the same since Ace left, and I’d like to see my friends LighT do well. Also there’s ToT (no explanation needed) But with all these teams, MYM. Seems just too strong O_O
What division are you guys in this season?
Unfortunately we dropped down to 3 this season

That’s good as long as you have faith in them
Always! I love them~
Well off topic I notice that Canadian gamers are always close knit. What’s it like when you guys actually get together!
Oddly enough I haven’t met any of my Canadian Team mates. But over the summer I had NrG.Bamboo and NrG.Eve over to my place for a weekend of partying/adventures. It was very fun shit, but a trip to the hospital after the first night put a damper on things LOL. Btw bamboo and eve are from USA
What happened why did you go to the hospital?
Well, I was an irresponsible guardian and I bought him too much alcohol. He drank too much and puked a lot, some of my sober friends took him to the hospital while i was passed out. Since he was from USA it cost him like $800 just to see a doctor. Apparently he was choking on his own vomit or something. He was fine my friends are idiots. It was all good though, I went to see him in the morning and he was wearing a hospital gown and some jeans, and we laughed it off
Sounds like a lot of fun
So Are you going to school for anything
I took a 1 year Graphics course at the nearest College. I dropped out halfway through and started working fulltime at a grocery store >.< Living the dream...
Right on why did you drop out?
Wasn’t what I expected at all, I didn’t research it enough I guess? I'm decent at computer arts etc, and I thought I could upgrade my skills. But it was mostly hand drawing, which I suck at. And I have no patience for art. I sat doing homework and thought to myself I would much rather be writing an essay then drawing pictures of my own face. It was then I decided I wanted to do something with writing, or maybe even be an English teacher

So are you going back to school sometime?
Oh for sure, I just want to be a little more certain this time. I don’t have the money to be wasting going in and out of school. My dream job I think would be teaching English in Korean. For reason i’m sure you know!
For sure! So you have a girlfriend or anything
Yes, I actually have a few other commitments other then SC. Although I love devoting time to my team, I have been with the same girl for 4 years now. She isn't too supportive of my Starcraft but she puts up with me and we're both very happy

What kind of band do you play in? What’s it called?
Haha, well I play in a hardcore/metal band. The type of music a lot of people would trash talk. I’m used to it, yea we scream sometimes! We are called Set fire to Wicker Park. I used to play guitar but i’m currently playing the drums for the band. Its a lot of fun!
I like metal so no complaints
How long have you been playing for?
Well I have been really into music for over 10 years. Maybe 7ish years on guitar and through those years I've fooled around with the drums. Now i’m playing drums more then guitar because its so fun and energetic. www.myspace.com/setfiretowickerpark there is a song I wrote and recorded all on my own in my basement

Right on and this g/f of yours tell us about her
Haha. She would kill me if she knew I was doing this: D Well she’s very short. 5'0 around there, and she’s a twin! She’s very funny and fun; so much of me has brushed off on her. She says things that I would say and it makes me laugh coming from some one like her. Its funny because she is so tiny, she weighs just over 100lb and i’m over 200lb so its like shes half of me. But its just another part of our relationship I love

That’s so cute I hope she sees this.
Lets not show her: P
Who is your hero in real life and in BW?
I guess some one I really look up to is a musician by the name of John Mayer. He's very blues oriented but his music is so strong and deep. And he is a guitar god and only 20 years old.
Yeah I know who john Mayer is! He’s an awesome guitarist! And a great vocalist as well
as for SC, the people I appreciate most are the ones who have been there for me, I wouldn’t have near as much joy in SC if it wasn’t for my team mates, they are the most loyal guys I could have ever found. Also ToT)Infernal( and ToT)Ret( for actually introducing me to some top foreign players and for accepting me as a friend even though I don’t have anything to offer them skill wise

Okay so thank you for interviewing with me...
Thank you! I was honored and surprised some one actually wanted to interview me haha! I had a lot of fun~ I hope I did ok haha
Interview with Avi[LighT]
+ Show Spoiler +
Introduce yourself to the world!!
My name is Mathias, I live in Copenhagen Denmark and I'm 23 years old.
okay and what are your akas
Well I guess most people know me as Avi-Love, I've been in uT, MgZ, oG) and a few other clans. I'm now Avi[LighT]!
So i hear previous to this season you were in a Division 4 team. How is it jumping from division 4 to division 1
Well I haven't gotten to play any games yet; I've been sick for the last couple of weeks. The team atmosphere is a lot more serious though, people actually practice on maps and such.
But overall do you enjoy it better
Well to be honest, it's hard to say which is 'better'; it's different and as such represent different qualities. I guess it depends mostly on how serious you are about playing, practicing and wanting to win
Nice. So Tell me about what happened with the Spirit competitions!
I participated in the spirit ladder, I did really well in the beginning, and I was lucky enough to get a showmatch vs Inter.Mind. The game didn't at all go the way I had planned and hoped for, and it really made me question myself. I reset thinking I didn't have the ability to play at a high level, but later regretted it and played back up to 22nd or so in 2 days. I didn't get picked for the final tournament, which I can of course understand, but I was still a bit disappointed. I feel that I'm better than those that were chosen.
Out of the players that were chose who do you think has the best chance of getting first.
I think Machine is probably the best of the chosen players
Do you think that you are a more skilled player now then you were in the past when you played
It's hard to say, I think that I was better back when I was actively playing in uT.
do you think you have gotten better since you have been active again
It's a bit of an activity issue, I tend to quit a lot and then come back; there's always a transition involved when doing so and I feel like I'm always improving when I do play actively
Anyother games you actively playing atm
I play both poker and World of Warcraft.
AoN.Chika<3 says:
Do you play competitively
I'm not very good at poker, but I'm not losing any money! I do both pve and pvp high end in WoW (I guess you could call that competitively).
oh i see. Randomly here who is someone you look up to in life.. Like as a hero. Not just in BW or gaming at that
Hrm, not sure if there's anyone I really look up to sorry.
All good. So thanks for the interview
Introduce yourself to the world!!
My name is Mathias, I live in Copenhagen Denmark and I'm 23 years old.
okay and what are your akas
Well I guess most people know me as Avi-Love, I've been in uT, MgZ, oG) and a few other clans. I'm now Avi[LighT]!
So i hear previous to this season you were in a Division 4 team. How is it jumping from division 4 to division 1
Well I haven't gotten to play any games yet; I've been sick for the last couple of weeks. The team atmosphere is a lot more serious though, people actually practice on maps and such.
But overall do you enjoy it better
Well to be honest, it's hard to say which is 'better'; it's different and as such represent different qualities. I guess it depends mostly on how serious you are about playing, practicing and wanting to win
Nice. So Tell me about what happened with the Spirit competitions!
I participated in the spirit ladder, I did really well in the beginning, and I was lucky enough to get a showmatch vs Inter.Mind. The game didn't at all go the way I had planned and hoped for, and it really made me question myself. I reset thinking I didn't have the ability to play at a high level, but later regretted it and played back up to 22nd or so in 2 days. I didn't get picked for the final tournament, which I can of course understand, but I was still a bit disappointed. I feel that I'm better than those that were chosen.
Out of the players that were chose who do you think has the best chance of getting first.
I think Machine is probably the best of the chosen players
Do you think that you are a more skilled player now then you were in the past when you played
It's hard to say, I think that I was better back when I was actively playing in uT.
do you think you have gotten better since you have been active again
It's a bit of an activity issue, I tend to quit a lot and then come back; there's always a transition involved when doing so and I feel like I'm always improving when I do play actively
Anyother games you actively playing atm
I play both poker and World of Warcraft.
AoN.Chika<3 says:
Do you play competitively
I'm not very good at poker, but I'm not losing any money! I do both pve and pvp high end in WoW (I guess you could call that competitively).
oh i see. Randomly here who is someone you look up to in life.. Like as a hero. Not just in BW or gaming at that
Hrm, not sure if there's anyone I really look up to sorry.
All good. So thanks for the interview
And of course if you feel like reading more of my interviews they are all at