1) vortex becomes single target and the animation is alot smaller, vortexes a single unit only. No units can run into the vortex. costs 10 energy with a 2 second cooldown. Motherships cannot be targeted by other motherships vortexes.
2) mothership gets new spell, this spell increases mothership speed to 3.0 and doubles mothership damage for 30 seconds. Costs 50 energy with 60 second cooldown
3) mothership accell/deccell speed is made instant, meaning no longer does the mothership need to wait 3 seconds to "slow down" to cast spells while moving, instead the motherships spells would be instant cast with this change
This change to the mothership seems cool. Turns vortex into like a very powerful yamato cannon that can take out broodlords or battlecruisers quickly. But with a 2 second cooldown the terran or protoss can get off NP's or EMP's as an effective counter. But the mothership can still use its powerboost ability before combat and for 30 seconds be really strong in combat even without using the vortex. And I feel the tempest in its current form is a pretty good buff against broodlords so protoss can live with a nerfed vortex since they get tempests.
Honestly, why the hell do you keep making these threads? None of your ideas are remotely good even if it was a good thread. Just stop
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single target vortex would rather be a stasisfield. Anyhoo, i think the mothership in its current is just fine.vortex is still needed to stopp any BL instant kill blobs and forcing at least some spread micro from the zerg. In addition with the tempest, it also isn t the end of a game should u miss one vortex. So changing a unit that is so essential to pvp and pvz does t sound like a good idea to me.
Its like a stasis field but...bad. Isn't this like your third thread about random changes as well?
Learn to use tempest, realize phase shield helps against fungal growth, notice how pvz lategame is already 10x times less awful then it is now in wol. I prefer to have a recall while engaging and being able to use vortex defensively in this game. Honestly given what hero can do in wol vs broodlords without using/having a mothership and the fact that tempest actually do what they are supposed to, I really don't feel like you need to get a vortex down to have a shot at winning anymore.