Hello - posting this here as I do believe a few members of the SC:BW community know some higher ups at WCG.
Long story semi-short - WCG has ignored my emails for the past two months, and recently deleted my post on their forums on the same topic. Basically, the Command and Conquer 3 admin kept telling players top 2 online qualified for regionals, and confirmed it again after my qualifier was over via an email. So, as I took 2nd place in WCG South #2 (under the nick PHDGaming.com), I stopped playing so that I wouldn't knock others out.
As I kept my doubts as to what was said and confirmed, I kept periodically asking if I was qualified - and they kept periodically ignoring me. If I am not, I don't mind sitting out if they are that disorganized this year - but I am getting pissed off at the fact they cannot simply tell me so.
As they appear intent on deleting my forum posts even and as the date the WCG South is to happen is approaching, could someone please get me a yes or no answer on this? Thank you.
I'm not anyone heavily involved in this, but I believe I read that they confirmed that it was an error and only 1st makes it to Regionals. I'll see if I can find where I read that.
Yeah, I was right. Here's what you're looking for (very last post): http://forum.circuitcity.com/thread.jspa?threadID=10326&tstart=0
However, there is still another way to qualify for Regionals via the new Circuit City thing they decided to run, so that may help you out.
Thanks Orlandu. The new tour thing they have would require I miss a day of work to attend - and at this point, I'd rather spend my money/time on something else.
Kinda sad tho.... I've competed in every WCG since the WCGC 2000 in NYC.... wish gaming tournaments would stop getting more disorganized year by year. =/
Anyway, appreciate the link, thanks again.
that's unfortunate Bluewolf =[
best of luck in your future C and C endeavors
Osaka27124 Posts
That sucks Bluewolf, sorry to hear that.
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