Awesome interview with none other than the Bonjwa himself: Ma Jae Yoon - sAviOr[gm]. I Really liked it so I decided to translate it for you guys. Enjoy!
[Source: Fomos.Co.Kr]
-Who is Ma Jae Yoon? Describe yourself in a sentence.
Savior: I'm often a very simple person but once I concentrate on something, I get it done no matter what.
-Why did you decide to become a progamer at a relatively young age?
Savior: Back in those days I was just like any other student who loved to game during free time. Occasionally I had opportunities to play against progamers. Of course, I lost most of them but I actually won a couple. That's when I thought, "Wow, if I were given the same amount of practice time as these progamers, I don't think I would ever lose." It was that possibility and the confidence that made me become a progamer.
-What's the most memorable gaming event?
Savior: I can't seem to forget the WCG trip I went on to Seattle last year. On that stage, they played the main soundtrack of WCG "Beyond the Game." I don't know why, but I felt so excited and anxious after listening to that. I still listen to the music and watch videos from that event.
-When was the hardest time of your progaming career?
Savior: Mmm..I am gonna have to say the recent times have been the hardest. It was obviously difficult as well when I first began my career, but it has become just a good old part of progaming memory. Things have definitely been the hardest lately.
-Most memorable game and why?
Savior: The most memorable game is probably the 6th game of the second Proleague finals that our team played in. Although I didn't play it, the entire coaching staff and teammates including myself wanted to win more than anything. We sadly lost in the end. It's a loss I will always remember.
-What is the most disappointing game that you played in?
Savior: The most disappointing game has to be the first game against Bisu[Shield] in the finals of GomTV MSL. It was the last league of the year but it didn't go so well.
-Who are you close to in your team(CJ)?
Savior: Sometimes I feel like I am really close to my team members but at other times things get a little weird when we have to play each other and what not. But we are all friendly with each other and get along very well. Memory is probably one of my closest friends.
-What other teams' players are you close to?
Savior: The closest ones are probably MBC Hero Shark, Ruby, Samsung KHAN Stork, Odin, SKT1 Bisu, and STX Hwasin.
-What do you usually do in your free time?
Savior: These days I often watch old special highlight videos of myself. I used to watch them now and then back then as well, but now I always start my days by watching a couple of those videos. I even stored them on my homepage because I think they will be valuable memory for me as time goes on.
-What do you like/dislike about yourself?
Savior: I think it would be better if someone else evaluated my virtue, but if I had to pick one I would go with the ability the finish something once I truly set my mind on it. Naturally it makes me stubborn and inflexible,too.
-Female type?
Savior: Good first impression and personality are the most important for me.
-What's the most valuable thing you have?
Savior: Myself. It has always been that way and it will always be that way because I believe I have a lot of important things to accomplish in my life. Therefore I value myself the most.
-Most memorable fan?
Savior: While I was interviewing after my loss to Bisu[shield] in the MSL finals, I saw one of my fans crying in the far corner. It really hurt me. I'll never be able to forget her. I really hope it wasn't a Bisu fan crying out of joy, since she was in my fan section
-What's the biggest thing you had to give up to become a progamer?
Savior: Just like any other athletes would, progamers have to dedicate their entire youth to gaming. You have give up school/education, and relationships with a lot of people as well. I mean, there's always a sacrifice for what you gain, but I sometimes wish I could lead a normal life, not the one of a progamer.
-Person with the most significant influence on you?
Savior: My mother, my father. They have taught me things I could never learn anywhere from anyone and had an immeasurable impact on me. I haven't expressed that gratitude very much yet, but I am really thankful deep down in my heart.
-Something other than gaming you are interested and want to do right now?
Savior: Many things. It disappoints me that I am not in a situation to try any of them at the moment. But I am not gonna give up. I want to start attempting them one by one.
-Out of your teammates, who do you think are the upcoming prodigies in each race?
Savior: Questions like these are too difficult;; I am not gonna say anything to maintain good relationship with all my team members and just keep it to myself
-Something you wanna say to those who strive to become progamers.
Savior: Anyone can try his best. However, it's completely useless to think 'Why can't I get anywhere even when I try so hard.' There must be a reason to why you are falling short. You need to discover your true playstyle and play to your own specialty to get ahead of everyone else.
-(Question submitted by Boxer) What are you planning on doing for ceremony if you won against FireBatHero?
Savior: I blame it on all Boxer for making me reveal my planned ceremony ! Truthfully there have been many times where I planned a ceremony but didn't actually do it. However, I wanna do something along the lines of going over to the other player's booth, knocking on the glass window, and doing something funny. I haven't decided what it exactly will be yet.
-Choose the next interviewee and ask a question.
Savior: Samsung KHAN Odin. I wanna ask him what he thinks about his nickname "Joo Yin Sung" (I don't know what that's all about) and which girl from WonderGirls/Girls Generation he thinks would look the best with him. One last thing, I want to know when he is going to take me out for some good food.
-Feelings on returning to the A team.
Savior: I don't know if there are feelings about it, really. It's not something I should be proud of. I wanna put aside all the doubts and thoughts I had about myself and improve my play.
-Something you wanna say to your fans.
Savior: First of all, I want to apologize for all the bad news you've been hearing about me lately. I have not been able to make up for all the faith and support you have given me. But the fact that you have remained as my fan even during the times of struggle gives strength. I am going to practice very hard and perform well so that all you hear is Ma Jae Yoon and Ma Jae Yoon like the old times. I love you!
-Any funny stories while staying with the B team?
Savior: A bunch of people have actually asked me that same question, but I can't recall anything. It's not like we went on a fun trip...since it was already difficult enough to follow the daily practice schedule. All I did there was practice-sleep-eat.I guess if I had to pick something funny...I had to clean everyday, cook, and wash dishes for the first time in a while.
-Much[gm] ended up doing the pylon-heart ceremony, but what did you actually ask him to do?
Savior: I honestly never asked him to do one. I asked him what he was planning on doing and he told me he was gonna make that pylon heart. I suggested something more radical but he turned it down, saying it didn't "fit his personality."
-Bisu[shield] and FireBatHero are your two archrivals. Describe your relationships with them?
Savior: I guess you could say I have gotten pretty close to Bisu after doing multiple interviews and having conversations with him on a regular basis. But there hasn't been any opportunity to meet FBH. I don't have any hard pesronal feelings towards him anyhow.
-You have a lot of nicknames. Which one do you like the best and why?
Savior: My favorites are Ma Bonjwa and Ma Ace. I didn't realize I had so many nicknames until I read this article recently. Some of them are pretty insulting but they are still hilarious...Ma 민페 for example (means he brings the team down)
Sorry about the very late update, this is OneOther's excellent translation
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major thanks to OneOther