If you've ever seen Battle.net Attack! or Teamliquid Attack! or even iCCup Attack!, then you know exactly what this is: a gosu hero playing a bunch of noobs, with a bunch of crazy handicaps. At sometime approximately next week, Bakuryu will enter a channel and pick out random people to play with. Those who dare to play against his mustache will most likely be humiliated in front of millions of people, but that's a small price to pay for like, 5 seconds of fame.
When: Monday, December 3rd, 20:00 CET
Where: the abyss (iccup), channel: op amazing mustache
Why: Why not?
Who: Bakuryu is an A- Zerg player from Germany. He all-killed a bunch of people in Gambit Cup, so you know he's badass.
What: Abyss Attack! is an idea that came a result of the Skype StarLeague, a project to watch a bunch of old-school GOMtv VODs and other VODs while chattering on skype. We will all be yelling random things and giggling.
Poll: We need at least one really bad map for this.
Blood Bath (28)
BGH, no rush 15 (25)
Fastest (15)
Monty Hall (14)
Plasma (6)
815 (5)
River Runs Through It (4)
Killing Fields (3)
100 total votes
BGH, no rush 15 (25)
Fastest (15)
Monty Hall (14)
Plasma (6)
815 (5)
River Runs Through It (4)
Killing Fields (3)
100 total votes
Your vote: We need at least one really bad map for this.
(Vote): BGH, no rush 15
(Vote): Blood Bath
(Vote): River Runs Through It
(Vote): Monty Hall
(Vote): Plasma
(Vote): 815
(Vote): Killing Fields
(Vote): Fastest
Play time starts at: Monday, December 3rd, 20:00 CET
Stream: Bakuryu, duh.