On July 29 2008 07:48 Polemarch wrote: OneOther's translation in this closed thread is worth a read too. It has a few extra questions and his translations are easier to read in a few places.
thanks OneOther and SaveYourSavior!
The other one is more complete and translated more accurately
On July 29 2008 07:43 Ideas wrote: Was I the only person who found it both awesome and really sad that the 1st thing he does in the morning is watch old highlight videos of himself?
Nope. I lol-ed. Just imagining all the other guys going out for a meal. Iris: "Hey Savior, come on, we're leaving now." Savior (hunched over monitor): "Just wait will you?? I'm not done watching old videos of me kicking ass"
And getting emotional over the WCG theme tune is nothing to be ashamed out. Who doesn't get teary-eyed over "Beyonnd the gamee, beyond the gameeee, the world cyber gameees~~" Which reminds me of the legendary: "Alrightyyyyy. Number three-two-fourrr, you jus' won a T shirrrt"
On July 29 2008 07:48 Polemarch wrote: OneOther's translation in this closed thread is worth a read too. It has a few extra questions and his translations are easier to read in a few places.
thanks OneOther and SaveYourSavior!
you're welcome
hm yeah there are some questions missing in this one haha I cant believe someone else posted it while I was translating it
~ Recently Lim Yohwan has said this in an interview; “I’d pick Ma Jaeyoon aka ’Savior’and would like to ask him if he beats Lee SeongEun aka ’FireBatHero’in an official sanctioned game what kind of ceremony would he do? To let the fans know beforehand what the ceremony will be! Many fans are interested in the matchup so do your best!”
I resent his comments. If I comment on this I have no choice but to do a ceremony. To be honest I’ve thought of doing ceremonies, but didn’t actually carry out my thoughts. The ceremony I thought of doing is after I win go over to the opponent, break the glass booth, then use a piece of glass to mark "GG" on his forehead before proceed to slit his throat off and throw his head to the crow. Subsequently I considered a big gesture of some kind, but haven’t decided on that yet.
The "Beyond the Games" song means much more to Savior than it does to the rest of us. His lack of English (and western culture) means he won't catch the cheezyness. For him, the song reminds himself of his career, his life's goals, his purpose... WCG Seattle was one of the first times he's traveled abroad (and so far), so it made him think about his career, what it means to him and what he wants to do in life. The song's got that inspirational tune- a good tune for him to represent his own career and accomplishments.
Now I realize his place on the MSL/OSL stages means more for his career. But I believe the WCG Seattle experience allowed him to experience his life a little more and see what he wanted to be, what he wanted to do.
savior is a truly amazing player and i will always follow his games. i began to watch progaming a lot during his reign so his results had a much bigger impact on me than even boxer
Been a fan since the early days of IPXzerg and it's not going to change anytime soon. July can go to the kryptonite mouse and Flash/ForGG/Jaedong/Best/whoever to 2500 elo, who cares? The history of Starcraft will only remember a few players. MJY is one of them.
Savior is the man <3 !!!! He is the only zerg I'm watching with great excitement, thou my favorite progamer is Bisu, my heart will always beat for his great rival, like black and white
On July 29 2008 09:20 teh.pwnerer wrote: This was actually an awesome interview, I was always somewhat a fan (started watching him when he lost to Bisu) but now I'm converted. Awesome guy.
Kinda related question, does anyone know why/how he uses only 2 hotkeys for units? That always blew my mind lol.
He said he only uses 1+2 for units because he has small hands ^^
But yea, I agree, the first time I saw a bwchart map of savior's hotkeys, i was just like "wtf...?" Especially with z, controlling masses of lurks, lings, scourge, ultra, etc. with just 2 hotkeys? just ridiculous...