On August 07 2008 05:49 Nintu wrote:
Last night I made another commentated FPvod, so all together, my youtube account has quite a few fpvods and Cfpvods. So, since it's been awhile since posted on tl to plug my own fpvods, I decided to do so now. Tell me what you think.
Latest video:
Youtube Profile:
Last night I made another commentated FPvod, so all together, my youtube account has quite a few fpvods and Cfpvods. So, since it's been awhile since posted on tl to plug my own fpvods, I decided to do so now. Tell me what you think.
Latest video:
Youtube Profile:
+ Show Spoiler +
pvt - 1 gate range robo gate stops rush, begins arbiters as he wins on Sattarchasm (?)
pvz2 - 1 gate sair/dt expo against fast 3 base zerg on Sattarchasm (?)
pvp luna
pvp luna - mass goons vs. p on Luna
pvt satter
pvt sattar - speed shuttle reaver vs. tank drop build, midgame owns dropships and stomps on Sattarchasm
pvz - 1 gate sair/dt expo vs. 2 base zerg on Sattarchasm (?), dt delay topleft expo for a long time
pvz 1 gate ha ha
pvz 1 gate haha - 1 gate sair/dt expo after cannons, with commentary on Sattarchasm (?)
FPVods from the showmatch vs suncow: game 1
game 2
game 4
New FPVod w/ commentary! Many arbiters! Arbiterssss
pvz gaia.rar
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
tvp tau cross2
http://files.filefront.com/tvp taucross2avi/;8381905;;/fileinfo.html
tvp tau cross1
http://files.filefront.com/tvp taucrossavi/;8381904;;/fileinfo.html
tvz taucross + commentary
http://files.filefront.com/TvZ taucrossaudioavi/;8381903;;/fileinfo.html
tvz longinus2 + commentary(? I think)
http://files.filefront.com/tvz inspireavi/;8381901;;/fileinfo.html
PvT Tau Cross + Live commentary
http://files.filefront.com/PvT Taucro...Commentayavi/;8381898;;/fileinfo.html
tvz longinus2 + commentary #2
http://files.filefront.com/tvz longinus2 commentaryavi/;8381897;;/fileinfo.html
tvz gaia + commentarty
http://files.filefront.com/tvz gaia commentaryavi/;8381896;;/fileinfo.html
tvp python + commentary
http://files.filefront.com/tvp python commentary2avi/;8381891;;/fileinfo.html
tvp python + commentary #2
http://files.filefront.com/tvp python commentaryavi/;8381890;;/fileinfo.html
tvp vs "nyong"
http://files.filefront.com/tvp nyongavi/;8381889;;/fileinfo.html
tvp vs aFz)Bender on Gaia
http://files.filefront.com/tvp benderavi/;8381058;;/fileinfo.html
tvp vs artsoil on RH3
http://files.filefront.com/tvp rh3 artsoilavi/;8352700;;/fileinfo.html
New vods, 02/08/08
http://files.filefront.com/tvp taucross2avi/;8381905;;/fileinfo.html
tvp tau cross1
http://files.filefront.com/tvp taucrossavi/;8381904;;/fileinfo.html
tvz taucross + commentary
http://files.filefront.com/TvZ taucrossaudioavi/;8381903;;/fileinfo.html
tvz longinus2 + commentary(? I think)
http://files.filefront.com/tvz inspireavi/;8381901;;/fileinfo.html
PvT Tau Cross + Live commentary
http://files.filefront.com/PvT Taucro...Commentayavi/;8381898;;/fileinfo.html
tvz longinus2 + commentary #2
http://files.filefront.com/tvz longinus2 commentaryavi/;8381897;;/fileinfo.html
tvz gaia + commentarty
http://files.filefront.com/tvz gaia commentaryavi/;8381896;;/fileinfo.html
tvp python + commentary
http://files.filefront.com/tvp python commentary2avi/;8381891;;/fileinfo.html
tvp python + commentary #2
http://files.filefront.com/tvp python commentaryavi/;8381890;;/fileinfo.html
tvp vs "nyong"
http://files.filefront.com/tvp nyongavi/;8381889;;/fileinfo.html
tvp vs aFz)Bender on Gaia
http://files.filefront.com/tvp benderavi/;8381058;;/fileinfo.html
tvp vs artsoil on RH3
http://files.filefront.com/tvp rh3 artsoilavi/;8352700;;/fileinfo.html
New vods, 02/08/08
+ Show Spoiler +
This is a first of 3 on Luna, PvT vs. Pressure.
I am not a professional, not even a good amateur player, I seek to play this game just for fun, but eventually get good at it, and become a good player, I made these for fun, and to test out some of my video encoding skills. There is no commentary as well, so only watch/download at your own pleasure. This is the warning
http://files.filefront.com/PvT vs Pressure on Luna/;8371703;;/fileinfo.html
2nd one (PvT on Luna again)
I am not a professional, not even a good amateur player, I seek to play this game just for fun, but eventually get good at it, and become a good player, I made these for fun, and to test out some of my video encoding skills. There is no commentary as well, so only watch/download at your own pleasure. This is the warning
http://files.filefront.com/PvT vs Pressure on Luna/;8371703;;/fileinfo.html
2nd one (PvT on Luna again)
White-Ra vs Pj
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Iccup Random Zerg vs Protoss longinus
i used fraps and it made the size huge, even after compressing. It's about 300 mbs with good quality. Sorry :O!
Iccup Random Zerg vs Protoss longinus
i used fraps and it made the size huge, even after compressing. It's about 300 mbs with good quality. Sorry :O!
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
meh I made my first FPVOD today it kinda sucks and the commentary blows but I'm still trying to figure out all the compression stuff + figuring out how to use Camtasia so ya....Hope you enjoy it if you do leave me one and tell me what you think etc.
ok this is my 2nd fpvod entry its about a 16 minute commentary and i figured out how to do all the compression so its only 77 mbs :-D im so proud of myself
PvZ iccup1
http://files.filefront.com/PvT Cyrax1avi/;8893440;/fileinfo.html
Newest FPVOD of a PvT game between me and Cyrax....its kinda old game but i just made commentary today...I hope you enjoy it and also leave me some comments if you do
meh I made my first FPVOD today it kinda sucks and the commentary blows but I'm still trying to figure out all the compression stuff + figuring out how to use Camtasia so ya....Hope you enjoy it if you do leave me one and tell me what you think etc.
ok this is my 2nd fpvod entry its about a 16 minute commentary and i figured out how to do all the compression so its only 77 mbs :-D im so proud of myself
PvZ iccup1
http://files.filefront.com/PvT Cyrax1avi/;8893440;/fileinfo.html
Newest FPVOD of a PvT game between me and Cyrax....its kinda old game but i just made commentary today...I hope you enjoy it and also leave me some comments if you do
+ Show Spoiler +
I just made one starring myself.
I was tired and played a bit bad (bad scouting) etc, but decent game anyways.
It's a TvP, me being Terran. 280 apm, C-/C level.
EDIT: http://files.filefront.com//;8385071;;/
I was tired and played a bit bad (bad scouting) etc, but decent game anyways.
It's a TvP, me being Terran. 280 apm, C-/C level.
EDIT: http://files.filefront.com//;8385071;;/
+ Show Spoiler +
On July 29 2008 09:35 Chill wrote:
+ Show Spoiler +
Finally, after fighting with all video hsoting services.
The FPVod is 240Mb~
YouTube's limit is 100Mb
Filefont.. I uploaded it, but it got stuck in 3% processing, no answer in their tech forums
Stage6.. I uploaded it pretty fast, but it got stuck in "publishing" (the last step). More people seem to notice the same problem in their forum
Looks pretty good on full screen. Veoh somehow removed the background music I added, dont know why.
You can download it off Veoh, or here off FileFront.
I know I'm not a great player blah blah, just did this cause all the cool kids in the block did it too :D
+ Show Spoiler [Things i did wrong in the game] +
My Factory placement what quite awful.
I didn't scout enough on the expos.
I should have dropped in a blank spot, not over his mineral line.
I think I got DT rushed in 90% of my TvPs on Iccup, I should be more prepared for it
The FPVod is 240Mb~
YouTube's limit is 100Mb
Filefont.. I uploaded it, but it got stuck in 3% processing, no answer in their tech forums
Stage6.. I uploaded it pretty fast, but it got stuck in "publishing" (the last step). More people seem to notice the same problem in their forum
Looks pretty good on full screen. Veoh somehow removed the background music I added, dont know why.
You can download it off Veoh, or here off FileFront.
I know I'm not a great player blah blah, just did this cause all the cool kids in the block did it too :D
+ Show Spoiler [Things i did wrong in the game] +
My Factory placement what quite awful.
I didn't scout enough on the expos.
I should have dropped in a blank spot, not over his mineral line.
I think I got DT rushed in 90% of my TvPs on Iccup, I should be more prepared for it
I have no idea if these links all still work. If they don't I can't update them because I don't have most these vods. If however you do have any and the links don't work please reupload them and pm me the links. Equally, when you people release new fpvods please pm me the links and relevant info and I'll update this. I accept there is almost certainly some stuff missing here but unless you tell me what it is and where to find it then I don't care. This is for amateur vods only.
Update thanks to Cloud. All the clever formatting etc was done by him.
On July 28 2008 15:00 Cloud wrote:
FPVODs by matchup.
Terran vods
Terran versus Terran
By iG.SaJeR.
+ Show Spoiler +
Terran versus Protoss
Terran versus Zerg
By iG.SaJeR.
+ Show Spoiler +
By St)Marwin.
+ Show Spoiler +
Map = Can someone tell me this one??
http://www.filefactory.com/file/76d8ef/n/St_Marwin_VOD1_wmv (Commentary in Russian)
By Nintu
+ Show Spoiler +
Protoss vods
Protoss versus Protoss
+ Show Spoiler +
By Aux1
+ Show Spoiler +
Protoss versus Zerg
By Steelflight-Rx
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Map = Andromeda
http://sc.igamecentral.ru/blogs/vodyi-ot-white-ra/notes/protocsyi-protiv-zergov-vechnaya-voyna (Commentary in Russian)
http://www.vimeo.com/1368705 (Subtitled version by Random())
Protoss versus Terran
+ Show Spoiler +
By nymeria.
+ Show Spoiler +
Zerg vods
Zerg versus Zerg
By ShaLLoW[baY].
+ Show Spoiler +
Zerg versus Terran
By ShaLLoW[baY].
+ Show Spoiler +
FPVODs by matchup.
Terran vods
Terran versus Terran
By iG.SaJeR.
+ Show Spoiler +
Terran versus Protoss
Terran versus Zerg
By iG.SaJeR.
+ Show Spoiler +
By St)Marwin.
+ Show Spoiler +
Map = Can someone tell me this one??
http://www.filefactory.com/file/76d8ef/n/St_Marwin_VOD1_wmv (Commentary in Russian)
By Nintu
+ Show Spoiler +
Protoss vods
Protoss versus Protoss

+ Show Spoiler +
By Aux1
+ Show Spoiler +
Protoss versus Zerg
By Steelflight-Rx
+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +
Map = Andromeda
http://sc.igamecentral.ru/blogs/vodyi-ot-white-ra/notes/protocsyi-protiv-zergov-vechnaya-voyna (Commentary in Russian)
http://www.vimeo.com/1368705 (Subtitled version by Random())
Protoss versus Terran

+ Show Spoiler +
By nymeria.
+ Show Spoiler +
Zerg vods
Zerg versus Zerg
By ShaLLoW[baY].
+ Show Spoiler +
Zerg versus Terran
By ShaLLoW[baY].
+ Show Spoiler +