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Our primary goal at the UKSCL is to build the UK scene. We want to encourage all the talent the UK has, we want to give them more exposure and we want to make the UK scene something we can all be proud of.
We've got upcoming players at the moment, JonnyREcco and Ziktomini bursting onto the scene in multiple tournaments. We've had breakout caster Jorosar enjoy a whistle stop tour of multiple major US events. We've had barcrafts get bigger and bigger, and WCS UK featured Tastosis. We're getting noticed!
We want to keep this growth strong and positive. The UKSCL itself will give exposure to players, but we thought, what about casters? To each and every budding caster out in the UK, we invite you to come forward, and cast games from what we hope will be the biggest UK tournament ever.
No matter how little or how much casting experience you have, if you think you want to get in to casting, then you can. We have so many players signed up already, how can we possibly give each of them the exposure they deserve without a huge pool of UK casters with the passion to bring their games to a mass audience.
Our plan as it stands is that each caster, or pairing, will be expected to produce a cast of up to three series each week, from master league players to bronze leaguers, to show the most epic games that the UKSCL produces.
All the casts done by UKSCL casters will be put on our website, advertised on our twitter, be put on YouTube under your own account with UKSCL in the title, and once a week, the UKSCL caster with the most viewed series will be invited to cast on the official UKSCL livestream. (The previous weeks winner will be excluded).
If you're interested, or have questions, please either email us at dave@ukscl.tv or albert@ukscl.tv, or alternatively, feel free to leave a comment below. I'm also available to talk to on Skype (karnage_dave)
http://www.ukscl.tv / @ukscleague / http://www.facebook.com/ukscleague