Ok I haven\'t even heard from this guy, the last game of him was vs Nada and vs some random terran, and he did play very well. These days he\'s doing nothing but playing poker, which makes me very dissapointed because he has all the potential to become good again, but it seems Yellow isn\'t putting the effort he put back in the day to qaulify for any starleagues.
That being said, to my delight and I won\'t forget to thank TL for this, most of the UZOO MSL vods have been uploaded again big thx to whoever uploaded them. I watched a few of his games vs Nada, and I think hypothetically if Yellow stayed consistent since Shinhan OSL 1, then I believe his style would be the perfect counter to that of Bisu. Infact I think he could have beaten Bisu several times. As we have seen so far, Bisu has adapted his style strongly for Macro zergs like Savior. Yellow is like the epitome of poor zerg, his storm zerg agressive tactics would be a match for Bisu, I just see it. Don't even mention Kwanro, because his play againts Bisu was one of the most pathetic show of a zerg i've ever seen.
Yes I know you guys don't like speculating, but its fun imagining it!1
uh thx for your input lol. I want to see a July vs Bisu bo5. But who knows I just sense Savior beating Bisu tomorrow. I just sense it.
what I just don't understand is why players slump, I mean ok you've lost but its not like its the end of everything. If you failed before, and then won, then surely you can try to win again, why fear failure so much? It will only keep you back, never hurts to be in shape. I am of course referring to Chojja, Goodfriend and Yellow, and Reach.
Oh and you can check out all the UZOO Msl vods in TLPD.
If it's even possible, I think old Yell0w would do even worse against Bisu than Kwanro. Now I may be blaspheming right here, but take just about any low-economy zerg, put him on horse tranquilizer, and you'll have present-day Yell0w.
Edit: To be fair, Fakesteve, Chrh did beat Bisu. :D
You're assuming Bisu will do nothing to adapt to YellOw's style. I'm pretty sure he doesn't go into every pvz thinking "ok i'm gonna do 1 strat lol!". In the grand scope of things, it's Bisu's incredible late game management and sick timing that's going to win him games, not just because he has a counter-strategy.
Valhalla18444 Posts
hey man do u think hot-forever wod beat bisu???????????
Valhalla18444 Posts
u kno if he stayed good....?????
Valhalla18444 Posts
what about skelton i mean he lose 2 garitmo but his style is counter to bisu??????
skelton wod baet bisu???
United States20661 Posts
edit: I think this a very worthwhile 18888th post.
United States42004 Posts
Bisu really shouldn't have wasted those first reavers.
Singapore66072 Posts
On July 07 2009 14:37 Kwark wrote:Bisu really shouldn't have wasted those first reavers.  Well, especially that one that just wandered out into the open.
Still, this Medusa inspired tactic is costly for the protoss.
Edit: lol at the guy below me talking to the OP
You dont know Yellow well? it seems like you dont really keep up much with starcraft or know some history. Also players cant be a machine and have the same Apm. Progamers are human too
United States20661 Posts
YellOw said in his interview that reavers are prone to glitching up at that location/angle.
He knew that, Bisu didn't. Interesting!
Really? Damn, everybody abuse that reaver position!!!
Ofc he knew~ Yellow to fancy to make guys so he just a PIMPMASTER with the ones he gets.
Nice bump. Yellow is back
On July 07 2009 14:47 Last Romantic wrote: YellOw said in his interview that reavers are prone to glitching up at that location/angle.
He knew that, Bisu didn't. Interesting!
bisu might of known that, i doubt he said " i never new reavers glitched right at that spot"
thing is bisu needed to defend, and he had to get through that shitty spot. yellow was kind enough to just sit on the reaver.
ive played skelton before