Before the crisis
2005 had started brilliantly for Nada. Despite losing a bo7 MSL grand final to Gorush in YATGK MSL, he came back to defeat Gorush in the IOPS semifinals and then went on to win the finals over July in a convincing 3-0. Then things started to go wrong.
A shitstorm was just around the corner
Nada had qualified as a seed for both MSL and OSL and a 2/1 finish respectively meant that he was the heavy favourite to destroy in the upcoming season. But as per the OSL curse, he went 1-2 in his group and failed to qualify for the Ro8 in EVER 2005 OSL. But the real snag came in the form of Savior. As mentioned in my very first blog, the game showed a solution to Nada's SK terran style for Zergs and signaled the coming a tragic year.
Nada would then lose to Yellow in the loser bracket of Uzoo MSL and to Pusan in the Daum Direct ODT Rnd 2. Thus, Nada would be absent from both major leagues for the next season. But thankfully, he was still around from the Snickers All-Star tournament. On the 16th of July he would fight Yellow for the title, and came up short 2-3 (as written in my blog). But the worst was just around the corner.
On the 18th of July 2005, FiFo reported that Nada's dad had been killed in a car accident. An intoxicated driver preformed an illegal U-turn and collided with Nada's dad.
Life after Death
Nada was withdrawn from the P&C roster for the next two months giving him time to come to terms with what had transpired. The funeral service was held on the 20th of July and was said to be a particularly moving ceremony. All of P&C showed up to the funeral in support of Nada.
About 2 weeks later, Nada posted a poem on his fan cafe. The poem was originally translated by SpAnK[eM] and is in the format that Nada wrote the poem in.
Letter to the Sky
hi this is nada~..
hows ur life goin'?
i am drunk today too~
i am living life with drinks nowdays
u know when u drink, u feel better?
i was walking in the rain after having drinks with friend in the cafe
the rain that is...
father's tear..
my dad always wanted to do some business...
had many failures because of those tries...
but before all those failures
he wanted the happiness of our family...
but... he couldnt...
no... because of that 1 guy...
my dad was very healthy...
very healthy... my dad was very strong...
he wasnt skinny like me
he was big..
and strong..
he never lost vs people
and when we were living in the name of poor
my father fought with gansters only with his 2 hands...
oneday my mother came back home with all bruises over her face
my dad grabbed a metal pipe
and gone to the corporation ..
he leaped over the fence to revenge for my mom...
its like that...
thats how much he loved our family
and thats how strong he was...
the 1 guy .... drinking driving... and by illegial U-turn
dad is in the sky now...
this ...
this isnt a destiny.. its an error of destiny...
an error of the sky...
the error that never supposed to be happend...
ha.........i still feel empty...
but not a long ago... when i walked in the rain...
i felt it..
it was like...
my father's tear
think i have to get brave back...
i talked with my friends in Gumi(state of korea)... alot of talk...
everyone is living a hard life...
i felt it now...
i realized how happy life i am living while talking with my friends...
i realize it now... now... now i realize...
yes i have to wake up again...
having no practice now is killing me...
if i go back to seoul...
practice hard... so no one can beat me...
and for sure... i will dedicate all those winnings and honors to ..
my father...
im going back ...
dont worry...
im going back to the real nada...
i will take care of my family dad..
Return to Star
![[image loading]](
Nada's first game back was against Nal_ra in ODTR1. He dominated Nal_ra with a pure macro oriented style, lost to Cloud in the winners game, then defeated Nal_ra once more in a similar fashion. Whats important was that even though he had gone through intense tragedy, Nada was able to pull out a win and get through to the next round.
Unfortunately, Nada couldnt get much further. He slumped badly in Proleauge and lost 0-2 in ODT Round 2 and 0-2 in the 7th MBC Survivor. He finished out the year with a roughly 50% win rate in Proleauge, but there was something more special he did in the last months of the year.
Many of you will be familiar with the 'Make a Wish' Foundation who try to give terminally ill children one day where they can leave their illness behind and enjoy life. Nada, still dealing with the ordeal of his dad's death, did one of the most noble and honorable things a progamer has ever done, he got involved with the charity.
Nada began to work alongside the foundation and helped out their cause by volunteering himself to take some kids out during December of 2005 to treat them to a day of unparalleled joy.
"the experience even though it will be a short one for him, will forever change him. There is nothing more gut wrenching and noble than what he is about to do, he has courage."
- Entropy
Nada was inspired by the death of his Dad to reach out and help other people. When posed with the question about why he wanted to get involved in an interview he said;- Entropy
"Help before it is too late"
Help others, before they are gone from this world. Like the premature death of his father who was now gone forever from this world. This act earned a lot respect from me towards Nada, it is such an amazing thing to do for the world, especially after a tragedy which could have ruined his life. He turned the negative into a positive, the mark of a true champion.
Nada's dreams come true
Nada started 2006 with a bang - going on a 5 game winning streak and passing the first stage of the 8th MSL Survivor. Then, thanks to an expanded league, Nada defeated Shark and Nal_ra in i-Station Dual tournament to qualify for Shinhan 2 OSL. At the same time he qualified for Pringles 2 MSL - Nada was back into both major leagues.
Nada's Shinhan 2 OSL run is something legendary. He 3-0'd his group (containing Light, Zergman and Jy). Went 2-1 against TT, 2-0'd Zergman, 3-0'd Goodfriend and found himself in the finals for a Golden Mouse. (Vods are at the end). His opponent? Anytime[gm] - a protoss abusing the legend of the fall to get to the finals.
After one of the most intense finals in a long time, Nada walked away victorious. He had achieved his goal and won in his fathers name - he had answered his Letter to the Sky.
+ Show Spoiler [Interview] +
천재는 달랐다. 위기 순간에 더욱 빛나는 전략을 선보였고, 승리를 거뒀다. 이윤열은 경기가 끝나자 아버지의 이름을 불렀다. 하늘에 계시는 아버지께서 그를 도왔다. 이제 이윤열의 시대가 열렸다.
The Prodigy was different. He coordinated an astonishing strategical move in a time of danger, and won. He called out his father's name, after the match. His father aided him all the way. Now, the era of Lee Yoonyeol has begun.
-골드 마우스를 차지했다.
-You have secured the Golden Mouse.
▶우승하고 눈물을 흘리긴 처음이다. 내 인생에서 최고의 날이다. 너무 기쁘다. 이렇게 기뻤던 날이 없었다. 밑에까지 내려갔다가 다시 올라오는 것이 이렇게 힘들지 몰랐다. 제주도에 이렇게 많은 팬들이 모일 줄 몰랐다. 너무 고맙다.
▶It's my first time shedding tears after winning the league. This is the best day of my life. I am so happy. I have never been happier. I never knew it would be this hard to climb all the way back to the top after having hit rock bottom. I also did not expect so many fans in Jaeju Island. I am very grateful.
-어머니께서 참석한 결승전에서 승리한 것은 처음이다.
-It is your first time winning the Finals where your mother has attended.
▶어머니께서 오셔서 우승한 것은 처음이다. 이 자리에 못 오셨지만 이번 우승만큼은 전부 아버지께 드리겠다. 앞으로는 어머니에게만 잘 할 것이다.
▶Yes, it is my first time winning the Finals, with my mother seated as the audience. But, for this very victory, I give it all to my father, though he didn't make it. From now on, I will do my best for my mother.
-4세트 패한 후 기분은 어땠나.
-How did you feel after you lost the fourth set.
▶4세트에 자신이 많았다. (오)영종이가 너무 잘해서 5세트가 긴장됐다. 전략을 두 개 준비했는데 마지막 세트에서 쓴 것은 필살기였다. 1시 위치를 마음 속으로 빌었는데 1시 위치가 나와 승리의 여신이 내게 미소 짓는 것 같았다.
▶I had much confidence in the fourth set. (Oh) Youngjong was too good, and made me nervous in the fourth set. I had prepared 2 strategical plots(for Tau Cross), and the one I used in the last set was a deathblow move. When I hoped to be placed at 1 o'clock, and was actually placed at 1, I knew the goddess of triumph was smiling at me.
-5세트에서 드롭을 지속적으로 시도했다.
-You consistently tried dropship attacks in the fifth set.
▶이리저리 흔들다 보면 페이스가 내게 오는 전략이었다. 절대 유리한 상황이었다. 승리를 확신했고, GG를 선언한 (오)영종이의 판단은 옳았다. 스타게이트를 올린 것도 자신이 불리하다고 생각한 것 같다.
▶That strategical move eventually grants me advantage as long as I consistently attack, harassing the opponent. (Oh) Youngjong's decision to surrender GG was the correct choice. He must have thought he was going to lose, seeing he built Stargate.
-골드 마우스를 획득한 첫 선수다.
-You are the first to secure the Golden Mouse.
▶너무 골드 마우스에 욕심을 내다보면 질 것 같았다. 결승이라는 마지막 순간에 골드 마우스에 대한 모든 생각을 지웠다. 우승한 뒤에 할 행동만 생각했고, 골드 마우스는 잊었다.
▶I was afraid I will lose focusing solely on the Golden Mouse. At the very last moment in the Finals, I wiped out all my obsessions directed at Golden Mouse. I only thought how I'd react after winning the match, and forgot about the Golden Mouse.
-가슴에 우승배지를 세 개 달았다.
-You have attached three Starleague Champion Badges on your chest.
▶아무리 무겁더라도 좋다. 충분히 자부심을 가지고 있다. 100개가 되도 유니폼에 달고 싶다. 유니폼만 봐도 우승자라는 것을 알게 되지 않겠나.
▶I love it, no matter how heavy they may be. I have plenty esteem for them. I want them on my chest, even they number to be 100. All people will know I am the champion just by looking at my uniform.
-최근 포스가 대단하다.
-Your current force is amazing.
▶한 동안 PC방 예선에 머물렀을 때 다시 전성기 기량이 돌아올까 걱정했는데 이번에 스타리그 우승을 거두면 다시 전성기를 찾을 것으로 생각했다. 또 자신감을 찾았다.
▶Having stooped low lingering in PSL preliminaries, I worried if my prime stats will be back at all. But, I thought they are to be regained by winning this Starleague. I also have regained my confidence.
-최근 팬카페에 쓴 글이 화제다.
-Your recent notes you have wrote in your fan cafe's draw much attention.
▶팬카페에 글을 쓸 때에는 자신감이 있기 때문에 쓰는 것이다. 좋은 향기가 나네요 승리를 부르는 이것은 자신감이다. 팬들에게 ‘지켜봐 달라’는 메시지다.
▶Whenever I write something there, it is because I am confident. It's all about confidence. It's also a message to the fans saying "Please, do watch me closely".
-‘포스트 임요환’ 1순위로 꼽혔다.
-You have been chosen to be no 1 'Post Lim Yohwan'.
▶임요환을 최고로 존경하는 생각만큼은 변하지 않는다. 그러나 그의 뒤를 이어 바통을 받는다면 바로 오늘이라 생각했다. 이제 바통을 이어 받은 것 같다. 최고의 선수가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠다.
▶The idea of utterly respecting Lim Yohwan as the best does not change. However, if I were to ascend his greatness at all, I thought it'd be today. I will strive to become the best progamer.
-아이옵스 스타리그와 현재의 자신의 모습을 비교한다면.
-If you were to compare yourself in IOPS Starleague, and now.
▶연습 방법부터 달랐다. 아이옵스 스타리그에서는 자신감만 있었지만 지금 현재는 자신감뿐 아니라 승리에 대한 확신이 든다. 그러나 아직 부족하다. 예전에는 자만심도 있었지만 이제는 그러면 안 된다 생각한다.
▶The methodical approach in practice games was already different. I had only confidence in IOPS Starleague, but now not only do I have confidence but also assurance that I will win. Still, I need more work. I was too confident in the past, but now I know I should not be.
-팀에 잡음이 많았다.
-There are many rumors in the team.
▶창단 멤버다. 애정이 많다. 잡음은 외부에서만 들렸으면 좋겠다. 나는 내 할일(우승)만 한다면 모든 결과가 좋아질 것이다.
▶I have been in this team from the very beginning. I hope all the rumors stay outside. As long as I do what I do(winning leagues) all the outcome will be ok.
-가족과 제주도 여행을 계획하지 않았나.
-Did you not plan a Jaeju Island vacation with your family.
▶이번 8강전에서 1패를 먼저 한 뒤 결승전이 제주도에서 한다는 사실을 가족들에게 알렸다. 그러면서 제주도에 모두 내려가자고 말했다. 그때엔 결승까지 확정된 것도 아니었지만 그 말 때문에 한 발, 한 발 오를 수 있었다. 가족들이 있다고 생각하니 더 떨렸다.
▶After I lost the first game in R8, I told my family the finals are held in Jaeju Island. And, I said to them we should all go there. I was not in the finals back then, but by saying it out loud, I was able to climb up step by step. I was more nervous thinking that my family was right next to me.
-앞으로의 목표와 각오가 있다면.
-Your resolutions and goals in the future.
▶다시 돌아온 전성기를 오래 이끌고 싶다. 더 많은 연습을 하고 나와 팬들에게 실망스러운 경기를 보여주고 싶지 않다. 차기 시즌에서 우승자징크스를 내 손으로 깨고 싶다. 언제나 목표는 우승이다.
▶I wish to lead my current primal era as long as possible. I want to avoid performing disappointing games in front of the fans by spending more time in practices. I want to break the Champion Curse in the next season. My goal is to win, always.
-다음 조 지명식에서 지명하고 싶은 선수가 있다면.
-Do you have any particular athlete you want to pick in the next group decision day.
▶(최)연성이형이 듀얼 토너먼트에서 반드시 올라왔으면 한다. 아직 복수할 것이 많이 남아 있다. 내가 우승을 하면 꼭 올라온다 했으니 올라 올 것이다.
▶I hope (Choi) Yunsung hyung will make it (to Starleague) from Dual Tournament. I have much to avenge him. He will surely make it, because he promised me he will if I win the league.
-고마운 사람들이 많을텐데.
-You must have many to whom you're grateful.
▶매 경기마다 두뇌회전을 도와준다며 초콜렛을 사다 준 이광수 코치님이 너무 감사하다. 또 연습을 도와 준 삼성전자 허영무, KTF 강 민, MBC게임 김택용이 너무 고맙다. 물론 팀원들이 가장 고맙다.
▶I thank the assistant coach Lee Gwangsoo who brought me chocolate every single match saying it helps the brain to function better. Also, to Hu Youngmoo(Samsung), Kang Min(KTF), and Kim Taekyoung(MBCgame) for the practice games. Of course, I am most grateful to my team members.
-오영종에게 한 마디
-Your words to Oh Youngjong
▶영종이였기 때문에 내 우승이 이렇게 빛날 수 있었다. 24강 때부터 결승에서 만나자고 말을 많이 했다. 16강까지는 같이 연습도 했다. e스포츠 발전을 위해 같이 힘을 내자고 말했는데 그대로 이룰 수 있어서 너무 기쁘다. 영종이에게 고맙다
▶My championship shines more brightly only because Youngjong is on the other side. We shared conversations from as early as R24, that we should meet in the finals. We practiced with eachother until R16. We told eachother we should try harder to improve the E-sports, and I am happy to have done as we have said it. I give much thanks to Youngjong.
The Prodigy was different. He coordinated an astonishing strategical move in a time of danger, and won. He called out his father's name, after the match. His father aided him all the way. Now, the era of Lee Yoonyeol has begun.
-골드 마우스를 차지했다.
-You have secured the Golden Mouse.
▶우승하고 눈물을 흘리긴 처음이다. 내 인생에서 최고의 날이다. 너무 기쁘다. 이렇게 기뻤던 날이 없었다. 밑에까지 내려갔다가 다시 올라오는 것이 이렇게 힘들지 몰랐다. 제주도에 이렇게 많은 팬들이 모일 줄 몰랐다. 너무 고맙다.
▶It's my first time shedding tears after winning the league. This is the best day of my life. I am so happy. I have never been happier. I never knew it would be this hard to climb all the way back to the top after having hit rock bottom. I also did not expect so many fans in Jaeju Island. I am very grateful.
-어머니께서 참석한 결승전에서 승리한 것은 처음이다.
-It is your first time winning the Finals where your mother has attended.
▶어머니께서 오셔서 우승한 것은 처음이다. 이 자리에 못 오셨지만 이번 우승만큼은 전부 아버지께 드리겠다. 앞으로는 어머니에게만 잘 할 것이다.
▶Yes, it is my first time winning the Finals, with my mother seated as the audience. But, for this very victory, I give it all to my father, though he didn't make it. From now on, I will do my best for my mother.
-4세트 패한 후 기분은 어땠나.
-How did you feel after you lost the fourth set.
▶4세트에 자신이 많았다. (오)영종이가 너무 잘해서 5세트가 긴장됐다. 전략을 두 개 준비했는데 마지막 세트에서 쓴 것은 필살기였다. 1시 위치를 마음 속으로 빌었는데 1시 위치가 나와 승리의 여신이 내게 미소 짓는 것 같았다.
▶I had much confidence in the fourth set. (Oh) Youngjong was too good, and made me nervous in the fourth set. I had prepared 2 strategical plots(for Tau Cross), and the one I used in the last set was a deathblow move. When I hoped to be placed at 1 o'clock, and was actually placed at 1, I knew the goddess of triumph was smiling at me.
-5세트에서 드롭을 지속적으로 시도했다.
-You consistently tried dropship attacks in the fifth set.
▶이리저리 흔들다 보면 페이스가 내게 오는 전략이었다. 절대 유리한 상황이었다. 승리를 확신했고, GG를 선언한 (오)영종이의 판단은 옳았다. 스타게이트를 올린 것도 자신이 불리하다고 생각한 것 같다.
▶That strategical move eventually grants me advantage as long as I consistently attack, harassing the opponent. (Oh) Youngjong's decision to surrender GG was the correct choice. He must have thought he was going to lose, seeing he built Stargate.
-골드 마우스를 획득한 첫 선수다.
-You are the first to secure the Golden Mouse.
▶너무 골드 마우스에 욕심을 내다보면 질 것 같았다. 결승이라는 마지막 순간에 골드 마우스에 대한 모든 생각을 지웠다. 우승한 뒤에 할 행동만 생각했고, 골드 마우스는 잊었다.
▶I was afraid I will lose focusing solely on the Golden Mouse. At the very last moment in the Finals, I wiped out all my obsessions directed at Golden Mouse. I only thought how I'd react after winning the match, and forgot about the Golden Mouse.
-가슴에 우승배지를 세 개 달았다.
-You have attached three Starleague Champion Badges on your chest.
▶아무리 무겁더라도 좋다. 충분히 자부심을 가지고 있다. 100개가 되도 유니폼에 달고 싶다. 유니폼만 봐도 우승자라는 것을 알게 되지 않겠나.
▶I love it, no matter how heavy they may be. I have plenty esteem for them. I want them on my chest, even they number to be 100. All people will know I am the champion just by looking at my uniform.
-최근 포스가 대단하다.
-Your current force is amazing.
▶한 동안 PC방 예선에 머물렀을 때 다시 전성기 기량이 돌아올까 걱정했는데 이번에 스타리그 우승을 거두면 다시 전성기를 찾을 것으로 생각했다. 또 자신감을 찾았다.
▶Having stooped low lingering in PSL preliminaries, I worried if my prime stats will be back at all. But, I thought they are to be regained by winning this Starleague. I also have regained my confidence.
-최근 팬카페에 쓴 글이 화제다.
-Your recent notes you have wrote in your fan cafe's draw much attention.
▶팬카페에 글을 쓸 때에는 자신감이 있기 때문에 쓰는 것이다. 좋은 향기가 나네요 승리를 부르는 이것은 자신감이다. 팬들에게 ‘지켜봐 달라’는 메시지다.
▶Whenever I write something there, it is because I am confident. It's all about confidence. It's also a message to the fans saying "Please, do watch me closely".
-‘포스트 임요환’ 1순위로 꼽혔다.
-You have been chosen to be no 1 'Post Lim Yohwan'.
▶임요환을 최고로 존경하는 생각만큼은 변하지 않는다. 그러나 그의 뒤를 이어 바통을 받는다면 바로 오늘이라 생각했다. 이제 바통을 이어 받은 것 같다. 최고의 선수가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠다.
▶The idea of utterly respecting Lim Yohwan as the best does not change. However, if I were to ascend his greatness at all, I thought it'd be today. I will strive to become the best progamer.
-아이옵스 스타리그와 현재의 자신의 모습을 비교한다면.
-If you were to compare yourself in IOPS Starleague, and now.
▶연습 방법부터 달랐다. 아이옵스 스타리그에서는 자신감만 있었지만 지금 현재는 자신감뿐 아니라 승리에 대한 확신이 든다. 그러나 아직 부족하다. 예전에는 자만심도 있었지만 이제는 그러면 안 된다 생각한다.
▶The methodical approach in practice games was already different. I had only confidence in IOPS Starleague, but now not only do I have confidence but also assurance that I will win. Still, I need more work. I was too confident in the past, but now I know I should not be.
-팀에 잡음이 많았다.
-There are many rumors in the team.
▶창단 멤버다. 애정이 많다. 잡음은 외부에서만 들렸으면 좋겠다. 나는 내 할일(우승)만 한다면 모든 결과가 좋아질 것이다.
▶I have been in this team from the very beginning. I hope all the rumors stay outside. As long as I do what I do(winning leagues) all the outcome will be ok.
-가족과 제주도 여행을 계획하지 않았나.
-Did you not plan a Jaeju Island vacation with your family.
▶이번 8강전에서 1패를 먼저 한 뒤 결승전이 제주도에서 한다는 사실을 가족들에게 알렸다. 그러면서 제주도에 모두 내려가자고 말했다. 그때엔 결승까지 확정된 것도 아니었지만 그 말 때문에 한 발, 한 발 오를 수 있었다. 가족들이 있다고 생각하니 더 떨렸다.
▶After I lost the first game in R8, I told my family the finals are held in Jaeju Island. And, I said to them we should all go there. I was not in the finals back then, but by saying it out loud, I was able to climb up step by step. I was more nervous thinking that my family was right next to me.
-앞으로의 목표와 각오가 있다면.
-Your resolutions and goals in the future.
▶다시 돌아온 전성기를 오래 이끌고 싶다. 더 많은 연습을 하고 나와 팬들에게 실망스러운 경기를 보여주고 싶지 않다. 차기 시즌에서 우승자징크스를 내 손으로 깨고 싶다. 언제나 목표는 우승이다.
▶I wish to lead my current primal era as long as possible. I want to avoid performing disappointing games in front of the fans by spending more time in practices. I want to break the Champion Curse in the next season. My goal is to win, always.
-다음 조 지명식에서 지명하고 싶은 선수가 있다면.
-Do you have any particular athlete you want to pick in the next group decision day.
▶(최)연성이형이 듀얼 토너먼트에서 반드시 올라왔으면 한다. 아직 복수할 것이 많이 남아 있다. 내가 우승을 하면 꼭 올라온다 했으니 올라 올 것이다.
▶I hope (Choi) Yunsung hyung will make it (to Starleague) from Dual Tournament. I have much to avenge him. He will surely make it, because he promised me he will if I win the league.
-고마운 사람들이 많을텐데.
-You must have many to whom you're grateful.
▶매 경기마다 두뇌회전을 도와준다며 초콜렛을 사다 준 이광수 코치님이 너무 감사하다. 또 연습을 도와 준 삼성전자 허영무, KTF 강 민, MBC게임 김택용이 너무 고맙다. 물론 팀원들이 가장 고맙다.
▶I thank the assistant coach Lee Gwangsoo who brought me chocolate every single match saying it helps the brain to function better. Also, to Hu Youngmoo(Samsung), Kang Min(KTF), and Kim Taekyoung(MBCgame) for the practice games. Of course, I am most grateful to my team members.
-오영종에게 한 마디
-Your words to Oh Youngjong
▶영종이였기 때문에 내 우승이 이렇게 빛날 수 있었다. 24강 때부터 결승에서 만나자고 말을 많이 했다. 16강까지는 같이 연습도 했다. e스포츠 발전을 위해 같이 힘을 내자고 말했는데 그대로 이룰 수 있어서 너무 기쁘다. 영종이에게 고맙다
▶My championship shines more brightly only because Youngjong is on the other side. We shared conversations from as early as R24, that we should meet in the finals. We practiced with eachother until R16. We told eachother we should try harder to improve the E-sports, and I am happy to have done as we have said it. I give much thanks to Youngjong.
To me, this story remains one of the the most touching in progaming. After stumbling across Nada's poem, i was overcome with emotion and knew that this blog needed to be written for all the Nada fanboys out there. And if you come to my blog for games, i will not disappoint, here are Nada's vods from Shinhan 2 OSL.
Group Stages
vs Light
vs Zergman
vs Jy
Ro16 (vs TT)
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Ro8 (vs Zergman)
Game 1
Game 2
Semifinals (vs Goodfriend)
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Finals (vs Anytime)
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5
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These are for you, Dad