![[image loading]](http://www.desene-animate-online.net/uploads/thumbs/500892daf-1.jpg) Hello and welcome to my stream page! My name is Slupic Victor Ovidiu but I go by the nickname of "Xsnac"+ Show Spoiler +Xsnac comes from a humanoid-rat in a cartoon called "Mad Jack the pirate" .The english name is Snuk but first time i used it as my nick name i was around 12 years old and i didnt knew how to write it properly in english . so Snuk became Snac and later it evolved into Xsnac . and I am a high master Romanian Protoss player currently playing for n00bgaming.
From this stream you will be able to watch and learn from a high master (progressing into Grandmaster) Protoss player interacts with the viewers . I am currently playing as much as possible and am committing fulltime into StarCraft2 to one day (hopefully soon) earn the pro gamer status and evolve my game enough to compete with the best.
I will be streaming roughly 6-10 hours a day with a lot of games being played! Also you can enjoy my stream by listening to the music I play and commentating during my games!
Here are some links that may interest you:
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/xsnac Twitter: https://twitter.com/Xsnac n00b gaming site: http://www.n00bgaming.com/
Thank you and enjoy the stream!
ok will start a ladder sesion now ! will probably play for a couple of hours with very small breaks
gonna start ladder on a couple of minutes . stream is on ! will be playing a lot today/tonight !
ok been streaming for 12 hours now im gonna take a break for a couple of minutes and stream some more !
gonna be streaming for next 10 hours ! rank80 # eu
Stream up . will be searching a good pvt build and then gonna play some ladder
GL xsnac! join people, this guy is skilled!
wcs eu code A qualifier 3# streaming !
NA ladder incoming ! lost in wcs 1-2 vs roxkis.livezerg
streaming until tomorrow morning with little to no breaks !. www.twitch.tv/xsnac ! NA ladder . EU ladder . and customs with pro gamers inc !
EU ladder ! going strong . made a good sleeping schedule ( sleeping 4.5 hours a day ) and practicing 19 :D
Streaming for 1.5 more hours ! havent slept in the last 26 hours . then il go to medic from 17:00 to 19:00 , then get 3.5 more hours of sleep . then wake up warm up and start playing in a romanian tournament ! will be a long day/night/day ! make sure to tune in