Curious Journey v1.0Made by: Gfire Published on: [AM]![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/d85q0.jpg)
This was a 2v2 map I came up with. TBH I don't entirely remember where the ideas came from, but this is how it turned out. I'm hoping to refine the layout somewhat over time as games are played on the map.
Data (Aesthetics):
- Texture Set:
- Avernus Dirt
- Avernus Rock
- Char Red Cracks
- Char Lava Cracks
- New Folsom Tiles
- New Folsom Concrete
- New Folsom Dirt Cracked
- New Folsom Sand
- Cliff Type:
- New Folsom Manmade Cliffs
- Avernus Organic Cliffs
Pictures (Gameplay): + Show Spoiler [Analyzer] + + Show Spoiler [Overview] +
Data (Gameplay):
Change Log: + Show Spoiler +v1.0 - First published version.
very cool innovative stuff for layout. i wish the main players were closer somehow or maybe defending each others nats, though like everything, it needs to be tested. like if a zerg wants to expand and protoss/terran needs to defend a quick rush at that expo, its like ... good luck. /// oh also, there are too many bases, get rid of maybe one of the corner expos, cause extra bases in 2s gets out of hand sometimes, but then you would have lots of empty space arrg.
Remove the 8/2 o'clock mains and you have a sweet 1v1 map. Although 16 bases would be a bit much lol.
I like the layout a lot, but I haven't played 2v2 since WOL release so can't say if it's good or bad.
The rocks in front of the mains could be moved, the reinforcement route is too long otherwise. Also, the midmap bases are quite the winners bases...
On June 15 2012 13:05 WniO wrote: /// oh also, there are too many bases, get rid of maybe one of the corner expos, cause extra bases in 2s gets out of hand sometimes, but then you would have lots of empty space arrg.
I don't think so, this isn't a 2v2 ladder map of 1base vs 1base this is hopefully the macro 2v2 map of the future (can dream right?)
If the opponent manages to kill the rocks, he can easily shift between the two naturals. However; the defenders have to take the long route, thereby negating the defenders advantage.
Not sure to what extend that is a problem, but I could see it becoming one.
This looks pretty nice, but I don't like how the rocks prevent players from defending eachothers natural. I think I know where the idea comes from, but this is stimulating 1 base all-ins while I am a supporter of longer macro games in the 2v2 map pool.
The maximum number of relatively safe expansions is also only 2, while I think a 4 base 2v2 play would be a cool change to the scene for once.
Enough with the negative commentary, I think its actually a far better map than anything currently in the 2v2 ladder pool So thumbs up, keep up the good work and PM me if you need to test this on Europe (Callynn#2699). I do a lot of 2v2 map testing as Zerg.
I think possible issues are: * middle bases too hard * you can always defend both your and your ally's expansion from the same spot. Would be more interresting if the layout made your third expo vulnerable from another attack path than your allys third is allready defending.
I take texturing isnt final. But it's hard to make this tileset sweet I think
I'm intrigued by the map o__O; I agree that the rocks between the two naturals seem to be detrimental, so perhaps instead it could be rotated so it shields one of the naturals?
I'm more interested in where I would rally my army before I take the expansion though. That's a huge distance between the two mains and both players are building their infrastructre in opposite corners of their platform. Perhaps the two ally mains could be closer together?
I really like this map alot. I actually think that it would be awsome to remove/put destructable rocks on either of the two main ramps. This makes it very easy for one player to expand without having to worry about two entrances to their main bases. Also with the destructable rocks it encourages one player to do more of a one base build to defend/cover the other players expo. Then once the rocks are down it is easy to defend both of the naturals because of the larger choke, with destrucable rocks on one of the main ramps they could be knocked down allow for easy worker transfers/base movement for drops.
I also really like the 3rd bases the only thing I might change is to move the ramp closest to the Naturals more towards the entrance of the major choke (middle of the map). This reduces the number of attack paths earier in the game while keeping the path to the 3rd clear and defendable.
On June 15 2012 18:59 AdrianHealey wrote: If the opponent manages to kill the rocks, he can easily shift between the two naturals. However; the defenders have to take the long route, thereby negating the defenders advantage.
Not sure to what extend that is a problem, but I could see it becoming one.
My thoughts exactly. Otherwise the map looks pretty cool.
At last a 2v2 map with good layout and decent number of bases without being impossibly huge. I like it a lot (although I would tend to agree with people who have doubts regarding the rocks).
woh. this looks like a pretty awesome and well laid out map. would love to try it on ladder.
Hey, is there anyways to get this map to the EU? I am trying to start a weekly 2v2 tournament for my country and I would love to use this map If you can't on your own I would love to upload it so I can use it in the tournament.