jesus christ david kim do something
United States23455 Posts
All praise Stork.
The man who seemingly hated SC2 and severely sucks at it, but still won't retire.
1001 YEARS KESPAJAIL22272 Posts
Bye BisuDagger
Not to surprised, he never really seemed to get how to play sc2 protoss very much or have that much success. I don't blame him, I would have retired to can only take so much frustration and having the pressure from fans/etc a good decision.
Sucks bisu could never really transition well like flash/jaedong.
United States4126 Posts
Looks like Jangbi was wrong
T.T awww I was waiting for him to start beasting it up in SC2
This is so sad >< Good bye beesuit
Bisu and SC2 was just not to be, It's sad but he was never able to qualify for any individual leagues and proleague is on break, this is the best time to quit.
I hope he will stream BW on afreeca.
China6326 Posts
gg. the dragons are going extinct one by one, the age of glory passes into memory.
Makes sense unlike JangBi .
finaly . nothing has to be forced . maybe when he will end his military service protoss will get reworked in lotv and he can kick ass agian . until then gl hf irl