Naturals up for both players SkyHigh pressuring Light with a vulture and two marines Light has no offensive units left Delays the CC, may force the cancel
Mass repair on Light's lone vulture Skyhigh poking down some scvs 5 kill vulture -_- face fighting <3 Second fact done for light, second fact just starting for Skyhigh
First tank out for Skyhigh Four facts on the way for him also Light's nat is finally up and running now I think SkyHigh's was up for the entire duration of his vulture pressure Speed vultures moving out, 4 of them Third fact being added for Light
Skyhigh has the superior vulture count Microing the vultures perfectly to keep them alive Four vultures vultures get into the main, 3 in the nat Tons of scvs going down One tank going to clean up, but more and more vultures streaming
60-33 supply Skyhigh in the lead Two tanks out, but one falls to the mass vultures Mines just finish now too being laid at the top of Light's ramp CC getting focused down at Light's nat Academy is up, and comsats are up Siege mode not done yet
CC is under half hp Two port follow up for Skyhigh CC still taking tons of fire, but he pulls back with his vultures Wraiths being produced out of the ports now Armory being added for Light
Thank you to MountainDewJunkie for the thread too btw <3 Acad and comsats added too for Skyhigh, clears the mine field Skyhigh and Light engage in the middle of the map The Three naked tanks get torn though 73-36 supply Light in a ton of trouble, no defenses to speak of
Tank eats a mine as it rallies out to the top of the ramp Three wraiths out, Skyhigh should just fly them over Tanks just rallied to the top of the ramp, as a second dies GG from Light Skyhigh takes set 1 in BW for CJ 1-0
Could it more more clear that the fans have given up on proleague? There are no fans in the audience, there are no SC2 fans watching (and no SC2 LR threads), and the BW fans has whittled down to 3 KT fans, an STX fan, and X10A.
I made this LR thread 11 minutes after the games started.