I've been trying to record starcraft with camtasia
the problem is everytime i start recording the starcraft minimizes, then when i put it back up and see what i recorded the colors appear messed up.
i checked for an option that said "minimize at start of recording" and i disabled that but i still get the problem of starcraft minimizing when i start to record. Does anyone know how to take care of this?
and i tried both recording a specific region if the screen (which i set as 800x600) and recording the whole screen but neither worked.
and i already tried searching for a thread to help on this but i didnt find any.
help please? ;D thank youu
Calgary25963 Posts
Here's my settings, works fine:
CAPTURE -> FIXED REGION X Fixed Starting Point 640 x 480
TOOLS -> OPTIONS (AVI) 20 Frames / s Interleave Audio Every 1 Second
(CAPTURE) X Minimize Before Starting Capture X Round Frame Size to a 4 Pixel Boundary
Some other advice: It's best to record it with a lossless codec (Raw Frams or TSCC) and then reencode it using another program to DivX or XVid. I also think it's not working for you because you set the region to 800x600 which is bigger than the starcraft resolution.
i think i remember trying this before and had problems. is there a free trial for camtasia or free version with watermarked video? well i guess it's better for me look.
Check through the options again, I know its confusing, but there's one option somewhere that will stop it from minimizing. Make sure you have it set to not show the capture border, for one. Secondly, use 25 or 30 Frames/s, it'll result in a much smoother recording than 20. And yes, set it to 640 x 480 with a fixed starting point at 0,0. I would just take screenshots of my settings, but I don't have it installed atm, unfortunately
ohhhh is ee i always thought starcraft was 800x600 resolution haha
thanks chill it works well now ;D
I don't get how you could not run Camtasia without instructions. The only bit of information you need to know is that starcraft runs at 640x480 and even most people know that. After that the settings on camtasia are very very very straightforward. Dunno why people say its confusing at all o_O
What? i don't want to use a 30 day free trial, that would be a quick month. Anyone use a free video recording program because i really don't want to crack camtasia. i would like to also mention frapps but it didn't work for me.
I used Hypercam2 which is trial but it doesn't expire, it just has the annoying Hypercam2 bit in 1 of the corners of the recorded video.
Hypercam has spyware
I have the same problem as [sj]tacticz in that order and everything is basically black cept for a few white spots. I went over Chill's response and did everything and i still get the same result. Any help?
On November 13 2006 00:48 Inj0i wrote: I have the same problem as [sj]tacticz in that order and everything is basically black cept for a few white spots. I went over Chill's response and did everything and i still get the same result. Any help?
the problem i had and fixed was something in the settings
where i accidentally had something minimize the screen at the start of record.. this minimized starcraft and when i put it back up messed up the colors make sure to not have this setting on and make sure the resolutions for the camera settings are good
thanks alot for the help. The problem was that the minimize was happening. i saw that in the first posts and i thought i turned it off but it was still doing it. guess i didnt :x
On November 03 2006 18:53 unsoundlogic wrote:Hypercam has spyware 
Is it cause once you installed it and ran a spyware thing you had new spyware? Its a shame if it has spyware, cause its a pretty nice program T_T
United States24581 Posts
I'm bumping this thread because my issue is related and it's not worth creating a new thread.
I am having trouble getting Camtasia to work right. I followed Chill's instructions but still it isn't working. When I record, the video's colors are inverted or just messed up, and the audio sounds like crap, although it's working more or less. Here are my current settings:
Capture 640x480 starting at 0,0
Tools->Options: Capture Save as AVI Minimize before starting capture Round frame size to a 4 pixel boundary
Video Video Configuration: Manual Screen Capture Frame Rate: 20 f/s Screen Capture Codec: Techsmith Screen Capture Codec Screen Capture Mode: Normal Screen Capture
Audio Source: Wave Out Mix Format: What is a good setting here?
Okay so what am I doing wrong? Could it just be that my computer isn't handling it? If you want to talk to me directly about getting this to work you can find me in #teamliquid on irc.
United States24581 Posts
I watched the video, and it seemed helpful for optimizing vdub usage, but doesn't seem to address my issues with camtasia unfortunately.
United States24581 Posts
YAY IT WORKED. Okay, here's the deal. I didn't know this but you absolutely must start recording after the game has started, otherwise the colors get messed up. The sound issue was just a matter of using a decent quality audio file and turning the volume down to a reasonable level. Special thanks to NonY and IntoTheWow for helping me figure out what was wrong.
United States42017 Posts
Whenever I try to record using Camtasia it will stop recording while I'm in a full screen application (such as starcraft) and resume when I alt tab. Any suggestions of how to avoid this?
if you have Windows movie maker just use that it's so much easier