We had to think of and realize a project in our first semester of programming and here is what I wanted to do. It is inspired by [this](http://www.missionred.com/games/reflexte.html), which was kinda limited and bad for extensive practise when I used it.
Here is an image of it
So here is my program: Link
First of all, it is in beta-end stage. It runs perfectly on windows 7 platforms, so any bug reporting is welcome! If you have any feedback on the program or suggestions on what to add/remove, then please feel free to pm me or put it in the comments ! :D
HOW TO: On the first screen select which hotkeys you want to train and press start. You can also select if you want sounds or not, and fullscreen. Press the circles to get points, when the hotkeys pop out red, click the number key to get points for them too. You get lives at some times, but if you lose them, the highscore gets saved and the game restarts.
Thank you for checking it out and keep on rocking! :D