left-side right-side
| |
|--------> | @faster speed
| <----- | @slower speed
|------> | @slower speed
|<------ | @faster speed but it didnt use up the room I created on my mousepad
so am i misunderstanding the concept and being paranoid or it really is mouse accel on my comp?
edit: now about the picture, on the composing page the both "| |"s are lined up stright but somehow it doesnt show that way on this page
edit2: problem just solved, the solution was to uninstall mouseware and use the windows XP mouse settings, I cant explain why, but when I reinstalled mouseware it came back on
Does a mouse driver like mouseware give any edge than default XP settings (assuming you dont get undesired accel)?
another thing I noticed while messing with mouse settings is the speed of double click, it applies to windows as well as SC, any thoughts (the slower the better)?
What size of crt do they (OSL MSL) use? 17 or 19? I'd assume they use 19 since its gaming but they looked 17 for me